Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1428: Two figurines

Song Yan and Shangguan Gaopeng discussed and decided to make Jiuxin Pills listed again after a while. After all, now the quick-acting diuretic pills are the hottest when they are launched, and it will inevitably be robbed of the limelight and wait for the weak At the same time, the introduction of Jiuxin Pill, then, can cause a continuous sensation.

There is no need for Song Kun to worry about cooked food and pharmaceutical companies. Faith and fame are increasing steadily every day, so Song Kun plans to return to Xiangcheng.

When he found more than a dozen wives outside, he couldn't hide Han Sha all the time. Since he had to show up sooner or later, why not say it earlier.

Just when he was about to leave, he suddenly received a call from Shangguan Gao Fei.

After a period of training, her agent has taken office, and in just a few days, she has become an endorsement for Murong Xinyue.

Three years after signing the contract, each year's speech cost 8 million meters of gold, totaling 24 million meters of gold, which has nearly 150 million yuan converted into Yanhuang coins, which is 20-30 million yuan more than the original worth of Murong Xinyue.

"Mr. Song, it's not good. Xinyue had an overwhelming problem while filming, broke his calf, and is now on his way to the hospital!"

"Oh, in that hospital?" Song Kun frowned.

"Xichuan Prefecture First People's Hospital!"

"Okay, I know, I'll hurry over!" Song Kun said, hung up the phone, he disappeared in the office as soon as he flashed, but the next moment it appeared directly at the First People's Hospital in Xichuan Prefecture.

Gao Fei on the other end is a little strange, isn't he in Yandu? How could he be here right away, did he also come to Nishikawa?

After fifteen minutes.

The ambulance carrying Murong Xinyue drove directly into the special aisle of the state hospital, and was then brought into a special ambulance room by a group of medical staff who had been waiting long ago.

As a result of learning that Murong Xinyue had an accident, all the reporters waiting in the hospital took a break.

"You all go out!"

Song Yan, who had been waiting here for a long time, waved to the medical staff who sent Murong Xinyue.

"Song Song, why are you here?"

It was strange that Shang Guan Gao Fei could not help seeing Song Yan standing in the ambulance room.

"Of course it's for her leg treatment!" Song Zheng pointed at Murong Xinyue who was faint.

"Can you still heal?" Shangguan Gao Fei was curious.

"What a bizarre thing!"

Speaking, Song Zheng first corrected the misplaced calf bone for Murong Xinyue, and then a light of life penetrated into it. Then, the fractured calf bone healed at a terrible speed.

In just three seconds, Murong Xinyue's fractured bones were completely healed.


With a quiet hum, Murong Xinyue woke up and saw Song Yan standing beside the bed, and said, "So what do you do, Song?"

"I heard that something happened to you, I'll take a look." Song Yan said.

After hearing the words, Murong Xinyue seemed to think of a sudden change in his face: "My legs!"

"Of course your legs are fine, don't believe you come down and walk!" Song Yan smiled.

"You're crazy, but her leg is broken, how can you ...!" Shang Guan Gao Fei's words came to an abrupt end, because Murong Xinyue had already sat up from her seat, and then stepped on the ground with her feet, but her face was not at all s pain!

"Xiaoyueer, are your legs okay?" Shangguan Gao Fei looked at this scene in surprise.

"It seems all right."

Murong Xinyue took two steps, but found that her broken leg was really not uncomfortable. At that moment, a suspicion erupted in her heart. When she fell, she heard the sound of her bones breaking, How can you be fine now?

"You ... you, did you really cure Xiaoyue's broken leg?" Shangguan Gao Fei looked at Song Yan again, his face shocked and unbelievable.

"Would you like to break your leg and try to see if I can help you heal?" Song Yan smiled with amusement.

"Well!" Shangguan Gao Fei spit, "I don't have that tendency to abuse!"

"Fifi, you mean, my legs are cured by Song?"

Hearing the conversation between the two, Murong Xinyue is also incredible.

Shangguan Gao Fei nodded earnestly: "This is still fake. If it wasn't for my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it if I killed him. This guy touched your calf twice, and your broken calf would be fine. It's incredible! "

"What does it mean to touch it twice? I'm treating the disease!" Song Yan said angrily.

With the confirmation of Shang Fei Gao Fei, Murong Xinyue stared at Song Yan with a bright light: "Song Song, thank you."

"It's okay, you are my artist, these are all I should do!" Song Yan smiled disapprovingly, and suddenly his heart moved, he came up with an idea: "You two want to practice martial arts, if you want, I can Teach you some skills, and if you encounter such a situation in the future, you can at least ensure your own safety! "

"Okay!" Shangguan Gao Fei nodded violently.

And Murong Xinyue hesitated a bit: "I heard that martial arts training has to start from a young age, is my age a little older!"

Song Yan proudly said: "For ordinary warriors, it is naturally like that, but I am not, if you want, I naturally have a way for you to learn the ability to protect yourself in the shortest time!"

"Okay, I'm willing to learn!" Murong Xinyue nodded.

"I do too!"

Shangguan Gao Fei followed.

"That's good!" As soon as the voice fell, Song Yong suddenly pointed out two fingers, and then two golden lights fell into the eyebrows of the two, and then a group of information was directly printed into the two women's consciousness.

"Well, why is there something more in my head?" When Song Yan retracted his fingers, Shangguan Gao Fei shouted in surprise, and stared at Song Yan: "Is this the legendary empowerment?"

"That's right!"

During the conversation, Song Yong took out two Xiu Dan Dan and handed them to them: "You can eat this elixir and then run it according to the exercises in your mind!"

"it is good!"

The two women did not hesitate, took the medicine directly, and suddenly felt a heat flow in the body, quickly sitting on the site, began to refine the medicine.

What he took to the second daughter was Xiu Dan Dan, which was made with the elixir of Xiuxian Realm. After taking it, not only can they cut their hairs and wash their pulp, but they can also improve their physique and make them congenital spirits. They will also practice in the future Much better than others.

With the refining of the two women, a lot of mud-like impurities and toxins continued to pour out of their pores. In just a few minutes, the two women were covered with a layer of dark black mud-like things, just like from The fish caught in the mud exuded a stench.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Ye hit two tactics and turned them into two golden lights, which were submerged into the two women. Suddenly, the toxin impurities in their bodies poured out quickly. Soon, the two women turned into two smelly clay figures.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the medicine of the two women finally receded.

"Ah, why is it so smelly?"

Shangguan Gao Fei, who just woke up, shouted strangely.

Song Yan's bad taste condensed a water mirror. Suddenly, two black clay figures appeared in the water mirror.


"Ah, how could I be like this!"

The two women screamed at about the same time, then rushed towards the bathroom together.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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