Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1365: Finally meet

The Tang Dynasty, the capital, the palace.

Looking at the mountainous memorials, Li Siwu could not help frowning, rubbing his aching temples, and saying to himself, "Second brother, second brother, if you do this, I will endanger the Tang Dynasty!"

The division of the Taiyi religion was destroyed, and the power of the imperial court was difficult to control. It was difficult to control the land of a state, especially the Song and Ming dynasties. Even according to reports from the spies, the two countries ’military forces moved frequently. I ’m afraid it ’s not long before Will send troops to attack the Tang Dynasty.

Although the Tang Dynasty always wanted to get rid of the control of the Taiyi religion, but it also had to wait until the wings were full. Now the Tang Dynasty, only Li Tianxing is a master of crossover and calamity. Once the Taiyi religion really perishes, it will not be able to resist the fire **** and witch god.

The figure flashed, and suddenly there were more people in the hall.


"Who dares to break into the palace at night!"

With two screams, Li Siwu had two more late fits in front of him. They were both his personal guards. Li Siwu also followed his expression.

However, when he saw the appearance of the comer, he relaxed, instead, he added a strong sense of joy, and said to the two guards: "You both retreat first!"

A guard appeared embarrassed: "But King ...!"

"Don't worry, he won't hurt the lonely!" Li Siwu waved his hand and interrupted the other party's words.


The two guards had no choice but to exit the hall.

"I've seen the King." Song Yan smiled and gave a gift to Li Siwu.

"Why, I haven't seen me as a big brother for only two years!" Li Siwu smiled, walked down from the top, and gave Song Yan a big hug.

Compared with two years ago, Li Siwu, who had been the king of the Tang Dynasty for two years, has undergone no small changes in both his temperament and temperament, appearing calm and majestic and somewhat domineering.

"Brother." Song Yan screamed after separating.

"Ha ha, okay! Let's talk to the back!" Li Siwu warmly took Song Yong's hand and walked to the back of the hall. This is just the place where he works, and the back is where he rests.

"Where have you been in the past two years?" Li Siwu asked with concern, after taking his seat.

"I have been in the Zhou Dynasty for the past two years." Song Yan smiled.

At the beginning, Li Siwu suspected that Song Yong was a disciple of Phoenix Tianjiao. I heard Song Yong had been more affirming that idea during the Great Zhou Dynasty in the past two years, but he did not ask about it.

The two chatted a lot, and finally talked about the issue of Taiyijiao.

Slightly hesitant, Li Siwu asked, "Do you want to continue with the Taiyi religion?"

"Even if I give up, Taiyijiao will not give up!" Song Yan said in a deep voice.

Li Siwu thought about it, and this is the same reason. Song Yi brought too much loss to Tai Yijiao. It is really impossible for Tai Yijia to close it like this, but he hopes that both sides can stop it, no matter if Song Yi is killed, It was still too devastated, and it was not what he wanted to see.

But he also knows that this is not something he can dominate.

Thinking of this, he could not help but feel a little helpless.

"Well, our brothers haven't seen each other for years, so be sure to drink a few drinks!"

"it is good!"

Soon, the **** was brought to the banquet.

After the couple drank several glasses in a row, Song Yong put down the glass and said, "I'm here to see you in addition to trying to tell you the old thing."

Li Siwu nodded and motioned Song Ye to continue speaking.

Song Kun continued: "Although the Taiyi religion has been severely damaged, it is not yet extinct, but the situation of the Tang Dynasty is very dangerous. There are two ways to get the Tang Dynasty out of the current situation. First, I can help the Tang dynasty become a dynasty of the Great Zhou Dynasty. As long as it becomes a dynasty of the Great Zhou Dynasty, even if the Taiyi religion is destroyed, the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty did not dare to take action against the Tang Dynasty.

Second, the Tang Dynasty can respect Vulcanism as the national religion, and I have some friendship with Vulcanism. This should not be difficult, and the first-class forces in various states have announced their departure from the Taiyi religion. I am afraid that it will take a lot of time to conquer those ancestral gates. In this way, the court can take the opportunity to sit up!

Becoming a Great Zhou Emperor has a lower coefficient of danger. It can be said that you have completely taken yourself out. If you want to respect the Vulcan religion as the state religion, you will face the counterattack of the Taiyi religion. The danger coefficient is high! "

Listening to what Song Yan said, Li Siwu could not help but groan.

It is true that as Song Kun said, the first option is more secure, but the second risk factor is much higher, but there are benefits that coexist with risks. After all, Vulcanism cannot enter the Tang Dynasty without the help of the court. The court could also take the opportunity to expand its influence.

"Second Brother, what do you think I should choose?" Suddenly, Li Siwu looked up at Song Yan and asked.

Song Yi said: "I think the second is better. The Great Zhou emperor's territory is wide. It may not be worthy of the Tang dynasty. Even if they become their country, they will not devote much effort. They will be able to control the Ming Dynasty and the Song Dynasty for a while, but they will not be able to control it. In their lifetimes, they respected the **** of fire as the state religion, and they seemed to face the counterattack of the Taiyi religion, but once they passed this threshold, the benefits were huge! "

"Okay, I'll listen to you!" Li Siwu clapped.

Next, Song Ye discussed many details with Li Siwu.

Leaving from the palace, Song Ye went directly to the territory of the Song Dynasty, and then went straight to the state branch of Vulcanism.

"Who is your Excellency?"

The guard stared at Song Kun questioningly.

"I'm Song Yan, and I want to see your altar master!" Song Yan said directly.

"Song Yan?"

The guard was stunned, some familiar, but another guard shouted the name of Song Xiaomo.

Knowing that the person in front of him is Song Xiaomo, several guards have become extremely tense, and secretly said, this Song Xiaomo will not destroy the division of Taiyi religion and then destroy the division of our Vulcan religion?

Seeing the expressions of several guards, Song Ye roughly guessed their thoughts, and couldn't help crying and laughing, and quickly said: "Relax, don't get me wrong, I've come to see your altar masters to discuss things!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, the Vulcan division welcomed the living room.

Yan Shentong, the host of the altar, personally received Song Yong.

"I don't know what happened to Song Daoyou this time?" Even if Song Ji Daoming didn't come to trouble, Yan Shentong, the master of the altar, was still a little worried. Even his tone of speech was more careful. The seemingly peaceful youth is an annihilator.

"I want to see you in charge, and I also hope that Yan Daoyou will recommend him!"

"Well, I will contact the general altar. As for the church church, I will not meet my friends, so I can't decide next!"

"Thank you!"

After talking about the matter, Yan Shentong ordered people to put on the banquet, and called all the high-level divisions to accompany.

at this time.

A subordinate came to report, saying that the **** son Tuoba Feng came to the sub-altar.

Astonished by the magical powers, he quickly pleaded guilty to Song Yan and ran to meet him in person.

After a while, a couple of men and women came to the banquet hall under the support of Yan Shentong. When Song Yan's eyes collided with the woman's eyes in midair, it was a little embarrassing because the woman was Tuoba Xianer.

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