Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1415: Reverse

In this regard, Song Yan did not mean to stop, let Shangguan Gao Fei vent, as for the other three people to see this scene, their faces appeared with fear.

After a long while, Shangguan Gao Fei finally closed it, and the face of the first-class actress became puffy and bloody, not to mention the slightest beauty.

"Are you comfortable? If not, there are three more!"

Song Ying asked with a smile.

Hearing that Shangguan Gao Fei couldn't help keeping an eye on the other three.

"No, I beg you to forgive me. I am acting obediently, and I definitely did not mean to injustice Miss Murong!" The third-rate actress fell to her knees, crying crying for mercy.

"Miss Shangguan, I also know wrong, please forgive me!"

Murong Xinyue's agent also followed his knees.


Shangguan Gao Fei kicked him twice and fell down, and then shouted loudly: "You wore the white-eyed wolf and pleading, Xiaoyueer didn't treat you badly, but you fell into trouble at that time, it was just her A trowel on my chest! "

"I was wrong. I was really wrong. Please ask Miss Shangguan to give me another chance!"

The other side crawled over the ground, begging, but with a deep grue in his eyes, he had made a decision in his heart. As long as he escaped, he would expose Murong Xinyue again. Let her go forever!

"Now that you know something wrong, immediately take out your phone and send the whole process of framed Murong Xinyue to the scarf!" Song Yan said, "Yes, don't play tricks, otherwise ...!"

Having said that, Song Yan suddenly raised his feet and then dropped.


He stepped out of a hole directly on the ground.

Seeing this, the other person's fat suddenly trembled, and then he took out his mobile phone.

Although he was very unwilling, he still edited it on the neck according to Song Yan's request, and in order to win the trust of Song Yan, he also purposely posted a receipt message to him.

As Murong Xinyue's agent, because he often sends out news about Murong Xinyue, his bib has a high degree of attention, with a total of 2 million people.

Therefore, when this bib was issued, it quickly caught the attention of many people.

At the same time, Song Zheng followed the phone and went out.

Then in just five minutes, five celebrities with first-class fame were reposted.

The five first-line stars have more than 20 million followers, and even one of them called Madhwa has reached 50 million followers.

The news of Murong Xinyue had almost subsided, but with the retransmission of five front-line stars, it quickly caused a stir in the entertainment industry.

As for these five front-line stars are all Zhao Changming's relationship.

ten minutes later.

Zhang Dabear, a well-known domestic TV director, also reposted this Weibo with a comment: I don't know what talents Murong Xinyue has offended to attract so many people, but I can guarantee she is a very dedicated actor.

Although Zhang Dabear didn't enter the film industry, his TV series was filming a fire and a movie. I don't know how many stars he has won. Although his followers only attracted 8 million, he is so supportive. The servings are full.

Song Ye once had a cooperation with Zhang Da Beard. In order to sell beauty shops, he asked him to shoot two beauty dans.

After Zhang Beard made a sound, Zheng Yan and Zhou Yuling also issued bibs to support Murong Xinyue.

Zheng Yan played the role of Yuer Gege in the north and south of the river, but later withdrew from the entertainment industry to marry a wealthy man, but it was different from imagination, and finally wanted to come back, but she was old.

Later, she took Song Yan's beauty dan, and regained her youthful appearance. Although she has not recovered to her original reputation, she has also reached the top of the second line.

As for Zhou Yuling, she is an over-aged female celebrity. She has reached the age of 62. Later, she was taking Song Yan's cosmetology to restore her youthful appearance. She is now active in the entertainment industry. Even some time ago, she took an 18 Year-old princess character.

Now that fame has returned to the top of the second line, it is possible to enter the front line at any time.

After the two men issued a scarf to support Murong Xinyue, those stars or directors who have cooperated with Murong Xinyue have all expressed their support for Murong Xinyue, and explained that Murong Xinyue never misbehaves when filming. The group performances were very peaceful.

The speed of online trends is changing, and many people are caught off guard.

Inside the warehouse.

Song Yan's eyes fell on the front-line actress who was bruised all over: "Now, you apologize to Murong Xinyue!"

"Don't even think about killing me, I won't post it!"

The frontline actress chuckled.

"Since you don't want to take this opportunity, forget it! Come in!"

There was a smirk in the corner of Song's mouth.

Just then, a group of policemen strode in.

When the police arrived, Shangguan Gaofei couldn't help but be surprised, and the front-line actress was overjoyed, ran towards them, and shouted, "Police officers are here just right, someone kidnapped me! Get them all up!"

The headed policeman said lightly: "Wang Yufeng, you are suspected of bewilderment, deliberately slandering her reputation, and inciting fans to cause trouble, which has greatly affected Murong Xinyue's reputation. Now, please come with us!

"Ah!" Wang Yufeng couldn't help but hear the words of the police, and then screamed, "No, I didn't. They kidnapped me!"

"Take it away!" There was a hint of disgust in the head of the police, and then the two policemen stepped out and erected Wang Yufeng, forcibly checking out the warehouse.

The headed policeman made a courtesy to Song Ye before leaving with the others.

Seeing this scene, the other three were dumbfounded, and at the same time, they knew that they might have encountered a terrible fierce man this time.

"How about you? Would you like to send a scarf to clarify the facts? Or would you like to go to jail?" Song Yan looked at the third-rate actress and asked.

"Don't grab me, I'll send a scarf!"

The third-rate actress has been frightened. Where can she dare to resist, she quickly took out her mobile phone and edited the text.

Because it broke out and served Murong Xinyu together to serve the rich man in the country, this third-rate actress's neckband also sucked a lot of powder. Therefore, as soon as her neckband was issued, it was reposted by many people, including some of the stars who just supported Murong Xinyue.

Less than five minutes after the third-rate actress issued the scarf, the official scarf of the Yancheng Police Department also released a message: According to investigations, the actress Wang Yufeng was suspected of slandering and making rumors, which seriously damaged her reputation and has been arrested by the police.

In the past, even if the police issued a bib, they would not send the full name, but would add XX after the last name, but this time directly revealed the full name of Wang Yufeng, which indirectly indicates that the police are also supporting Murong Xinyue.

This bib issued a greater sensation, and the credibility of the police is still relatively strong, so Murong Xinyue fans appeared one after another, demanding that Murong Xinyue be fair.

After another five minutes.

The Yancheng police updated a piece of news again: After trial, the main messenger behind the swagger event was Han Shaocong, president of Xingkong Entertainment. At present, Han Shaocong has been arrested and brought to justice!

Seeing this news, the net names may not know who Han Shaocong is, but the people in the circle are bombed.

And the stars who used to kill Murong Xinyue were frightened. They just remained silent just now, but now they know that there may be an extraordinary character behind Murong Xinyue. Otherwise, the Yancheng Police would not Stand for her.

So, immediately issued a scarf to apologize to Murong Xinyue.

At the same time, the head of the company where Murong Xinyue was originally was shocked and scared, but more regretful. If he had known that Murong Xinyue's backstage was so powerful, how could he cancel her contract when she was most difficult? .

I wonder if there is any chance of recovery!

Thinking of this, he immediately called the director of the artist department and ordered him to contact Murong Xinyue to sign a contract with her immediately.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete

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