Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1372: Late Battles

Chapter 1372 The Late Combat Crossing

And this time Song Yuan didn't keep his hand in the slightest. When he killed the three men's bodies, they also cut their Yuanshen together, and even the opportunity to repair the Sanxian was gone. Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

As for the remaining seven stages of the robbery, there was more or less fear in his face or eyes.

If the target of Song Yong ’s attack was them just now, then it is very likely that the dead are them. Thinking of this, they all have a shuddering feeling. As the so-called lived, the less courageous they are, they do n’t know how much suffering Only to this day, and only need to go through two more days of calamity, you can smoothly promote the immortals, fly to the immortal realm, and enjoy eternal life, so after seeing Song Yan ’s fierce look, they are completely gone The courage to continue fighting with Song Yong.

As for Zhu Rongxi, even his bowels are regretful at this moment, which is the so-called step by step mistake. If it wasn't for him to look away and not to put Song Yan in his eyes, why would this be the case now.

However, to this day, there is no room for recovery, and he has only one road to go dark.

Thinking of this, he had a vicious meaning in his eyes. He was immortal, and I felt uneasy. For a moment, he had three golden writs in his hand.

The rune shattered and sank into the void.

"Is this a master in the later stages of summoning robbery?"

Looking at the three golden lights that fell into the void, Song Xun thought to himself, meanwhile, there was still a bit of anticipation in his heart. He originally planned to practice with the Taiyi Taoist masters, but he did not expect to cross the robbery first. The master did it.

After the confrontation just now, he has used a clear understanding of his own strength. Without using any magical powers, his strength has surpassed the general period of the robbery.

If you use magical powers such as heaven and earth and magic wind, you can sweep through the post-robbery period.

If you use the ninth change of the nine magical changes of the supernatural powers that accompany the stars, you should be able to shoot the final stage of death and robbery with absolute palms.

Unfortunately, every time you use the Ninth Change of the Stars, the Ninth Change will go to the Temple to accumulate energy for ten years. Therefore, it is best not to use it until it is absolutely necessary.


The void in the hall was distorted, and then three young Taoists in green robes stepped out of the void. Their looks were all young, but their hair was mixed with gray.

Obviously, they are all old monsters who don't know how many thousands of years.

During the robbery period, each robbery is a cycle of life and death.

Therefore, there are more than a hundred masters of cross-robbery in the Taiyi Religion of Vulcanism, but there will never be too many in the later period of cross-robbery, just a few.

In the late period of these three calamities, that is the only one that Vulcan can take.

There are two others, both of which have reached the final point. They are devoted to the last calamity and dare not be distracted at all. Unless they encounter the crisis of Vulcanism, they may appear.

The three glanced across the hall, and finally locked Song Yong collectively.

"Have seen Master, I have seen two Uncles!"

Zhu Rongji stepped down from the throne and bent to salute the three, with a respectful attitude.

"How did this happen?"

The young man in the middle said, this young man is called Zhu Rongkong, the predecessor of the Vulcan religion. After he entered the late period of the robbery, he passed the position of teaching to Zhu Rongji.

It is said that Vulcanism has inherited the incomplete Taoism of Vulcan Zhurong. Therefore, anyone who has become a teacher will abandon his surname and change his surname to Zhurong.

Zhu Rongji simply recounted things.

After listening, Zhu Rongkong's eyes fell on Song Yong's body again, with a bit of surprise in his eyes and a little appreciation: "You're called Song Yan, right?"

"Good!" Song Yan nodded with a smile.

Zhu Rongkong continued: "If you are interested in joining my Vulcan religion, the old man can assure you that when Zhu Rongji abdicates, you will be the next leader of Vulcanism!"

Song Yi smiled, and then laughed: "The seniors kindly led."

Zhu Rongkong reiterated: "You have a cultivation practice in the early days of integration, which is fine, at most, you are an extraordinary genius, but your combat power is really terrible.

If you wait for the day of the calamity, I am afraid that the fairies can fight one another. Therefore, anyone who has a friend, such an enemy, will be troubled in the bedroom, and there are only two ways to deal with it. Either turn the friend into his own person, or let Little friend becomes a dead person! "

Having said that, Zhu Rongkong took a meaningful look at Song Yan: "Little friend, do you understand what I mean?"

"The predecessor is an open-minded person, but also a real villain!" Song Yan said with a smile: "Maybe we can make a bet against each other. I ’m going to fight against the predecessor. The predecessor wins. I join Vulcanism. If the predecessor fails , As long as Vulcanism and the Song Dynasty did not fight the Tang Dynasty's idea! "

"Interesting!" Zhu Rongkong couldn't help laughing.

After a long while, the crowd moved outside the Temple of Fire.

Song Yan and Zhu Rongkong stood opposite each other at 100 meters.

"You little friend, let's go!"

Zhu Rongkong smiled.

"it is good!"

Song Yan did not talk nonsense, walked in the air, the Qing Ye sword in his hand politely shot a ten feet of sword light to Zhu Rongkong.

Seeing this, Zhu Rongkong raised his hand and blasted a punch, easily defeating that sword.

Then, he saw that he repeatedly punched dozens of punches. Suddenly, dozens of transformed fists literally flew towards Song Yong like lightning.

These fist shapes are all fiery red human figures, wrapped in a blazing flame.

Everyone is performing a set of profound martial arts supernatural powers. Dozens of people are working together to bring the pressure of Song Yan beyond the pressure of the previous ten mid-durations.

"It seems that the strength in the later period of crossing the robbery is more than ten times stronger than that in the middle period of crossing the robbery. I don't know what kind of power the fairy has."

Suddenly, his mind urged Wutian to kill the dozens of people.


Jian Guang flashed continuously, and a real figure was cut off by Song Kun.

In less than ten breaths, dozens of human figures were all wiped out by Song Yong.

"Little friend's swordsmanship is really extraordinary!" Zhu Rongkong's eyes narrowed, and a fiery red spear appeared in his hand.


The lightning-like spear came straight.



The point of the gun and the blade of the sword collided together in the void, then Song Xun's body retreated tens of meters, while Zhu Rongkong only retreated two or three steps.

For a moment, Song Yan's face was a little more dignified. The strength of Zhu Rongkong's outburst was at least fifteen times that of the middle period of the robbery. Is the strength of the late period of the robbery 20 times that of the middle period of the robbery, because he felt that Zhu Rongkong still has reservations.

"Come again!"

Song Yong drank softly and waved his sword again.

Bloody! !!

As soon as this move was made, a sudden rain of blood rose in the sky, and at the same time, a mysterious and unspeakable sword intention permeated.


The next moment, Song Yan stepped into the blood rain, but disappeared strangely.

At that time, the master of Qingping County was frozen for hundreds of miles, and the sky fell light blue snowflakes, but she could not be integrated into the heaven and earth, but at this moment, Song Yan was integrated into the blood rain, and turned into thousands, but thousands of blood rain, No one knows which drop is him.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Rongkong's complexion changed and looked extremely solemn.

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