Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1397: Global faith

"Ten draws merged together, you should be able to draw a good thing!" Moo, Song Yan clicked on the big "award" on the draw disk. Please search () to see the most complete! Newest Fastest Novel

The lottery pointer is spinning rapidly ...

Finally, the pointer stayed on the pedigree, then, the interface changed, and five pedigrees appeared on the lottery roulette, including the elven king line, the phoenix line, the dwarven line, the werewolf line, and the pangu line.

At the same time, the system revealed the relevant information of the five bloodlines directly in his mind.

Elves are the darlings of nature, and have a natural closeness to natural elements, while the elven king is the super bloodline of the elven family after the elven king. If the elven king bloodline is merged, it will be of great benefit to realizing the realm. Unfortunately, The Elves are natural darlings and are closer to animals, so they are vegetarian. For Song Yong who loves food, it is an intolerable defect, so even if he draws, he will not merge.

Besides, the phoenix phoenix, the phoenix is ​​a branch of the phoenix of the **** beast, barely counts as the **** beast.

As for dwarves, dwarves are good at fighting and refining.

Werewolf pedigree, without explanation, Song Huan didn't look at it at all.

However, the last Pangu lineage made Song Yang very enthusiastic. Pangu was born in chaos. Both the physical body and the Yuanshen were extremely powerful. After all, after his death, the body was transformed into the twelve ancestors and the Yuanshen into Sanqing. It can be said to be the first bloodline between heaven and earth.

If Pan Gu lineage can be merged, Song Ye is sure, even if he is only in the fit period, he can easily defeat the immortals.

"It must be of Pangu descent!"

After reading it, Song Ye's finger was clicked on the word "Award" again.

The lottery pointer turned again, but Song Yan's eyes stared at it unfinishedly. Finally, the speed of the lottery pointer slowed down.

Passing over the lineage of the Elven King ... Passing over the lineage of the dwarf ... Passing over the lineage of the Nether Phoenix ... Continue to pass over the lineage of the werewolf, and at the sight of it will stop on the Pangu lineage, Song Xuan's heart suddenly tightened and he shouted: "Stop, Stop! "

Perhaps God heard his prayer, and the lottery pointer finally stopped at the edge of Pangu lineage.

"Crouch! Send it!"

"Sink, don't you!"

Just as Song Yong danced and celebrated, the draw pointer jumped again, jumping to the elven king bloodline.

Extremely sad!

"System, your uncle, are you kidding me?"

Song Yan wanted to cry without tears, so Pangu's ancestry was lost with him.

The next moment, a light green light shot from the lottery disc and fell into his sea of ​​knowledge, but it was a drop of crystal clear light green blood.

"Not willing!"

Song Yan's eyes were a little red, so try the fame prize draw?

Anyway, there are now 40 billion celebrities.


"Meow, I'm going to draw with fame."

"If you deduct 5 billion fame, you can draw a lottery," said Miao Wuxi, who was obviously amused by Song Yun's bad luck.

There is nothing to say, Song Yan directly clicked on the word "Award".

The raffle pointer turned again, and finally stopped on the lineage again.

Then, the lottery disk changed, and five bloodlines reappeared, namely the ancestor bloodline, werewolf bloodline, dwarven bloodline, Hades bloodline and Pangu bloodline.

Seeing Pangu pedigree, Song Yong secretly squeezed his fists.

"let's go!"

He clicked on the "Award" on the disc again, and the pointer quickly turned.

In the end, the pointer stopped on the bloodline ancestor.

The ancestor of the blood race is one of the three thousand demon gods in chaos, and it is also a very powerful race, but there is still a big gap compared with Pangu, because after the awakening of Pangu in the chaos, the three thousand demon gods struck together , But the result was killed by Pangu.

The ancestor of the blood race escaped by chance, but was also seriously injured.

Previously, in the trial world, Song Kun had drawn a vampire bloodline. After being swallowed, Yue Yue directly broke into the vampire emperor's realm, which is equivalent to the master of distraction among the immortals.

Vampires are not true bloodlines, they only have a small bloodline.

If Song Huan now incorporates the bloodline ancestors' blood, he can still slay ordinary immortals, but he cannot exceed the bloodline ancestors in the future.

Although the ancestors of the blood tribe have surpassed the existence of the **** king, if Song Gu did not appear, Song Xuan might accept it with ease, but now that he has a stronger Pan Gu blood, he is a little unwilling.

"Meow, how much fame is needed for the next draw!"

"Twenty billion," Meow replied.

"Would you like to smoke again?" Song Zheng hesitated.

"Fuck, isn't that just fame, you can continue to make money without it, big deal, I'll go to two silver worlds to get fame!"

With this in mind, Song Yan began to continue to draw.

The raffle pointer turns and stays on the lineage.

The interface changed, and five blood veins appeared, as did Pangu blood veins.

At the next moment, Song Zheng directly clicked on the word "award", and the draw pointer started to rotate again.

This time, instead of looking again, he closed his eyes.

After a while, a drop of dark golden light fell into the sea of ​​his knowledge, and a search revealed that Song Ye could not help showing great joy, because this time he finally won the Pangu lineage.

"Meow, how long does it take to fuse Pangu blood?" Feeling the huge energy contained in the dark golden blood, Song Kun asked.

Meow said: "One of the top pedigrees of Pangu lineage, with your current cultivation as the fusion, will fall directly into deep sleep, so Ben Meow suggests that you reach the fairyland and then enter the fusion!"

Song Kun sank in his heart, and then asked, "If I now merge, how long will I sleep at least?"

"At least a thousand years, maybe ten thousand years!"


Song Yan can't help but yell at his mother again. Even for thousands of years, it takes one year for a thousand times the proportion of time in the temple. Endure!

It seems that only after entering the next mission world and then integrating, after all, even if the mission world has been in the past ten years, the main world is only one day away.

After having a plan in mind, Song Yan's mind was not so entangled.

"Ding, the main world mission, global beliefs, please ask the host to collect more than half of the main world's population of faith within three years, reward 50 billion for completing the mission, and deduct 80 billion for fame!"

"Meow, what does this mean?" Song Yan was a little bit embarrassed, so how can the master world release missions.

Meow said: "That's the meaning, you still have to figure out how to complete the task. If your reputation is deducted to a negative number, the system will directly kill you."

Hearing that Song Kun was silent, and after a while, he said, "What is the power of faith, is it the same as fame?"

Meow replied: "Of course it's different. As long as someone knows your Song Ming's name, you can get fame, but the faith is much harsher. It must be people who know you have a good feeling or gratitude, Let ’s work hard, Ben Meow is optimistic about you! ”

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [leave] [Sao monkey] [Cloud light wind _ heart] [Deng Wei a purple chess trace] Four big rewards

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