Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1381: Two female fighters

In the restaurant, Song Yan and the host of Yinhu County were intimately hugging each other, and said intimate words, if this scene is seen by others, it must be another sensation in the capital, after all, the owner of Yinhu County is one of the four beauty . Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

Unfortunately, when the owner of Yinhu County stepped into this restaurant, he drove away other diners, and at the same time, arrays were arranged around the restaurant to prevent others from snooping.

"Yuhu, come back to Song Mansion with me!" Su Song suddenly said gently.

"General, I am now the servant of the empress, if I live in your house, I'm afraid it will cause the empress to be unhappy." Yinhu County said helplessly.

Song Kun frowned: "I was lost, but rest assured, soon I will let you live upright in my house."


The Silver Fox County Lord answered gently.

The two hugged each other and spoke for a while, the Lord of the Foxes proposed to return to the palace, and Song Ye got up and gave him away.

After sending away the Yinhu County Lord, Song Xuan faintly felt that the Yinhu County Lord had resisted him, and then thought that the other party was a reincarnation after all, and it was no longer a jade fox.

Thinking of this, he felt relieved, and he was confident that the relationship between the two would be restored to the previous state.

In a sealed spirit beast car, there was only the owner of Yinhu County. At this moment, her expression was quite cold. When she thought of the scene where Song Ying was in her arms just now, she felt uncomfortable and sneered: "Song Ye In my eyes, you are just a pawn. You want to touch me and you dream! "

It was near evening that Song Ye returned to Song Mansion.

He did not go to see Li Tianluo, nor did he go to Tuoba Xianer to poop. Instead, he came to the study and invited Qin Xiaoyu to ask him what happened after he left.

Qin Xiaoyu reported the incident with a bitter smile, and after listening to it, Song Ye also felt a headache.

Because after he left, the two women did not end up fighting on the contrary, but the battle became more fierce, and there was no real action. In the two, because Li Tianluo occupied the home field, he slightly prevailed.

And Tuoba Xianer is not a fuel-saving lamp, he said in a few words with Lin Waner without a thought.

He even started to attract Lingyan, and even Murong Hongdou didn't bother.

If this continues, it will be difficult for the mansion to maintain harmony. What should be done to resolve their mutual turmoil?

However, let Song Yong be clever, and he couldn't think of any good way for a while.

"You go down first!"

Song Zheng waved to Qin Xiaoyu.

He is going to sleep in the study tonight, because no matter if he goes to Li Tianluo or Tuoba Xianer, I'm afraid it will attract the other party's jealousy.

Mindful of his thoughts, Song Zheng took out a book of formations and watched.

But just watching for a while, someone pushed in the study and walked in, but Li Tianluo came with a plate of snacks.

"Father, have some snacks, all made by myself."

Li Tianluo put the snack on the desk and picked up a piece and sent it to Song Yan's mouth.

"Mrs. is interested."

Song Yan smiled, biting the snack of Li Tianluo and her two onion fingers.

"Fu Jun you ...!"

Li Tianluo's cheeks turned red after being bitten by Song Yan.

When he reached out, Song Yan took Li Tianluo into his arms: "Mrs. Pastry is so delicious."

"Fu Jun likes to do it for you everyday," Li Tianluo said happily.

Just then, another person came in, and it was Tuoba Xianer, Li Tianluo quickly broke away from Song Bao's arms, and stood aside.

"Sister Tianluo is here too!" Tuoba Xianer glared at the pastry on the table and greeted with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll send pastry to my husband." Li Tianluo nodded with a smile, but his eyes were cold.

"What a coincidence, I also made some soup for Song Lang. The other day, Song Lang worked hard and had to make up for it!"

While talking, Tuoba Xianer came up holding a stack of soup, put the soup on the desk, and filled a bowl and handed it to Song Yan: "Song Lang, you taste it, and see if it fits your appetite."

"No hurry, the pastry is not finished." Li Tianluo picked up another piece of pastry and brought it to Song Yan.

"Who stipulates that you can drink soup after eating pastry?" Tuoba Xianer sneered: "Song Lang, do you mean?"

"Then let me be together!"

Song Yan took the soup and pastry together with a smile, and ate the pastry while drinking soup.

Seeing this, Tuoba Xianer could not help but smile at Li Tianluo, and then came behind Song Yan, and said softly: "Song Lang should be tired after a busy day, press yourself for you."

Talking, her gentle little hands were held up on Song Ye's shoulder.

When Li Tianluo saw it, the secret channel could not be taken by this demon girl first, so he said: "I will too, let's press it together!"

"No, my sister is working hard, just let my sister come!"

Tuoba Xianer turned to one side and blocked Li Tianluo from giving her the opportunity to approach Song Kun.

Seeing this, Li Tianluo couldn't help getting angry. Suddenly, Lingguang flashed and said, "Father, I'll feed you!" During the talk, he couldn't help but grab the soup bowl in Song Ye's hands.


Tuoba Xianer Lengheng.

Li Tianluo pouted his lips, and then the eyes of the two kept confronting each other in the void.

This time, however, Song Yan was bitter. With the confrontation between the two women's eyes, Tuoba Xianer's massage was getting heavier and stronger, and Li Tianluo almost poured soup into his nose.

"Nima, what's the matter? No, you can't let these two girls stay in trouble any more, otherwise, I will definitely be the victim of their rivalry!"

Thinking of this, he could not help but make a case: "You two are enough!"

Suddenly, the two women froze.

The next moment, Tuoba Xianer suddenly pours into Song Huai's arms with grievances: "Woo, Song Lang, you have to take the lead of others. When they first arrived, Sister Tianluo gave them all kinds of faces!"

"I show you the complexion, you are deliberately provoking, okay!" Li Tianluo also excused.

"Can't you two get along peacefully?" Song Yan said coldly.

Tuoba Xianer coquettishly said: "People also think, unfortunately, Sister Tianluo doesn't give a chance at all, but since Song Lang has spoken, even if people get more angry in the future, they will not quarrel with Sister Tianluo again."

After listening to Tuoba Xianer's words, Li Tianluo was angry and angry, but was speechless. He could only hum a little and turned to walk outside.

Song Tuohuai's Tuoba Xianer saw a flash of pride in his eyes.

"Stop it for me!"

Song Yan drink cold.

"Does the husband also think that it is the fault of the body?" Li Tianluo turned back and stared at Song Ye, his eyes flashing with tears.

Suddenly, Song Xuan let go of Tuoba Xianer, strode to Li Tianluo, reached out and held her chin. Suddenly, Li Tianluo's tears continued to fall like a broken pearl.

Song Yan gently reached out to wipe her tears for her, but the more he wiped, the more he saw it, he slammed forward and kissed Li Tianluo's lips, regardless of her resistance, and arrogantly pried open her. Two rows of shells, catching her tongue ...

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