Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1436: Vampire Queen

This transparent beam caused Hilde a lot of damage. Not only was he burnt, but even a chest-sized transparent blood hole was added to his chest. If it was not at a critical moment, his body had moved two inches horizontally, otherwise , That beam of light will directly break his heart.

"Well, that demon is finally defeated!"

Guangming believers couldn't help applauding when they saw this scene.


On the roof of a house several miles away, two young women sat side by side, and one of them retracted her eyes and screamed and yelled.

"You bastards, dare to attack me, I will kill!"

Hilde climbed up from the ground, and the flesh and blood at the wound surged wildly. In a moment, the transparent blood hole the size of the bowl had completely healed.

But just then.

Great sword spears and three giant lions rushed at him again.

"Give me away!"

Hilde exploded, his body was filled with blood, and the momentum of the shot projected, causing the surrounding void to distort.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Like the giant man's crazy throbbing drums, accompanied by three shocking sounds, the giant sword, the spear, and the three giant lions were all smashed by the crazy Hilde. At the same time, the meat wings behind him were fiercely inciting, and the whole person Turned into a scarlet streamer towards the Holy See!


The woman on the roof drank and cursed again. After the Holy See blessed for thousands of years, all the grass and trees contained the Holy Power. Hilde fainted, and actually broke into the Holy See to kill the Cardinals.


As soon as her voice fell, a sacred milky white mask rose from the Holy See, forming a huge aperture, wrapping the entire Holy See.


Hilde, who wanted to break into the Holy See, was directly burned by bouncing and bounced to the ground.


The pope of the bright pope Guerre II surged again, and a thing flew out of the Bible again, but it was a large, ten-foot-long western dragon.

After summoning the dragon, Gueret II's face also turned pale.

There are eighteen creatures sealed in this bright Bible. Based on his cultivation, he can summon up to three creatures. Now, he summons the fourth creature, which is extremely reluctant.

"Roar! Roar!"

The dragon roared, a huge sound wave caused a tornado, and then the dragon's tail rose.


The dragon's tail was so fast that Hilde was pumped directly before he could dodge.

The millennial heritage is a joke, otherwise, what ability to suppress the werewolves, vampires and dark churches.


Looking at the dragon that was still racing towards him, Hilde's eyes flashed with horror and fear, and the dragon tail almost evacuated his body just now.

"Puff puff!"

At this moment, the giant sword, spear and three giant lions came up quietly, leaving three scars on him.

Although the blood race is claimed to be immortal, it can recover very quickly with each injury, but it consumes blood energy, and once the blood energy is exhausted, it will die.


The dragon tail was pumped again, and Hilde was pumped again.


He couldn't even repair the injuries on his body, and then rushed in the opposite direction to the dragon.

With the four creatures summoned by the Pope, he had no resistance at all.


But as soon as he flew up, a beam of light suddenly appeared, but it was the Archbishop of the Holy See who had summoned a big move and ambush here.


Hilter screamed, one arm away.


The spear seemed to be waved by a giant and smashed hard.

Hilde was smashed into flight.


The Great Sword was already waiting for him, and cut off his other arm again!


The three heads of the three giant lions suddenly opened up, spraying flames, black water and a dense green mist, respectively!


Hilde avoided the flames and black water but did not avoid the green mist. This green mist was extremely corrosive, and also carried a peculiar ability, which made his mind dull.


The dragon tail fell down and drew Hilde directly to the ground.

Losing his arms, the corroded Hilde lay on the cracked ground without any image, and was extremely miserable!

"Catch him!"

Guerret II made a light cage to block Hilde, and then a wave of hands, a large number of bright knights rushed out of the Holy See!

"My men, are you the bright religion you want to catch!"

Just then, a beautiful woman suddenly appeared in the sky.

I saw her raise her hand and point out three fingers!

Three points of blood shot out, and the great sword, spear, and three giant lions were all hit by the light, and then burst out.

Then she threw her fist.

A powerful dragon followed the explosion.


Just then, a beam of laser light came.


The beautiful woman lightly pointed out a finger, and the light beam burst. At the same time, she raised her palm and patted the Holy See.

A large blood-stained palm print suddenly appeared above the Holy See, and it slammed and fell. The holy aura that enveloped the Holy See was easily broken like an egg shell. Then, countless ancient buildings and palaces were transformed into large-seal prints. Powder. As for the people in the Holy See, none of them escaped.

All off!


Gueret II was dull!

The believers watching the game were stunned.

Hilde slumped on the ground.

People all over the world watching live broadcasts are stunned.

"who are you?"

After a short while, Gueret II slowly spoke!

"I am the owner of this waste!"

Shi Shi flicked his fingers, a little blood light flew out, the light cage covering Hilde broke instantly, and the blood light submerged into his body. His injury recovered at a visible speed, even the broken arms. It grew quickly.

"See the Queen!"

Hilde stood up awkwardly, saluting poems.

"The Vampire Queen? You are the Vampire Queen!"

Guerret II exclaimed that according to information from the Illuminati, vampires in Europe and the Americas were gathered and unified, and the two vampires in the unification were two women who claimed to be queens.

"Dead, kill your queen and go home to sleep with beauty!"

Shi Shi said lazily and raised her hand again.

A small blood-colored handprint appeared over the sky, and then pressed towards Gueret II.

"I am the Lord's spokesperson in the world, you cannot kill me!"

Guerret II exploded, and the crown of thorns on his head automatically flew and glowed with radiance. At the same time, the scepter inlaid with gems in his hand also followed, and a huge humanoid shadow followed, waving his fist to the blood Palm print.

As for the Bible, it flew to the top of Gueret II, releasing the light to cover him.

But in the next moment.

The scarlet palm print fell, the crown of thorns was shot, the huge humanoid image was scattered, and the light of Guerre's body was shattered.


The body of Gueret II burst apart and turned into a mist of blood.

But at this moment, a huge sacred light door suddenly appeared in the sky. The light door opened, and sixteen two-winged angels flew out in a cluster.


Shi Shi snorted coldly, suddenly rising into the sky, throwing her fist.

One punch!

Golden blood and feathers ran down from the sky. Instantly, seventeen newly appeared angels were blasted by her. Then, as soon as the poem was in shape, she rushed into the light door, but a voice suddenly burst into her ear The edge rang, making her turn back, and disappear into a blood light.

[Author off topic]: Four more, thanks for the reward of [Xing Xing Xing Xing]

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