Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1254: Is it too bright?

Xueyuan Prefecture is located in a glacial area. It is relatively cold all year round. Snow mountains stand up in a row and are very magnificent. This state has a large population and sparse population. It can be said that the Tang Dynasty had the largest population of 108 states. One of the rarest and most extensive states.

The state city of Xueyuan Prefecture is called Xuanbingcheng. The reason why it is called that is because all the city walls of the state city are cast from Xuanbing. Looking from afar, the huge city standing on the icefield land looks extremely magnificent and beautiful.

In Xuanbing City, there is a very large circular building.

Here is Taiyijiao Xueyuanzhou branch.

The owner of the snowfield altar is called Yeluchi, and he has been trained to reach the middle of the fit.

The general altar has regulations that each sub-altar altar owner must not serve for more than a thousand years. This provision is mainly to prevent the sub-altar altar master from becoming larger and not allowed to order.

But Yeluchi has served as the altar master of the snowfield division for more than 1,200 years.

The reason he was able to break this canon was because his grandfather was a robbery. At the same time, there were some reasons why the altar did not pay much attention to the snowfield state, and the relationship between Yeluchi and many altars. Therefore, the senior management of Taiyijiao opened his eyes and closed one eye and continued to serve as the altar master here.

It stands to reason that in such a desolate place, Yeluchi should have sought to relocate long ago, but he just stayed and asked for re-election.

That's because he found that in this snow-covered state, he has a kind of bizarre phantom. After taking the phantom, the cultivation will grow extremely rapidly.

Yeluchi was able to break through to fit when he came to Xueyuan Prefecture 1,200 years ago. There was almost no entry for the first 800 years, and his rapid growth began from 400 years ago. It was also that he did not intend to find ice. The beginning of the spirit, until now, his cultivation has reached the peak of the mid-fit, only one step, you can enter the late fit.

As long as he achieves the late stage of integration, he can rely on his resume as the master of the altar and the operation of his grandfather, waiting for him to return to the general altar, which is enough to serve as an elder.

Elder Xuan Chuan is the senior executive in the church. Nuo Tai has a Taiyi religion, and the number of Elder Zhuan Chuan is only 24.

But during this time, Yaluch was not very happy.

Because in the early days, the general altar actually sent two masters to help him defend the sub altar, saying that it was to prevent a sneak attack called Song Xiaomo.

Next month is the mining period of the Apparition. He doesn't want to discover this secret by others, even if they are too educated. Therefore, he has always maintained a lukewarm attitude towards those two masters.

However, I did not expect that, today, there is another master of fit, and it is still in the middle of the fit.

This made him even more uncomfortable.

Because he felt that it was the general altar who didn't trust him, the six sub-altars were destroyed by a little cub in the early part of the distraction. It was their incompetence. He didn't think that the Song Xiaomo could destroy his sub-altar.

"Altar master, Lord Beiling, they are here!"

Yelling pond, wondering when to set off to mine the Apparition, frowned when he heard his report.

Bingmo is a miracle. A batch will be born every ten years, and it must be mined within three days. Otherwise, it will re-absorb in the world again.

It's been less than 20 days since the birth of that Apparition, but the three combined masters sent by the general altar asked him to stay in the sub altar to prevent the attack of Song Xiaomo. This allowed him to agree, knowing that he had missed this This opportunity will have to wait another ten years.

"I've seen Brother Yerod!"

Soon the trio came together.

The middle-aged man headed by him is called Beilingfeng. It is said that he is very popular in the general altar. In these years, he has made a lot of contributions to the general altar. The other two early days of integration are old images, one is called Chi Shengtian and the other is called Red clouds.

"Yeah!" Yeluchi nodded slightly, and said sharply, "Since you are here, please sit down!"

For the arrogance of Yeluchi, the three had long been instructed, but the other's grandfather had survived the robbery period. Even if they were dissatisfied, they did not dare to show it.

After seated, Bei Lingfeng said: "Brother Yelu, we are here to discuss with you the defense of the altar!"

Yeluchi raised his eyebrows, took the tea on the table and drank slowly. "I think the defense of the division is very tight now, and there is no need to modify it!"

During the conversation, Yeluchi's heart was sneer again and again.

Hearing that Beiling Feng couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Brother Yelu can't take this seriously. With today's defense, if the Song Xiaomo really strikes, I'm afraid I can't stop it."

"Oh, Song Xiaomo?" Yeluchi sneered: "In the early days of a distraction, it is worth your attention. You asked him to try it out in front of the owner of the altar, and the owner promised to choke him with a finger!"

Seeing the arrogance of Yeluchi, Beilingfeng could not help but persuade him: "Brother Yelu couldn't help it. Xie Tianmu, the owner of the Liangzhou sub-alternate, one of the six sub-aliens that was destroyed, is in the middle of the union!"

Yeluchi dismissed: "Well, that's him stupid, so he Xie Tianmu also deserves to be compared with the master of this altar!"

In recent years, his cultivation has risen sharply, and his self-confidence has skyrocketed. Therefore, Xie Tianmu, who is at the same level as him, has not been regarded at all.


Bei Lingfeng wanted to say another word, but was interrupted by Yeluchi, and said coldly: "Beiling Feng, here is the snowfield sub altar, I am the altar master, the general altar sent you to just assist me, what should I do? I know in my heart that it's not up to you to point your finger before me. "

Hearing Yeruchi ’s rude words, all three of Beilingfeng were furious. If they changed to ordinary sub-altar masters, how could they be so irrational to their general altar? The grandfather who had passed the robbery period supported them, so they really didn't want him.

In the evening, thousands of miles of snow drifted and the world was white.

An ordinary spirit beast car slowly drove towards the gate.

After paying the entrance tax, the spirit beast car drove into Xuanbing City safely.

"My son, old age is a little puzzled, why do we want to enter the city in a bright and honest way?" In the car, Chen Shaoyang asked Song Ye a little doubt.

Song Yan smiled: "I have destroyed the six divisions of Taiyi Church in succession, they must be more vigilant, and at the same time, each division will secretly send people to monitor some faces, so they will certainly not think that we will Zhengda brightly entered the city. "

"Going the other way, the boy is really clever. Where are we going now?" Chen Shaoyang asked again.

"Go straight to the snowfield to divide the altar!" Song Yan said meaningfully.

Half an hour later, the beast car was stopped ten miles from the snowfield.

"Who's in the car?"

The Snowfield Division patrol asked.

"Blind your dog's eyes, we are here to visit the Lord of Yelut, and please don't hurry up!"

Chen Shaoyang stepped out of the car, releasing a scent of breath, and immediately trembling a monk of the patrol repairer.

"Front, seniors forgive me, I'll be ordered to patrol!"

The captain of the patrol fought eloquently.

Chen Shaoyang lengheng: "Huh, my son and the Lord of the Yelut altar are good friends. How can it be offensive? Seeing that the old man is not taking care of you in the interest of the Lord of the Yelut altar, he is not ready to roll!"

"Yes! Yes senior, I will leave after waiting!"

The patrol leader waved his hand and wanted to leave with his men.

"and many more!"

At this moment, a lazy voice came from the spirit beast car, and then saw a handsome and unusual young man stepping out: "You guys are coming just right, lead the way for this son!"

[Author off topic]: One more,

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