Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1448: Strong kiss

Han Sha said in her mouth, but she was still very concerned. She left Xiangcheng and returned to her hometown in Jiangzhou with anger, but after a few days, she lost a lot of anger in her heart.

But I couldn't help flashing the scene with Song Ye. Although angry Song Ye found so many women, she still felt regret and resentment.

Especially during this time, the news and news on the Internet were all about the news of Song Kun.

He has developed a delicacy cooked food, which is sought after by everyone across the country.

He has developed special medicines for the treatment of diabetes, heart disease and cancer, and sold them at extremely low prices, which has been admired by many people.

He created the martial arts school ...

For a while, she even gave birth to an idea that she thought was ridiculous. A man as good as him was worth nothing more than a few women, not to mention, by virtue of Song Yi's status now and now, how could she be worthy of him if she was of ordinary origin. .

So she became miserable.

But as time went by, Song Yan never came to her, and she couldn't help but panic, disappointment, and now despair!

In particular, her father Han Dayuan, after learning about Song Ye ’s achievements, knowing that she had a conflict with Song Ye, she first persuaded her to go to Song Ye to admit her mistake, and seeing that she always disagreed, she gradually became ridiculous. .

Although Han Dayuan has stopped gambling, it is always difficult to change his lazy temperament. Who is Song Yan? That ’s hundreds of billions of super-rich people. If such a rich man can become the son-in-law of his Korean family, even if he throws him a little bit, he will not worry about eating and drinking in his life. Rich son-in-law ran away, where did he go to find.

Besides, people are billionaires, no matter what the color is, you know, even if there are only tens of millions of people, you need to find a small three small four!

"came back?"

Sister Han Sha returned home, and Han Dayuan was sitting in the living room with Erlang's legs watching the news, and it was about the topic related to the Song Wushu School. He saw his sister and brother returning home, and he glared slightly.



The sister and brother shouted and went to their own rooms.

"Daughter, when are you going back to Xiangcheng?" Han Dayuan said again.

Han Sha fainted slightly and said, "I won't go back. I have already found a job in Jiangzhou and will go to work tomorrow!"

"What did you say?" Han Dayuan slaps on the table again, glaring at Han Sha: "Do you know what you are talking about? A good boss is wrong and actually has to run to work for others. How can I Han Dayuan give birth to you? bone!"

"Dad, don't scold your sister like that. The surname Song is not a good thing. Didn't you push her back to push her into the fire pit?" Han Kang interjected.

"You know a ball!" Han Dayuan glared. "Get back to the room for Lao Tzu, how can you speak here!"

Han Kang stalked his neck and raised his face and said, "It's always! I think you're after Song's money!"

"Stupid things dare to talk back, I'm not going to kill you!"

Han Dayuan was told the central thing, and he was so angry and angry that when he got up from the sofa, he was going to smoke Han Kang. At this moment, Han mother rushed out of the kitchen, blocking him in front of Han Dayuan, and said anxiously: "Old Han, the child can't talk when he is still young, don't care about him, Xiaokang, how can you talk back to your dad and quickly apologize to your dad and go back to the room! "

"Hmm! I'm not wrong, why should I apologize!" Han Kang said absolutely.

"Come! Little Bunny, you ’re going to make a mess, I do n’t pull you crying today, Dad is calling me, I ’ll just follow your last name!" Popcorn, Han Dayuan slaps Han Han and slaps on Han Kang's face. .

"Xiaokang returns to the room, don't talk back to your dad!"

Han mother suddenly hugged Han Dayuan and shouted at Han Kang.

Seeing this, Han Kang couldn't help turning his face white, and was a little scared in his heart. As soon as he turned around, he rushed into his own room, and closed the door with a loud noise.

"Little bastard, I really can't help you!" Han Dayuan cursed and pushed away Han's mother, then stared at Han Sha: "I still have you, I'll get Lao Tzu back to Xiangcheng tomorrow, or I'll pump you like that! "

"It's a big deal. I'm not living at home, I will move tomorrow!" Hansha said angrily.

"Oh, long-term ambition!" Han Dayuan sneered: "If I have the skill, I'll move away immediately!"

"Go and go, anyway, I don't want to stay here anymore!"

Han Sha said angrily, and rushed into the room to pack her clothes.

Seeing this, Han's mother quickly entered the house to persuade Han Sha.

Seeing what happened in the Han family, Song Kun knew that he should make his debut.

So he bought a lot of gifts in a nearby mall, and then he walked out to the Han's security door.

"Tuk Tuk!"


Han Dayuan asked wistfully.

"It's me, Uncle Han!

Hearing Song Ye coming, Han Dayuan quickly jumped off the sofa and greeted Song Ye with a smile on his face!

"Hey, come here, buy something!"

Looking at the gifts raised by Song Yi, Han Dayuan smiled even more.

"It's all worthless little things, I hope Uncle Han won't let it go!"

After a few greetings, Song Yan deliberately asked: "Uncle Han, what about Hansa?"

"Talk to her mother in the room, I'll call her out!" Han Dayuan was about to get up, Song Ye quickly stopped him, and said he went in person.

In the room, Han's mother was persuading Han Sha that the door of the room was hidden, so the arrival of Song Yan was already known by their mother and daughter.

"Tuk Tuk!"

"Hansha, this is Song Yan, can I come in?" Song Yan said as he knocked on the door.

"I don't want to see you, you go!" Han Sha's voice came from inside.

Just then, the door of the room was opened, but it was Han mother who came out, and Song Ye hurriedly called out to her aunt.

"Xiao Song, I didn't want to ask about you and Sa Sa, but you are too much this time. Sa Sa has been back so long before you come!"

"Auntie, I know I'm wrong. This time, I came here to make amends to Han Sha!"

"Just know what's wrong, hurry in, don't rush to talk!" Han mother urged, and she still had a good opinion of Song Yan, because if it wasn't Song Yan, Han Dayuan would be a bad gambler.

"Ah, I see!" Song Yan said quickly.

"go in!"

Song Yan smiled at Han mother, pushed the door open and walked in, then closed the door by hand. At the moment, Han Sha was sitting with her back to her and seemed to be angry.

"Sasa, I'm here, are you still angry with me?" Song Yan went to the bed and whispered.

"I said I didn't want to see you, please go immediately!" Han Sha said coldly.

At that moment, Song Yan suddenly reached out and held Han Sha's waist: "Sasa, I really knew something wrong. Will you forgive me once?"

"let me go!"

Han Sha struggled hard.

How could Song Yan let go, and with his head slightly lowered, he forcibly kissed Han Sha's cherry lips.

"Oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooh, you **** ... let me gooooooooooooooooooo!"

[Author's off-topic]: Three updates have been completed. Thank you.

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