Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1345: Fengmailairen

The battle was over. Song Yi left the building as soon as he was in shape. He seemed to have won, but his soul was damaged, but even the immortal strength in his body was less than 10%.

Song Mansion, Li Tianluo, Lin Wan'er, Qin Xiaoyu and even Murong Red Bean are waiting for Song Yong's return.

"Fu Jun."

"Brother Song."

"My son."

"Song of Song."

Upon seeing him, the four women all showed excitement.

"Okay, the matter has been resolved. You take a break early. I got a little bit injured and will go to retreat." After saying to the four women, he moved directly to the practice room and then entered the temple.

Time passed, and the time in the temple passed more than three months before Song Yong repaired the wounds on his soul. As for the Xianyuan power in his body, only 50% was restored.

The main reason is that the level of Xianyuanli is too high, and it is too slow to rely on the best Lingjing to recover. It seems that I have to take the time to visit the fairyland, where the spirit of fairy spirit is permeated, and it can recover to its peak in half a day.

As Song Yan hid in the temple to heal his wounds, the news of his victory over the Qingping County Lord spread like a whirlwind across the entire capital.

Who is the master of Qingping County?

Jianxiu in the early days of crossing the robbery, he is stronger than the average middle period of crossing the robbery, but such an invincible master was actually defeated by the late Song Song who was only distracted. It is said that if it is not a mysterious master rescue, The Qingping County Lord would die directly under Song Yan's sword.






Various emotions were breeding in the hearts of the imperial monks. At the same time, when the dignitaries of the DPRK did the same thing, they called their children around and solemnly told one thing. No one should offend Song Yang if they offend. If you can pay him well, you must applaud him no matter the price.

Nangong Yue, Oriental Jade Cypress, Lu Yan, who had a long relationship with Song Ye, have received great praise from their elders, and even their status at home has been greatly improved.

As the younger brother of Song Wei, in just one day, he became a celebrity in the circle of the Huangdu Temple. The posts that invited him to the banquet were no less than a thousand, which made him distressed and excited.

But he was not stunned because he knew that these people gave him posts, in fact, the real purpose was to sacrifice Song Kun, so he rejected all these invitations.

For this reason, his father Huangdu Zhifu praised him for the first time.

The second day.

Song Xuan walked out of the practice room, but found that the people in the entire residence were extremely busy, constantly moving gifts into the storeroom.

"Master, you're out of customs!"

When the two servants waiting outside the practice room saw Song Kun appearing, they quickly bowed down and saluted, their expressions were extremely respectful.

"Well! No need to be polite."

Song Zheng nodded.

Soon, the news of Song Yi's exit spread all over Song Fu, and then saw Li Tianluo rushing with his two girls.

"Fu Jun, are you okay?"

Li Tianluo's eyes were full of concern.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Song Yan took Li Tianluo's hand and laughed softly.

Although Li Tianluo was used to Song Yan's intimacy at all times and occasions, he was still a bit shy. After struggling a little, he could only let Song Yan pull him.

"Fu Jun, Brother Chengsu sent a letter."

Suddenly, Li Tianluo gave a piece of jade to Song Kun.

"Let me see."

After taking the jade Jane, Song Xun looked into it, and the message that Cheng Su left in him immediately appeared in his mind.

After half an hour.

Song Xun's figure appeared in the little fairy realm, and he felt the strong immortal spirit, which was absorbed by his subconscious operation.

The silhouette flashed, and Cheng Su appeared.

"Congratulations to the young master for defeating Qingping County Master!" Cheng Su said with a smile on his face.

"Brother passed the prize, I'm just lucky!"

"This is also lucky? If it wasn't for Xueya's predecessor's sudden shot, then the Qingping County Lord would die under your sword!"


Hearing that, Song Yong could not help but smile.

"Well, come with me, the elders want to see you." Suddenly, Cheng Su looked at him.

"Why do the elders want to see me?" Song Yan asked awkwardly.

"Relax, it's a good thing!" Cheng Su blinked.

Soon, Song Ye and Cheng Su came to the summit of the peak that belongs to the Phoenix Veins. Jun Jiutian, Lonely, Zhou Qingyang, Linghu Menghua, Blood Yangzi, and Chen Beichen, the six elders of the Phoenix Veins stood on There, waiting for his arrival.

"The disciple Song Kun has seen the elder monarch, the lone elder, the blood elder ..."

Song Xuan did not dare to neglect, courtesy.

"Well, we don't have that many rules." Jun Jiutian laughed and was very satisfied with Song Yan's performance. He did not become incomparable because he defeated Qingping County.

"Xiao Song, yesterday you gave us a face of Huang Mai fiercely!" Ling Hu Menghua smiled.

"It's just a fluke." Song Yan said modestly.

Linghu Menghua played with taste: "What's fortunate, if it wasn't for Xue Yao's sudden shot, Qing Ping has become the soul of your sword!"

Song Yan smiled and said nothing.

"Well, there are two things that have brought you in today. The first one is to really accept you as a disciple of Phoenix Pulse." Zhou Qingyang suddenly said.

After a short while, Song Ye showed a little joy, and bowed down again: "Thanks to the elders for their success, the disciples will never give you disappointment in the future!"

"Since you are already my true disciple, choose someone to worship!" Zhou Qingyang said again.

Without any hesitation, Song Yan worshiped Jun Jiutian for nine days: "Elder Jun is also invited to accept!"

Seeing this, there was a hint of envy in the eyes of the other five people.

"Brother Nine Heavens, congratulations on your acceptance!"

Although the other five elders did not receive the regrets of Song Yi as an apprentice, they quickly cleared their hearts and congratulated Jun Jiutian.

"Yeah Jiutian, you have a good apprentice!"

"And slow!"

At this moment, a clear voice sounded, and then a beautiful middle-aged Taoist aunt stepped in, wearing a pale cyan skirt.

"Elder Fang, why do you have time for us today?" Jun Jiutian greeted with a smile.

Middle-aged Dao smiled and greeted the six elders, and then his eyes fell on Song Yang, and he said in a kind voice: "You are Song Yan?"

"Amate, Fang Tianyue, an elder of Fengmai, is not ready to salute yet." Jun Jiutian began.

"The disciple Song Yan met with Elder Fang."

Hearing that, Song Yong quickly bent over to salute.

"No need to be polite, get up quickly." Fang Tianyue took two steps forward and reached out to help Song Yan.

Seeing this, Jun Jiutian's face was tight, and Haha said, "Elder Fang has just arrived, we are about to formally list Song Huang!"

Fang Tianyue scorned: "What's so good about Phoenix Pulse? If you are a genius like Song Ye, if you join us, Phoenix Pulse will already be a formal disciple, so you have to wait till now."

Then, she said to Song Yi: "Song Ye, are you interested in coming to our veins, our disciples over there can say that every aspect is beautiful!"

Hearing that Song Ye's face was stiff, what do you mean, this sentence makes me seem like a lascivious person?

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [Qing Lian Ai Ya] [My Dream Flying] [Cloud Light Wind Light Heart] Three big rewards

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