Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1297: I am a master of game dust

A few days later, over the plain, dark clouds kept rolling, and there were sulky thunderous arrays. The breath under the sky was low and depressed.

On the plain, Lin Waner stood alone, wearing a set of close-up Yanbing battle armor, like a female soldier on the battlefield.

Song Yan and his party stood thousands of meters away.

"Master, are you okay, little master?"

Shi Ling said worriedly. She and Lin Waner were similar in age. After getting along with each other, the relationship between the two women had become extremely close.

"Rest assured, she's fine!"

Song Zheng affirmed that although Lin Binger's Yan Bing battle armor was not even a magic weapon, his defense was extremely abnormal, even the combined masters could not be broken.

What's more, in order to prevent accidents, Song Zheng also stuffed Lin Waner with several defensive artifacts.

Therefore, crossing a Yuanyingjie is nothing at all.

After half an hour of gestation, the clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker. Finally, a blue thunder with a thin fist fell from the sky and banged on Lin Wan'er.

The Thunder was too fast, Lin Wan'er had no time to escape.

Fortunately, she was wearing Yanbing Battlegear, so she suffered a thunderbolt bluntly, but nothing happened.

The second thunderbolt followed immediately, but still did not cause any harm to Lin Waner.

Dozens of miles away.

Two figures are rushing towards this side. These two figures are an old man in gray clothes and a young girl in green skirt.

While the old man was speeding, he said, "God bless, don't you go through the disaster!"

"Grandpa, you're a little overdone, although we are running to collect the dead, you don't curse others to the sky!" The girl in the green skirt rolled her eyes.

"What do you know, if he survived the calamity, wouldn't our grandchildren run for nothing?" The old man said with a lip.

"Cut!" The girl in the green skirt rolled her eyes again, too lazy to argue with him, because she knew that her grandfather was not strong, but she had a lot of fallacies, and there was no argument to win him.

Soon, the grandchildren came nearby.

When the old man saw Song Yan and his party, he could not help but change his face, and muttered, "Oops, I didn't expect that some people in this desolate place would take one step ahead of us!"

"Maybe someone is a friend or a friend of the robbers?" The green skirt girl retorted.


The old man shook his head, and then pointed at Song Yan and his party: "You look at their expressions, there is no trace of nervousness. If the young girl who crosses the robbery is their friend or fellow doormate, why are they not exposed with any slight tension.

"It seems a bit reasonable." The green skirt girl nodded.

"Boom! Boom!"

The fifth and sixth thunderbolts fell one after another, with heavy bombardment on Lin Wan'er.

But except for a bit of light, even her body didn't shake.

"Oh my god, what level of armor is that? Defensive power is so abnormal!" The old man stared at Lin Binger's Yan Bing armor with green eyes.

The girl in green skirt was also shocked by the defense ability of Yanbing Warframe, secretly, if I had such a defensive magic weapon in that year, I would not have been killed by thunder bombers, and I lay in bed for half a month.

The seventh, eighth, and ninth thunderstorms fell in a row and still failed to hurt Lin Waner's hair. Then, the heavy thunder clouds began to disperse, and the sky returned to clear.

"That's over?"

Lin Waner gazed at the sky. When she was at the Lin family, she heard the older generation talk about the monks crossing the robbery. Many of the monks would be seriously injured or even die when they crossed the robbery, but this crossing was too easy.

At the same time, with the passing of Tianjie, the Jin Dan in her body also broke apart and transformed into Yuan Ying ...

"Madam, are you okay?"

Shi Ling came forward, took Lin Wan'er's hand, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, Linger need not worry." Lin Waner smiled sweetly.

At this time, Song Yan and others also came over.

"Waner, congratulations on the achievement of Yuanying." Li Tianluo blessed happily.

"Thank you Tianluo."

"Congratulations, Xiao Shi." Shi Hao also quickly.

"Congratulations, Madam." Qin Xiaoyu also sent a blessing with a smile.

On the other side, when the old man and the green skirt saw this scene, they didn't understand what was going on.

"Grandpa, are we leaving?" The green skirt asked.

The old man's eyes flashed unwillingly, and his mouth slipped: "I ran away for a while, no, the thief can't go empty. I am ingenious, how can I run away for nothing, go, good granddaughter, we will meet these guys ! "

"Grandpa still forget it," the green skirt girl hesitated.

"That's right to listen to Grandpa. This group of people are fat sheep at first sight. If they don't knock them, they won't be willing to be grandpa!"

"But they don't look easy!" The green skirt girl was a little worried.

"What are you afraid of? Because of your grandfather's name, they dare not treat us!" The old man waved his hand, disapprovingly, and then strode toward Song Yan and others.

Seeing this, the girl in the green skirt could only help but keep up, but secretly voiced in her heart. What kind of name can you have? Didn't your name come from Huyou?


Song Yan and others turned their heads and saw an old man and a young girl in green skirts approaching.

The old man must have white hair and a right face, standing there with his head raised. He stroked the silver beard with one hand and broke it with a stick in his hand. The letter of the book was calculated to be four crooked characters.

The girl in green skirt looks only fifteen or sixteen years old, and she is about the same age as Shi Ling, with a slightly blushing appearance, but judging by Song Yan's eyesight, when the girl is fully opened, she is definitely a lively beauty.

"Lao, girl, are you okay?"

Song Yan asked with a smile. In fact, he noticed when the young and old appeared, but the two were not high in cultivation. The old man had only Jin Dan's later cultivation. However, the old man had a vague atmosphere, which obscured him. His practice, it is difficult for ordinary people to see through his true practice.

The girl had Yuan Ying's early cultivation behavior, she could not pose any threat to them, so he ignored them.

"Is it literate?" The old man's head was raised, and he shook the broken rod, his face proudly said.

"I know it naturally," Song Yan smiled.

"Read it," the old man continued.

"Sophisticated magic!" Song Yan read.

Suddenly, the old man showed his pride: "Yes, the old man is a natural machine. Isn't your little dolls heard of the old man's name?"

"Are you famous?" Shi Ling asked curiously.

"Good little baby!" The old man sank, and proudly said, "The old man's name of this wonderful machine is in the Zhou Dynasty, who knows no one!"

"Wow, so powerful!" Shi Ling said in shock.

However, Song Yan was a little bit crying, and he had determined that the other party was cheating. A Jin Danxiu dare to say that no one knows, no one knows, even a master of integration is afraid to say such a thing.

"That is!"

The old man nodded proudly with Shi Ling's eyes: "The old man likes the game dust and calculates the gossips for the loved ones, but there are at most three gossips a day. I can meet a few of your little dolls today, and it is also your luck. Who are you? "

[Author off topic]: Two more, thank you [you were so beautiful once] [your friends] two great rewards

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