Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1426: Faith skyrocketing

At nine o'clock the next morning.

Yanhuang Department of Commerce and Trade, a small conference room.

The first Minister of Commerce and Trade, Zhou Haishan, was full of spirits, and surrounded by officials from all over the world. Today, gathering officials from all over the world here is to discuss the related issues of the Songying brand quick-acting diabetic pills.

Zhou Haishan glanced at everyone and slowly said, "Dear everyone, I'm glad you are here. Now, I will send you a copy of the information. If you agree with the conditions on the information, we can continue to discuss the export of fast-acting diabetic pills. Portion! "

Then, the staff at the scene handed down the documents in different languages ​​to the officials.

But just five minutes later, Fusang's business official said loudly: "I protest, Yan Huang is suspected of forcibly interfering in our business and economy. The price of fast-acting diabetic pills should be set by our country!"

"Yes, I agree with the proposal of Ambassador Fuso!"

Ambassador Gao Liguo followed. Although they were inconsistent with Fuso, they did not want to lose their pricing power. Besides, the major consortiums in their country had already fixed their eyes on the golden mountain of fast-acting diuretic pills, so the price must not be compromised.

Then, the ambassadors or officials of various countries expressed their opinions, saying that the Yan and Huang countries were too aggressive to do so. Only the big European nations did not make their statements, and it was completely meaning to watch the fire from the sidelines.

Zhou Haishan had already anticipated the protests in various countries, so he must not be surprised, and said lightly: "Mr. Song has developed this special medicine to cure diabetic patients all over the world, not to make profits, otherwise, Nor will it set a price of 1,000 yuan a bottle. If this is against Mr. Song's intention, China will ban the export of this special medicine! "


The nations were surprised when they heard what they said, and they never thought that Zhou Haishan's attitude was so resolute and tough.

"Mr. Zhou, this unified pricing is indeed a bit inappropriate. After all, the economic conditions of each country are different!"

Zhou Haishan's attitude became more and more determined: "The price has not been negotiated. If you are willing to accept this condition, you can continue to leave a negotiated export share, otherwise, please leave!"


Officials looked at each other for a while, but none got up and left.

After all, this fast-acting diabetic pill is so amazing that it can completely cure diabetes in just a few days. If it can't be introduced into your country, I am afraid that the nationals of your country will be upset.

Seeing that no country's officials got up and left, Zhou Haishan felt inexplicably happy, and he was really deflated.

"Please watch the big screen, there will be scales and price lists for various countries!"


When I saw the weight form and the purchase price form on the big screen, the embarrassing Fusang country ambassador could not help but shoot the case, glaring at Zhou Haishan: "Chairman Zhou, you need to give me and Fusang country an explanation. Purchase price is double that of other countries! "

Zhou Haishan glanced at Mitsui Ichiro slightly and said, "Yesterday, a group of Fusang people sneaked into Song Yong Pharmaceutical Company in an attempt to steal secrets, and now they have been captured by the police!"

Suddenly, Mitsui shouted, "Yes, this is a naked slander!"

Zhou Haishan looked cold: "Don't stigmatize your country? I asked Mr. Mitsui to maintain the order of the venue, lest people think that Fuso country does not understand etiquette!"

"Nonsense, my Fuso country is the most ritual country in the world!" Kazuo Mitsui exclaimed angrily.

"In this case, please invite Mr. Mitsui to take a seat!" Zhou Haishan said in a hurry.

Mr. Mitsui: "... you ...!"

But in the end, he could only sit down.

Seeing this scene, the officials of Goryeo were quite happy.

After half an hour, the discussion was over.

On the same night, the National News Station of the State Station made a detailed report on the matter for up to half an hour. At the same time, the major media also published Zhou Haishan's speech on newspapers and on major online platforms.

In particular, Zhou Haishan ’s phrase, “Mr. Song developed this special medicine to cure diabetic patients all over the world, not to make a profit…” This sentence not only reflects Zhou Haishan ’s domineering and toughness, but also makes Nationals throughout the country have become more impressed with Song Kun.

You need to know that diabetes is particularly difficult to cure. Once you have this disease, you probably won't be able to do without drugs.

But now, up to 2,000 yuan can completely cure diabetes. How can they not be grateful to Song Ye, even if Song Ye raises the price of fast-acting diabetic pills to 5,000 Yuan a bottle, I believe that patients with diabetes will not refuse to buy, who will not Hope to have a healthy body.

However, Song Yong has abandoned the profits of thousands and trillions. Shouldn't those who regard money as dung should be respected and worshiped?

As a result, Song Yong added the title of the most conscientious businessman in Yanhuang Kingdom, and Song Yong Medicine also became the most conscientious pharmaceutical company.

The news of this talk not only spread in the country, but many international media also made a report on the matter. In particular, it is known that the Song Zhi brand quick-acting diabetic pills will soon enter their country, and the price is the same as that of the Yanhuang Kingdom Countless people with diabetes are cheering!

In an instant, ten days passed.

The first batch of fast-acting diabetic pills exported have been successfully shipped to countries around the world and began to be sold five days ago.

Therefore, the first batch of buyers have recovered.

It also made the name of the Songye brand quick-acting diabetic pills more and more loud.

As for domestic sales, sales are even more horrifying. On the highest day, five million boxes of quick-acting diabetic pills were sold.

As for Song Yong's faith, it soared to 1.40 billion.

In just over a month, he had a quarter of the faith required for the harvest task. It seems that this task is not an imaginary difficulty.

The main thing is that as more and more diabetic patients are cured in the world, Song Yong's name is also remembered and appreciated by people around the world.

The Ministry of Commerce intends to take the opportunity to push the Song Wei brand cooked delicatessen to countries around the world.

At present, the delicate cooked food, overtime production at 33 factories, is still in short supply, but in order to harvest faith, Song Yong still agreed to this request, saying that it can provide 10 million bags of cooked food to countries every day.

Song's Building, Song Yan's office.

He had been discussing with Shangguan Gaopeng about when to release Jiuxin Pill, and his face suddenly changed slightly.

Because he felt that the vitality of the world of the Lord had undergone a drastic change, and at this moment there was a crazy gush.

It has been more than a month since he returned to the main world. Compared with the time he has just returned, the strength of heaven and earth is now more than thirty times the original, which is comparable to the world of Gao Wu. Now a lot of spurts of strength of heaven and earth are likely to directly surpass the fantasy world. Pursue the fairy world.

It stands to reason that it is a good thing that the vitality of the heavens and the earth is getting stronger and stronger, but he feels a little uneasy and faintly feels that something is going to happen in general!

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