Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1389: Rat King Battle

The 200,000 Dragon Guards did not suspect fraud, and chased the defeated demon soldiers into the city.

However, the boss-in-chief general is disdainful: "It's too challenging. The prince let Ben defeat this monster in one month. The prince is too deserving of them. Today, they will be thoroughly despised Extinction! "

"Congratulations on your new achievements!"

Followed by a 10,000 team monster around him will quickly send horses.

"Yes, with this credit, when the king establishes an empire, the adult will surely be one of the top ten handsome monsters!" Another ten thousand team monster will also send a horse fart.

The other monsters will not be far behind, and they will slap the generals of the monsters.

The slayer general was smirked by these flattery, grinning: "Relax, when this general will be in the position of demon handsome, I will never forget you!"

I heard that all the monsters will have their eyes brightened, and the fart will be more and more turbulent.

At this moment, the original trembling sound suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, clusters of colorful radiance arose over the entire city.

"No, there are big battles in the city!"

A demon yelled in panic.

Suddenly, all the demon monsters would react. This should be a trap. The 200,000 Dragon Guards were deliberately introduced into the city and fell into the large array.

The demon general also had a look of expression, and then there was a hint of coldness on his face: "I will be too sad to win, but it seems that it is somewhat interesting, Yue Yue you take a hundred relatives to try the big array To see if it can be broken! "

In addition to the twelve 10,000-team monster generals who led the army into the city, there were eight combined monster generals who stayed with the Demon General, and the pro soldiers who had reached both strengths in the early days of the combination.

Yu Yue in the mouth of the General Demon is his relative and nephew, and is also the leader of his relatives.


With a wave of his hand, Yue Yue appeared with a hundred soldiers over the city.

"Listen to me and bombard the same place together!"

Yu Yue pointed at a certain direction and suddenly, a lily body guard shot at the same time.

Most of the demons are arrogant and good at close combat. Therefore, with the command of Yue Yue, the one hundred guards waved their weapons and took full strength to smash somewhere in the large array.


One hundred fit defenders Qi Qi shot, its power overwhelmed the full blow of the late fit, but when the energy fluctuations dissipated, the large array covering the entire city was still intact.

"what happened?"

Yue Yue was a little surprised, and ordered the relatives to continue to attack the large array.

However, dozens of joint attacks have failed to shake the half-point, and even in the end, Yue Yue couldn't help taking the shot, but he still couldn't shake the half-point.

Suddenly, Yue Yue's complexion was a little shaky, and he said coldly, "Everyone enters me!"

While talking, he first broke through the void and stepped into the formation. Other guards saw this and followed.

When he saw this, a soothing smile appeared at the corner of Song's mouth.

This large array is called the Nine-day Reincarnation Empty Array, but it is a super sleepy array. Xu Jin is not allowed to go out. Once he enters it, he will be trapped. He has experimented with the combined demon kings.

Even if they fall into it, they will turn into headless flies.

The reason why he did not secretly control all the cities in the White Tiger Demon Realm was because there were too few metamorphosis monsters in the White Tiger Demon Realm, and the big demon realm actually had only three fits, so he started the incident in advance. In order to attract the elite of the Red Dragon Demon Kingdom to attack him, he took the opportunity to capture him and become his own.

It really happened as he expected, and it didn't take long for the General of Demon to bring the 200,000 Dragon Guards.

The 200,000 Dragon Guards are many times stronger than the 500,000 Transformed Demon soldiers under him, not to mention, there are also several Lily Body Demon repairs. If they eat all of them, his strength will at least increase. ten times.

Time passed slowly.

The general's complexion became more and more gloomy, because for a full hour, none of the Thermaltake and the hundreds of soldiers who had entered the large array appeared, and even the ripples did not set off the slightest, just like a stream flowing into the sea.

For a moment, he understood that he underestimated the sudden appearance of the monster soldier.

At this moment, the figure flashed, and Song Kun appeared with the fifteen demon kings in the later period of the fit.

"Are you human?"

Looking at the headed Song Kun, the General of the Demon could not help but be shocked. Although Song Yan converged, but after all, the General of the Devil was in the middle of the robbery, and he could sense the human breath from Song Ye.

"Good!" Song Yan nodded with a smile.

"Little humans dared to come to my heaven demon continent to make troubles, and wanted to die!" The general of the demon restored his calmness and stared coldly at Song Yan. Although the human being was in the early days of free combination, he felt that this human not simple.

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly: "General Devil, if you lead your men to submit to me, I will spare you!"

"A big breath!"

The evil spirit general was irritated by Song Yan's tone: "Who are you going to take me this human kid!"

"My lord, come down!"

A demon in the late stage of the integration stepped out and stared at Song Yan scornfully: "Boy, remember that I am a fire ox demon general, don't wait to see you killed by the King Yan who doesn't know who killed him!"

"A stupid cow is not worthy to fight against his master!"

The short Rat King came forward with a sneer and sneered, "I still will meet you!"

The Rat King is timid by nature and afraid of death, but after practicing the fairy-level exercises taught by Song Yong, his strength expanded and his confidence expanded a lot.


The fire cow demon will be furious, his eyes will spit fire, and he will kill the rat king by waving a pair of shaking the sky hammer.

"Good job!"

The Rat King sighed softly and greeted him with his bare hands.


In the first collision, the fire ox was smashed hundreds of meters down before it was able to stabilize its shape, while the Rat King was standing still without moving for half a minute.

"It really is a stupid cow, it is too weak!"

The Rat King's eyes were scornfully glanced at each other with a proud look.

Seeing this scene, the Leopard King, the Snake King, and the Eagle King all felt a bitter smile. This rat king was too pretentious.

"Go to death!"

The fire ox demon will directly manifest itself, with arms spurting flames, four hoofs moving, and smashing into the rat king at an extremely fast speed.

"Get me out!"

Rat King's double fists pinched and voluntarily bumped up, his fists burst out.


With the impact of a shaking mountain, the fire ox demon will be hit again.

"Badly hit!"

The Rat King was suspended in midair, standing with his hands on his back, his expression more and more proud.

"This guy is really pretending to be addicted!"

The Leopard King laughed.

But the face of the demon general was quite ugly.


Suddenly, the fire ox demon will send out a trembling ox, and the momentum will skyrocket, and he will rush to the rat king again to see the posture is desperate.

"Huh! I can't help it!"

Rat King stepped out one step, pinching his hands constantly, and then formed a series of punch marks.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The fire cow demon will only resist the three punches, and the rest of the boxing marks will be bombarded on his huge body. In the end, the shape fell down to a kilometer away, the mouth and nose continued to bleed, and the momentum was extremely weak. He was seriously injured and unable to fight again!

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [fragrance fragrance] [see through brother] two great rewards

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