Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1367: Overbearing president

And Song Yan stood still, staring at Tuoba Xianer affectionately, as if he had really set aside life and death.

In the end, the silver moon scimitar of Tuoba Xianer still did not cut into Song Nian's neck, but the cold blade frame on the neck made his skin goose bumps.

"I'll ask you again, do you want to leave Li Tianluo and marry me!"

Song Yan's face was full of tangled colors, but he secretly said that bitterness can only be used to deal with women with a gentle personality. It is useless to deal with a witch such as the witch Tuoba Xianer. What kind of tricks must be used?

Suddenly, the fire of Song Yong ’s wisdom quickly burned. At last, there was a flash of light in his mind, and the words “overbearing president” were added. The young lady likes men who are overbearing to her. After all, with their experience, there is no shortage of flattery generations around them. Therefore, the more gentle you are with her, the less she will take you to heart. On the contrary, the stronger you are, her The more I like you.

It can also be said that this girl has an attribute of masochism.

You know, before he had a relationship with Tuoba Xianer, the other party shouted and yelled at her, but afterwards he dismissed her, and eventually made her deeply rooted for herself.


With this in mind, Song Ye was anxious to give himself a slap in the face. He was an old driver in love, and would actually make low-level mistakes. He should n’t use bitterness at first.

"Little girl don't talk nonsense with him, cut off his head!" Tuoba Feng once again fanned the fire.

"Other irrelevant people, get out of me!"

At that moment, Song Kun suddenly spoke, and at the same time, his whole body broke out and enveloped the entire banquet hall, even if he had the combination of Yan Shentong and Tuoba Feng, he felt a chilling feeling.

Suddenly, Yan Shentong's face changed, and he looked at Tuoba Feng: "God, let's quit first!"


Tuoba Feng gave a disdainful sigh, and continued: "Little girl, you see now, this **** can't pretend to be able to reveal his nature, quickly, what he said before was deceiving you, and quickly cut off his Dog head! "

"Tuo Bafeng, I have endured you repeatedly, but you don't know what to do, really when I dare not move you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Song Yong raised his hand and nodded.


The black fingers were like lightning, and came to Tuoba Feng's chest in an instant.

"So fast!"

Tuoba wind scared and jumped, and his body flew back. At the same time, a long gun was added to his hand, and his wrists trembled with his fingers.


The tip of the gun and the fingers collided together, and a shocking explosion occurred, causing the entire hall to shake violently, and Tuoba Feng also issued a muffled hum, directly hit the fly outside the hall, at the same time, the mouth corners were more A trace of blood.

"How can it be!"

The Tuoba exploded with a blast, and his whole body broke out. He shot into the hall again with a gun. Although he was defeated by Song Yong before, he was not convinced. Therefore, after breaking through to fit, he has been eager to fight Song Yong.

However, he did not expect that the other side would give him a slight blow and seriously injured him.

"I don't know why!"

Looking at the Tuoba wind that rushed into the hall, Song Kun dismissed a smile and raised his hand to slap a palm.


The Tuoba wind that had just rushed into the hall was shot directly, and fell heavily outside the hall.

"It's hard to beat!"

Seeing this scene, Yan Shentong's face was drawn, the same as the beginning of the fit, but the gap between Tuoba Feng and Song Yan is too great. Now it seems that there is no vanity under the reputation, this Song little devil is too strong .

"Get out of here!"

Song Yan's eyes glanced over Yan Shentong and others, quite sharply!

"Don't be angry, let's go now!"

Yan Shentong didn't want to anger this demon, and quickly led people out of the hall, and pulled the Tuoba wind who wanted to continue to rush into the hall.

In fact, Tuoba Feng also pretended to be, otherwise, based on his cultivation, how did Yan Shentong hold him, his heart was angry, but he couldn't help cursing: "This **** turns his face faster than his book, even the big sister-in-law dares Shoot! "

Soon, the hall became empty, leaving only Song Kun and Tuoba Xianer.

In addition, Yan Shentong also intimately closed the two copper doors of the hall.

"What do you mean, asshole?"

Tuoba Xianer stared at Song Yan coldly, asking loudly.


Without any warning, Song Kun flicked open the silver moon scimitar around his neck, and at the same time, his whole body flashed, and the seemingly cricket wound healed instantly. At the same time, he took off in front of Tuoba Xianer. The blood-stained white robe reveals a strong body.

"You ... what do you want to do?"

Seeing Song Ye undressing, Tuoba Xianer's eyes flashed shyly.

"What do you think I want to do?" Song Yan smiled with amusement, and then forced it up.

"You don't mess around!" Tuoba Xianer backed up again.

Just then, Song Ye took out a new set of robes and put it on his body, and said, "It's much more comfortable to change into a suit!"

Hearing that, Tuoba Xianer suddenly knew that he was being played, and looked at Song Yan angrily.

At that moment, Song Yong suddenly reached out her hands and took Tuoba Xianer's delicate body into her arms, and kissed her lips strongly while the other party was struggling.

"Woohoo! You bastard, let go!" Tuoba Xianer struggled more and more fiercely.


Song Yan slaps her hips a few times in a row. Suddenly, the struggling Tuoba Xianer calms down at the same time. At the same time, Song Yan's tongue passes through her teeth and her little fragrant tongue Give capture.

I do n’t know how long, Song Yan let go of Tuoba Xianer, who was blinded by his kisses, reached out and held her chin, and said forcefully: "From then on, you belong to me alone. If you dare not be obedient, see how I can clean up you! "

"Huh!" Tuoba Xianer nodded gently, and then laid the entire face on Song Yan's chest, looking like a gentle and well-behaved kitten.

Seeing this, Song Yun could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, and finally got it. At the same time, he regretted it a bit. He shouldn't have done so much hard work and suffered so many knives.

A quarter of an hour later, two heavy doors opened suddenly, and Song Ye led Tuoba Xianer out of it.

Seeing this scene, Tuoba Feng, who was standing not far away, was particularly stubborn. He rushed in and stared at Song Yi: "Asshole, what have you done to my little girl?"

"Brother, don't bother, Song Lang is very nice to me!" Tuoba Xianer suddenly said.

Suddenly, Tuoba Feng suffered 100,000 injuries and felt like he wanted to caress his chest.

Song Yan followed, "Sister-in-law, don't get involved in the matter between me and Xianer. Right, I'll ask your master if you have something to discuss, let's go to the general altar of Vulcan religion at night!"

"Huh, I'm too lazy to care about your business!" Tuoba Feng snorted coldly, his figure turned into a streamer, and Song Yan pulled Tuoba Xianer to follow.

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