Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1357: Speak out

Chapter 1357: Reveal Your Heart

A group of girl-in-laws came in one after another, and one drunk jade girl disciple was lifted up and sent to the room.

With the departure of the drunk girl disciple, the wide and noisy banquet hall was quiet.

"Boy, congratulations, you go one step further, and the old will go away!"

The drunken **** of good intentions waved to Song Ye and left with the help of Murong Hongdou.

Looking at his back, there was a hint of doubt in Song Yan's eyes. Even if his cultivation progressed further, he still couldn't see through the truth of this old ghost, even if he had an illusion, even Master Jun was not as good as him for nine days.

Soon, all the disciples in the banquet hall walked around, but Ling Yan refused to leave, still drinking in silence.

Different from usual, there is a lot of drunk Lingyan talk. Today, she is extra silent and seems to have a mind.

Li Tianluo looked at Lingyan with a worried eye and whispered, "Her mood is a little bit wrong, or should the husband bring her back to the room?"

Song Yi froze, but found that Li Tianluo's mouth had a meaningful smile.

Song Yan is not blind. The mood of Lingyan started from the moment Li Tianluo appeared. As a veteran in the love field, how did he not know that Lingyan was afraid of falling in love with him? Before, he always thought that Lingyan was always great for him. My sister's love for her brother now seems to be thinking wrong.

"Thank you for your understanding!"

Song Yan gently shook Li Tianluo's hand, then walked to the table, snatched the bottle from Ling Yan's hand, and said softly, "Sister, I'll take you back to your room to rest."

The bottle was taken, Lingyan couldn't help but look up at Song Yan. At this moment, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes were bewildered. It seemed that her response was slow for a while. After a while, she smiled at Song Yan: "Two eggs Don't make trouble, return the wine to sister. "

"Let's go, I'll send you back to the room!" Song Yan could not help but lifted up the Lingyan, and then walked her out of the banquet hall, and couldn't reason with the drunk people, especially the drunk women. Can't make sense.

"No, I want to drink, I still want to drink!"

Ling Yan's other hand was dancing in mid-air, shouting aloud, but couldn't survive Song Yan, and was forced out of the banquet hall.

Out of a distance, Lingyan's mouth was still lingering, but it was ambiguous. When she saw this, Song Yan could not help showing a strange smile, and said softly in her ear: "Sister, don't pretend, there is no one."

Suddenly, Lingyan's expression was stagnant, and then a embarrassing expression appeared on his red face, and he broke off Song Yong's arm: "How do you see that?"

Song Yan joked: "Tonight's wine is more mellow. People who don't drink often may get drunk. But who are you, sister, and how can a woman's jealousy get drunk? However, she looks drunk. Cute. "

"Cute?" Hearing this adjective, Lingyan's expression flickered, and his blushed cheeks were a little more blushed, and his fist was waving: "What do you guys say, I ’m your sister, how can you use Cute to describe me. "

"Isn't it?" Song Yan's smile was stronger.

"Huh, it's not!"

Ling Yan's expression was tense, and he strode forward.

Song Yan quickly followed.

"Don't you, this wicked fellow, follow me." Ling Yan turned his head and stared at him with a bad look.

"It looks like Sister doesn't know where your room is?" Song Yan's smile turned into a compliment: "I'm not following you, you're going to sleep in the garden tonight!"

"So what, no one is distressed anyway." Ling Yan blurted out, but as soon as she said it, she felt weird, because the tone was like a little girl spoiling her beloved.

"No one says it hurts!"

Suddenly, Song Yan reached out and grabbed Ling Yan's hand.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" Lingyan struggled, but she was so weak that she didn't even believe that she could break Song Song's palm.

"Sister, when did you start?" Song Yong reached out and caught Ling Yan's other hand, and let her face him.

"When did you start, how did I not understand?" When I met Song Yan's earnestness and tender eyes, Lingyan's eyes flashed, and in my heart I felt the little deer ramming and had a sense of surprise. , More like the shyness of a little girl's mind being run through.

"Don't you really understand?" Song Yan pushed his cheeks forward.

As he got closer, Lingyan could feel the heat from his mouth and nose. When the heat was sprayed on her face, somehow she was more panicked, and then shook her head subconsciously: "I don't Understand what you are saying ... oh! "

Without warning, two lip **** sealed her lips. She just felt the buzzing in her head exploding and became blank, but she instinctively made a "snoring" sound.

Just when she had just recovered some sobriety, a flexible tongue suddenly pried open her teeth and broke in, wantonly chaos, and for a moment, her mind was again confused.

I don't know how long, Lingyan finally recovered his soberness, but found shyly, I don't know when, her arms were wrapped tightly around Song Yan's neck, and her body was close to his body.


She exclaimed, trying to push him away, but the other arm was holding her tightly.

"Let me go!" Lingyan exclaimed, secretly saying that he was too shameless, how could he be so tightly attached to his master.


Her hips were attacked, and a current passed from her coccyx to the whole body, making her whole body soft and unable to lift the slightest strength, and she was completely paralyzed in Song Huai's arms.

There was a smile of evil charm in the corner of Song Yan's mouth, and he pressed his lips to her crystal earlobe, then opened his mouth to bite her thin earlobe, and said in a playful tone: "Now, do you understand? "

"Hmm!" It was another strong stimulus that made Lingyan's body softer. The watery eyes seemed to be dripping, blurred, and the lips of the sakura were slightly closed, like the lack of water.

"Come on, do you understand?" Song Yan continued to press.

"You don't ... don't ... this way!" Lingyan said intermittently with strength, but his voice was so weak.

"What do you want?" Song Yan bit her gently on her earlobe again.

"Well, don't ... bite, let me go!"

Lingyan was crying.

"Then you answer me, and after answering me, I will let go of you." Song Xuan's eyes showed a thick drama.

"I don't understand." Ling Yan bit his lip, and seemed to use all her strength to say this.

"I can't think of my sister being so strong. It seems that my means to be a younger brother is not enough." During the conversation, Song Yong kissed Lingyan's lips again.

"Well, don't!" Lingyan made a vague voice.

For half a quarter of an hour, Song Yan let go of the Lingyan, staring at the Lingyan ducts that he couldn't find in the north and south by kissing himself: "Do you understand?"

"Get it, I get it." Ling Yan said weakly.

Song Yan pursued while winning: "Understand, tell me when did you start?"

"You bad guy, do you have to force others to tell you?" Ling Yan's aggrieved punch punched Song Song's chest, but he didn't force it enough to even itch him.

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