Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1377: Little devil's head must be good

Chapter 137 The Little Devil's Head Comes Good

What a savvy person is Jun Jiutian. After hearing what Song Ji said, he immediately understood that he put the mark on the points to attract the attention of the person, and he himself quietly returned to Phoenix Tianjiao.

"Are you skeptical?" Jun Jiutian asked.

"This?" Hesitation hesitated on Song Ye's face.

"Despite the word, make the decision for you!" Jun Jiutian sank a little in his heart and seemed to think of something.

Song Xuan's heart warmed and Shen said: "Although Tuer is not talented, he is born with a strong sense of spirit. Even if the fairy wants to move hands and feet on me, it is not easy. Contact, and the celestial beings contacted by the students are only the elders of the Phoenix veins and the elders of the Phoenix veins.

Song Yan said more implicitly, but the meaning revealed in the words was that he doubted the elders of Huangmai. As for the Fengmai, it was incidental, making Jun Jiutian's face look good.

Originally, Song Yun thought that after speaking of several elders who doubted Phoenix veins, Jun Jiutian would definitely be angry, but he did not expect that the other party nodded in deep conviction: "Your doubt may not be unreasonable, come with me!"

Soon, Jun Jiutian brought Song Kun to see the other three elders. Why are there only three, because the blood yangzi and lonely boundlessness are not there.

"Xiao Song, congratulations!"

"Brother Jiutian, congratulations on your receiving a good apprentice!"

At the meeting, Zhou Qingyang, Linghu Menghua and Chen Beichen all congratulated each other, their expressions were quite kind, their eyes were full of appreciation.

Suddenly, Chen Beichen noticed that Jun Jiutian's expression seemed a bit wrong.

"Brother Jiutian, what's wrong with you?"

"Just now, Song Yan was attacked by a fairy, and the other party left a mark on him!" Jun Jiutian slowly spoke.

It was said that the three elders' faces showed anger. If it was not the fairy who sneaked into Song Ye, but the fairy who sneaked into him, it was clear that Huang Mai was not in the eyes, it was against Huang Mai. provocative.

"Xiao Song, what's going on, do you know who that person is? Speaking out, we help you out!" Zhou Qingyang asked.

"Yes, those who dare to touch our veins simply don't take us seriously!" Linghu Menghua, the good old man, also had a very bad tone.

So Song Yan told the story briefly, but he didn't say his guess.

"The disciple now hangs the man with his avatar, so the other party should be near the Vulcan General Altar and wait for the opportunity, but for a while, he could not hide it forever!"

"So what are you waiting for? Go directly to the General Forum of Vulcanism and dare to start with my disciple of Phoenix Pulse. You must not make him feel better!" Chen Beichen snorted coldly.

Zhou Qingyang nodded: "Yes, we will call Brother Xueyang and Brother Wuya to go to Vulcanism!"

"No need, the other party is just one of us. It's more than enough for the four of us to get out of the way. Where so many people are needed!" Jun Jiutian stopped by saying.

"That's why, let's go!"

All three felt that Jun Jiutian was right, so they agreed.

After dozens of breaths, Song Yan and his party appeared in a dense mountain forest near the Vulcan General Altar.

"Xiao Song let your avatar come out!" Zhou Qingyang said.


Song Zheng nodded, and after a short while, he saw Song Yan's avatar flying out of the total altar of Vulcanism, accompanied by two masters of Vulcanism during the late period of the robbery.

It turned out that after entering the Vulcan religion, the emperor directly went to Zhu Rongyu and asked him to arrange two late escorts to **** him to the imperial capital. He did this mainly to paralyze the person hidden in the dark, otherwise, the other party would definitely There are doubts, if there is an **** at the end of the robbery, it will be different.

A thousand miles away from the Vulcan General Altar, the Taoist sitting under the tree suddenly stood up, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth: "Boy, do you think that you can protect you with two small crossings?"

He decided not to give the boy any chance, to take him down, otherwise, when he returned to the imperial capital, maybe the boy would not shrink, then he would have no chance at all.


After the three men broke away from the Vulcan array, they immediately performed a teleportation, a move that was thousands of miles.

Seeing this, Taoists calmly followed.

Finally, after the three emperors made seven teleportations, the Taoist suddenly shot.

In order not to give the emperor the chance to escape, the Taoist stepped out and came directly to the three. At the same time, Xiannian radiated, directly blocking the void of thousands of miles, making the three emperors unable to perform teleportation at all.


Both of them were insightful people in the later period of the calamity. As soon as the Taoist immortal thoughts unfolded, they sensed them. At one time, their faces became extremely ugly, and at the same time, they looked at Song Yan with resentment. They all had a hunch. This little There was nothing good about the Devil to find them, and as expected, they didn't expect it. How long before this was stopped by a fairy.

The emperor was rather calm, smiling and looking at the humane with a smile: "This senior, why do you stop us? Do you want to invite us to dinner!"

On hearing that, the Taoist man frowned slightly. After living for so many years, he experienced too many things, so he felt that the boy's expression was not right, and he felt a little disturbed.

"Can't control that much, first capture this kid and use soul-searching to find out his skills!"

Therefore, he said nothing, transfigured a huge black palm, and grabbed Song Song.


At this moment, a cold humming sounded, but a cyan figure appeared in front of the emperor, raised his hand and punched, and suddenly, the black palm print broke instantly, and at the same time, three figures appeared in Taoist Around them, they teamed up to play a series of tactics, trapping the void.

Seeing this, Taoist face suddenly changed.

The figure flew out, and it was about to escape.


Following a series of confrontations, Taoists were beaten back by Zhou Qingyang, Linghu Menghua and Chen Beichen.

The two escorts of the emperor were completely stunned in the late period of robbing, obediently, why all of a sudden four immortals appeared, all seemingly for the little devil.

For the little demon actually sent four immortals, how much does Phoenix Tianjiao value him? Fortunately, our **** of fire does not treat this little devil, otherwise, these immortals will be angry, and I am afraid that the **** of fire will be destroyed !!

At this moment, the streamer passed by, and another Song Kun appeared in front of everyone.

When I saw this Song Yan, there was a faint flash of light in the eyes of the man, and he knew that he had fallen into the calculation of the little thief, thinking that an old guy who had lived for tens of thousands of years was actually played by a junior, and his eyes There was an unstoppable anger.

"This senior, the junior has no injustice with you, why do you sneak in on me?" Song Yan looked at the Taoist, looking aggrieved.


The Taoist hummed.

"Huh, huh, today you won't give Xiao Song an explanation and see how I can control you!" Zhou Qingyang scolded at Taoists.

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