Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1399: Song Li

Song Kun made eleven dishes in total, almost filling the entire round table.

"Everyone come to eat." Song Yan greeted him. In fact, he didn't need to say hello, the girls came to the dining room with a smell.

Soon, the girls were seated, and Murong Keke couldn't wait to pick up the chopsticks and pick up a stir-fried Lingchi and put it in her mouth. Just chewing, an unspeakable taste exploded in her mouth and captured Up her taste buds.

"Too ... so delicious, the smelly scholar's cooking has grown a lot!"

Speaking of ambiguity, Murong Keke swallowed the meat pieces after chewing a few times, and then stretched the chopsticks to another plate of stir-fried spiritual vegetables.

When other girls saw her intoxicated look, they could not bear it any more. They picked up chopsticks and stretched out to the other plates on the table. Then they all showed a very surprised look.

Song Yan also picked up chopsticks and put a piece of stir-fried chicken into his mouth. Then he nodded secretly. The cooking skill reached the level of food god. The taste of the dishes he made was at least three times higher than before, plus this use They are all ingredients from Xiuxian Realm, which contain aura, not only delicious, but also good for Xiuwei.

Because the dishes were so delicious, all the girls couldn't help talking. In just twenty minutes, all eleven dishes became clean.

"Stink scholar, others still want to eat." Murong Keke stretched out her pink tongue and licked the oil stains on her lips, and said to Song Yi with a longing tone.

"Brother Song, I think so."

Guan Keke also looked at Song Yan shyly, eagerly.

"Great general!"

"My son!"

Everyone said one by one that they still wanted.

"Okay, I'll do it again!"

Song Yan got up very simply, and he was very happy that the dishes he made were popular with the girls.

In just half an hour, Song Yong made fifteen different dishes again and brought them to the dining table. The girls didn't know what was polite and picked up chopsticks.

Because the fifteen dishes of Song Kui have been made in sufficient quantities this time, the girls did not ask Song Kui to continue to cook, but there was still a sense of intent in their eyes.

"The task of washing dishes is left to you." Song Yi said.

"I'll wash the dishes." Qin Xiaoyu rushed.

"I'm here to help." Guan Keke also stood up and helped Qin Xiaoyu pick up dishes and chopsticks. Others were also embarrassed and helped.

After half an hour.

In the living room, the girls sat around Song Yong.

Slightly groaned: "I plan to be a star, as well as a celebrity doctor and celebrity chef. Do you have any good proposals to make me fire as fast as possible!"


When she heard what Song Yan said, the girls were very confused and surprised, and Murong Keke couldn't help but laugh out loud: "Fucky student, are you kidding me, you are going to be a actor!"

Song Yan's face went dark: "It's a star, not a showman."

"That's not the same!"

Although Murong Keke has adapted to this world, some thoughts are still difficult to change for a moment and a half. In her opinion, those who sing and perform are all so-called operas.

Before he could correct Mu Rongke's thoughts, Chun He said again, "General, how can you be a cook and a doctor in your capacity?"

"Yeah, the general should be high above him, and he shouldn't hold low business!" Qiu Xiang nodded deeply.

"Song Lang, aren't you bad?"

Tuoba Xianer also spoke.

"Enough, I'll discuss with you how to open the situation, instead of letting you ridicule me." Song Yan said a little bit angrily.

Seeing that Song Kun was angry, the girls also converged, and they helped to make plans.

However, none are useful.

At this moment, Guan Keke said: "Brother Song, in fact, I don't think you need to open a restaurant. You can develop several cooked food recipes and then make mature foods. If you can sell them all over the world, your name will follow. To the world. "

"Nice!" Song Yan's eyes lighted up. Cooked food is indeed a way to start. First of all, cooked food has a longer shelf life and the price is not high. Almost everyone can afford it. It is indeed much better than the idea of ​​opening a restaurant.

After discussing with the women for an hour, Song Ye went straight to Zhao's house.

Zhao Jianai is one of the top ten families of the Yanhuang family and has many industries. It will be much easier to promote his cooked food by using their channels. The most important thing is to save time.

After all, this task is only three years old.

When Song Yan told Zhao Changsheng of his intentions, the other side was very surprised: "Ama, are you short of money? If you need, my Zhao family will mobilize 35 to 50 billion for you. It is not a problem."

Song Yan said with a bit of laughter: "Don't get me wrong, I don't do this for money, but for a special reason!"

Zhao Changsheng said: "Since you don't want to tell the reason, my righteous father is not reluctant. There are a few snack manufacturers in our Zhao family to comply with your request, and our Zhao family has a hundred in the country. Many supermarkets, waiting for your cooked food to be produced, can be directly listed in these supermarkets! "

"Thank you so much for your righteous father." Song Zheng thanked.

Zhao Changsheng smiled: "The family doesn't say two words. You have brought too much to our Zhao family. I do n’t do anything for you. If you have any other things, just speak up and help the Father. Don't quit! "

"Then there is an entertainment company and a pharmaceutical company in our Zhao family?" Song Yan asked in his heart.

"Yes!" Zhao Changsheng nodded: "Tianyi Entertainment is the secretly controlled company of our Zhao family, and Liushun Pharmaceutical Company and our Zhao family's controlled company!"

"That's great!" Song Yan said happily.

In a blink of an eye, Song Ye had returned to the main world for ten days. After ten days of preparation, all three cooked foods he had developed were successfully put into production.

The three cooked foods he developed are the odd chicken feet, the odd duck neck, and the dried tofu.

For all three cooked foods, he re-registered the trademark and named it directly under his name "Song Ming".

Because of the mass production, these three cooked foods are not as delicious as the dishes he made himself, but they are at least ten times better than the chicken feet, duck neck and dried tofu on the market.

But the price is not high.

Songya brand chicken feet are priced at five yuan per bag, Songya brand chicken feet are priced at six yuan a bag, and Songya brand dried tofu is priced at three yuan a bag.

In order to promote himself, he not only named him directly, but also printed his head on each package.

Because the deli factory workers are all from the Zhao family, Song Yan borrowed chickens to lay eggs. Therefore, after consultation, the profits earned by the family were five to five points away from the Zhao family. Originally, Zhao Changsheng had no profit.

However, Song Yan insisted on giving money. To him, money was a number. He would not torture or toss if he did not complete system tasks.

When the three cooked foods were put into production, major TV stations frantically advertised them.

Not only that, even major video websites have advertised for these three cooked foods.

Therefore, in just one day, these three cooked foods were known by most of the people in the Yan and Huang Kingdoms. Many people went to the supermarket to buy after watching the ads. , But has not been on the shelves, it can not be bought at all.

[Digression by the author]: Three updates have been completed, thanks to [perfume fragrance] [light and dark xu] [liu Meng Long] three great rewards.

Khan, the last chapter wrote Lin Waner and Ling Yan, and my brain was confused!

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