Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1289: Worship

The 290,000 demon repairs are more than half of the 500,000 demon repairs in the Black Forest. You must know that in order to train these demon repairs, the king of the snake and demon took thousands of years.

Those who have no transformation can only be called monsters, and only those who have been transformed into Jindan can be called monsters.

The home that took thousands of years to build is half in just a few dozen breaths. The serpent demon king's mood at this time can be imagined, and he can't wait to unload the teenager in the sky.

However, he also knew that although the young man's breath revealed that he was only in the late stage of distraction, his strength surpassed the early stage of his integration.

With a dazzling figure, the King Serpent King landed on the city again, and said in a deep voice, "Everyone listen to the order and give me the withdrawal!"

Suddenly, the 200,000 demon Xiu encircling Xianfeng City quickly withdrew.

"My Lord, remember today!"

Before he left, the snake king looked at Song Yan resentfully, hating his voice.

"Oh!" Song Yan smiled with a scornful smile: "Snake King, do you think you have another day? If you commit such a great disaster, will I let you go?"

Hearing that the king of serpent monsters was tight in his heart, and at the same time he felt very annoyed and stared at Song Yan: "Boy, my king admits that you are very strong, but my king is going away, you can't keep it!"

The master of combination has a teleportation superpower. In his opinion, even if Song Yun is strong, he can only perform the teleportation, but the opponent can't help him.

"Try it!"

Song Yong said again, but he had a very light tone, but he had an unspeakable confidence. Suddenly, the Serpent King had a little more anxiety in his heart, but he refused to give in: "Okay, then you can try to see if you can Can't keep my king! "

"is it hard?"

Suddenly, Song Yi cut out with a sword.

With a sword out, an unspeakable horror will lock up the Serpent King, making him all stiff and unable to move at all.

"Drive me!"

The serpent demon king screamed, and his whole body broke out. He wanted to break away from the will that locked him, but found in horror that no matter how he struggled, he couldn't break it. He could only watch Song Jian's spirit sword cut. .

"No, don't kill me!"

When the sword came, the serpent king shouted in fear.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you!" Song Kun smiled at him slightly, the spirit sword fell, the sound of gurgling, and one arm of the snake snake demon king left his body.


The Serpent King made a scream, and a lot of blood spewed from his broken arm.

Seeing this scene, the demon repair army that was evacuating Xianfeng City couldn't help but trembled, bursting out of milking power, and fled quickly, even the four distracting monsters were no exception.

Even the Serpent King is not the boy's opponent. They removed the demon who had fallen out of the game with the previous five distractions, and there was no other meaning!

"Boy, you mustn't die!" The Serpent Demon King stared resentfully at Song Yan, shouting with curtsy.

"Ha ha!"

Song Kun smiled again, cut his sword again, cut off the other arm of the Serpent Demon King, and then shot several restraining tricks again and again, and sealed the Primal God of the Serpent Demon King.

The strength of his true element can already be compared to the later stage of fitting, and it is natural to seal the early stage of fitting.

Dragging the Sealed King Snake Demon King, Song Yan's figure rose up, and then he shouted loudly, like a thunder: "Everyone in the city will give me a stop, and then dare to commit sinners, kill without pardon!"

Even the King Snake Demon King is not Song Yan's opponent. Someone dare to resist his orders.

In particular, the seven families who took refuge in the Serpent King simply regretted their intestines. I knew that there was such a master in Xianfeng City, how could they take refuge in the Serpent King.

If the imperial court wants to settle accounts after the fall, their end may be miserable.

So, the patriarchs of the seven families gathered quickly to discuss countermeasures and discuss the best way to escape the Xianfeng City while the court did not respond!

However, Xianfeng City is just their root. After fleeing, they can no longer recover their former glory, but these are no longer important than their lives.

Therefore, with just one hour, the seven major families were ready to quietly head towards the city.

But at this moment, the moat burst into the air, wrapping up the entire city of Xianfeng.

Suddenly, the people of the seven families showed despair, and deep regrets poured out in their hearts. This time, in order to save their lives, the seven major families all worked very hard to kill the monks in the city.

"Tuk Tuk!"

The knock sounded.

"what's up?"

Song Kun opened the door and asked the shopkeeper who knocked on the door.

"My son!" The innkeeper bowed down to worship Song Kun, with a very respectful expression: "My son, the son and lady of the city owner, Shi Hao and Shi Ling, came to see you. Would you like to see them?"

Song Yong saved Xianfeng City with his own strength, so the practitioners in the city are full of gratitude and respect.

For a while, the shopkeeper deliberately vacated a luxuriously decorated room.

"噗通! 噗通!"

Shi Hao and Shi Ling who walked in did not say anything and fell to their knees directly in front of Song Yan.

"Thank you for revenge on our father!"

The two respectfully gimmicked.

"You all get up!"

Song Kun raised his hand and lifted the two up the road.

"Thank you senior!"

Brother and sister thanked.

Song Ye looked at the siblings and found that both of them were red under the eyes, apparently not long before crying.

Feeling Song Ye's gaze, both brother and sister were quite nervous. After all, the other was the king of the serpent monster, which killed and killed 290,000 monsters.

"Do you have anything else?" Song Yan asked.

"Senior, our brother and sister want to worship you as a teacher!" Suddenly, the brother and sister fell to the ground again.


Song Kun frowned slightly. He didn't accept his appetite at present, and was slightly silent. He said again: "It is not impossible to worship me as a teacher, but it must pass my test!"

"Senior please!"

Both brother and sister showed a hint of joy.

"If you can jointly kill and kill a demon monk in three days, I can take you as a disciple!"

Wen Yan said that the faces of the brothers and sisters have changed greatly, because they are both practitioners of the Jindan period, it is too difficult to kill the demon repair of the Yuanying period.

"What? Unwilling! Then you go back!" Song Yan said in a deep voice.

"No, I am willing!" Shi Hao said.

"I do too!" Shi Ling followed.

Song Zheng said again: "Remember, no one can help you, otherwise the assessment will fail!"

Suddenly, the faces of brothers and sisters Shi Hao became extremely ugly, because just now they did come up with the idea of ​​asking Shi Hu to help.

"I'll give you a chance to regret it now!" Song Yan took a tea cup and sipped slowly.

"No, I won't regret it!" Shi Hao bit his teeth.

"I will not regret it!" Shi Ling also said in a firm tone. After experiencing this incident, they were deeply aware of the pain of lacking strength. Now they have a chance to become stronger. .

[Off-topic by the author]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [Underworld 呱 太] [My Dream Flying] Two great rewards

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