Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1261: Voluntary admission to demon prison

Chapter 1261 Voluntarily Entering Demon Prison

Song Zheng stared vigilantly at the elder Tang. There was no trace of breath on the other side, but it gave him a bottomless feeling. If he didn't guess wrong, this elder Tang should be the ultimate master in the later period of the fit.

Early distraction vs late integration?

Don't be kidding. If you change to the early stage of the fit, Song Yan still has the courage to shake with them, but the later stage of the fit, the gap is too big.

"Why, you don't want to?"

Elder Tang spoke again, his tone still flat.


Although Song Ming knows he is not the opponent, he can't do anything about himself.

Holding the black sword, he stepped into the air, landed on top of Elder Tang, and slashed down.


Elder Tang waved with a wave of light.

The seemingly gentle light of God contains immense power.


Shen Guang swept over Song Kun, his body flying back like a broken kite, and fell hundreds of meters away.


Song Ye supported his body with a dark black sword and barely stood up, coughing loudly. As he coughed, blood continued to overflow from his mouth. In a single blow, he was seriously injured. The strength of the later stage of the fit was too terrible.

"Song Xiaomo is dead this time!" Someone sighed.

Someone regretted: "It's a pity, if he doesn't oppose Taiyi religion, he will definitely grow into a fit practitioner in the future!"

Some people stared at Song Ye who coughed up blood and said with a smile, "The teachings of Taiyi religion are too deep. Do n’t talk about the devotional practitioners, even those who cross the calamity are afraid to oppose them. , But from the day he and Taiyi taught against each other, his end was already doomed, typical self-death! "

"Song Ye!"

On Feng Yan, when seeing Song Yan who coughed up blood, Li Tianluo's heart was almost broken, and tears fell like rain.

"Shameless, in the later stage of the dignified fit, he actually shot at an early distraction!" Tuoba Xianer yelled at the restaurant, but his eyes showed an inconceivable worry and anxiety.

"Hahaha! Song Xiaomo, I said, you're dead today, now you continue to show me the arrogance!"

Li Sixuan, who had been trembling with fear, saw that Song Kun was seriously injured by Elder Tang, and he could not help exaggerating, and laughed proudly.

"The villain has a will, do you dare to fight me?"

Song Yan looked at Li Sixuan coldly.

Hearing that Li Sixuan's laughter came to an abrupt end, resentment: "You, a dying man, this temple will not care about you!"

"Decide on it, don't force the old man to do it again!"

Elder Tang's voice sounded again.

Song Yan's face was very ugly. He raised the ink-black sword in his hand and pointed at Elder Tang: "Old man, in a hundred years, it will be easier for me to kill you than to kill an ant. You can be arrogant in front of me , It's just a few thousand years old! "

Elder Tang did not get angry with Song Yan's words, and said lightly, "My husband will give you ten more breaths."

"Elder Tang should not kill him. The death of his brother has nothing to do with him!" Li Tianluo knelt down to the back of Elder Tang and begged.


Li Sixuan cursed in secret, raised his hand and pointed out, and stunned Li Tianluo directly.

Ten breaths were imminent, and Elder Tang slowly raised his finger, and his fingers showed a force: "Since you are unwilling to arbitrarily, the old man is a good person and will take you on the road. Remember not to oppose Taiyi in the next life!"


Cyan's fingers slowly flew towards Song Ye, seemingly slow, but Song Ye had a feeling of being unable to escape, not to mention that he was now seriously injured and could not escape at all.

"Don't hurt my brother!"

At this moment, a figure flashed, wielding a sword and beating the finger, but it was cut off, and then the speed of the finger increased sharply and continued to shoot at Song Yong.

"Tang Tianbai, you really lived and went back. You were so embarrassed to shoot at an early stage of distraction!"

Seeing Song Ye was about to be killed by that finger, a sudden body affected.


A small sword gas hit the finger strength, and it broke apart at the same time.

The next moment, Song Yan had an old man with a golden sword in front of him.

"Senior Sword!"

Seeing the old man, Li Siwu's face couldn't help a little more joy.

The old man of Tian Jian nodded, and then slaps him on the palm of Song Ye, playing with the taste: "Boy, you can really toss and you are not afraid to toss yourself to death!"

Elder Tang frowned slightly when he saw the old Tianjian: "Tianjiandaoyou, what do you mean?"

The elderly Tianjian smiled and said, "Take someone's money and help people to deal with disasters. I'm the kid's personal guard now. You have to kill him. I, the guard, won't agree!"

Hearing that, Elder Tang could not help but sink: "Tianjiandaoyou, I hope you don't make mistakes!"

"Ha ha!"

The old man at Tianjian dismissed with a smile: "This boy is aging, Baoding. How does Tang Tianbai give aging a face?"

Elder Tang's brows were slightly frowned. For a master of casual training like the elderly Tian Jian, Tai Yijiao was still unwilling to offend and die too much.

After a while, Elder Tang slowly said: "The old man can spare his life, but he will be put in the demon prison to wash his sinful business!"

"No, senior Tianjian!"

Li Siwu shouted: "The evildoers are imprisoned. There is no vitality in the world, and they will end up in this life!"

"Tang Tianbai Demon Prison is not a place for people to stay. As long as you spare this kid, I can guarantee that he will not be opposed to Taiyi religion in the future!" Tianjian old man continued to intercede.

"No! This is already the old man's biggest step backward!" Elder Tang shook his head and rejected the old man's proposal.

"That's not the case. If you and I fight, if I win, I will take Song Yong, and if I lose, how about holding him in the demon prison again?" Tianjian said again.

"Still not!" Elder Tang shook his head.

"Tang Tianbai said that you don't want to give your face a face!" The old man of Tian Jian sank, and the breath belonging to the late master of the fit broke out.

"Tianjiandao friends, your strength may be better than me, but this is the general altar of Taiyi religion. If you hit me, it means that you are against the Taiyi religion. I advise you to think clearly!"

Suddenly, the old man of Tianjian changed suddenly.

"Senior Tianjian, I'm willing to go to demon prison!" Song Su suddenly said.

"What?" The old man who heard Yan Tianjian was startled: "Don't you be stupid, boy, you'll be gone in that place!"

"Yes, second brother, you must not go to the demon prison!" Li Siwu also exclaimed loudly.

"Senior Tianjian, brother, I have all your kind intentions, but I have made a decision!" Song Yan said with affirmative tone.

"Hey, now that your boy has decided, the old man is not good to say anything!" Tian Jian sighed softly, but his tone was helpless, but he secretly sent a message to Song Yan: "Since your boy has already decided, he is in it well Wait, wait for the old man to break through the robbery period and come to your rescue! "

"Second brother, why are you so stupid!"

Li Siwu also sighed, his face full of guilt: "It's all useless to be a big brother, I can't save you!"

Song Yan smiled at them and strode toward Elder Tang.

As soon as the opponent's detective grabbed him, he took a photo of Song Yan and disappeared without a flash.

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