Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1505: ambush

The incident happened in Lin Yuancheng. The Zhu family only received the news on the second day, and then reported to Zhu Zhenyue.

Zhu Zhenyue's first reaction was that he was a ghost of another Lin Yuancheng's family, but then felt that it was impossible. Those families did not have the courage to oppose the Zhu family.

However, this matter should not be underestimated, it is related to the majesty and face of the Zhu family, and it is also necessary to give Zhu Zhaocheng's family an account. Therefore, Zhu Zhenyue called a cadre to discuss the matter.

After a quarter of an hour, I wish the family hall.

"Check, this matter must be investigated strictly, no matter who it is, you can't let it go!" An old clan waved excitedly.

"Yes, this kind of mouth can't be opened!" Another old clan echoed.

Next, all the cadres expressed their opinions, all of which have the same meaning, and must investigate this matter closely.

Therefore, Zhu Zhenyue issued an order to let one gather martial arts leader lead five Yuan Dan martial artists to Lin Yuancheng to investigate the matter thoroughly.

The leader of the amulet called Zhu Minghui is twice as senior as Zhu Zhenyue. He has also reached the middle of the amulet, and all those who went to Lin Yuancheng with him are also masters of Yuandan martial arts.

In addition, there are more than twenty Shenhai warriors. After all, the Shenhai warriors on the side of Lin Yuancheng have been abolished by Dan Tian. People must do errands, so it is necessary to bring a group of Shenhai warriors.

One group of riders were all good BMWs with the blood of monsters, and the journey from Hongtian City to Lin Yuancheng was up to one and a half hours.

After half an hour.

The Zhu family went into a canyon.

Just after they all entered the canyon, a ripple appeared in the void, and then everyone in the family was shocked to find that they had been moved to a meadow.

"what happened?"

"This is where?"

Suddenly, a group of martial arts warriors were in chaos.

"Mo Pan, this is the formation, everyone is gathered around the old man!" Zhu Minghui, an experienced man, yelled coldly. With his drink, all the soldiers calmed down and quickly moved closer to him.

Zhu Minghui released his consciousness with a somber face to look at, and was suddenly shocked. This formation was far more sophisticated than the formation he had encountered before, no matter how exquisite the formation he had encountered before, but his consciousness At a glance, there will be some flaws.

However, the formation of this formation was so seamless that it was perfectly natural. Now that he has released all his consciousness, he can't find any flaws. He knows that this time he is afraid to hit the master of the formation, so he yells: I wish my family Zhu Minghui, who is joking with me, please give me a face to withdraw the method, the old man must thank him! "

"This is no joke!"

A sudden young voice sounded, and then saw a young man in a white robe appearing tens of meters away, secretly, Zhu Minghui felt that the young man was familiar.

Zhu Minghui asked with a narrow eye: "Who is your friend, why should you wait with me?"

"Hehe, it's not that you wish your family well, but that you want your family to kill me!" Song Yan's eyes suddenly became cold and his voice was cold.

"You are the little beast of the Chu family?"

Zhu Minghui was startled and shouted in a cry. At the beginning, Chu Tianxing and Zhu Hongying lived in a mountain village. It was he who took someone to bring them back to the Zhu family. No wonder this kid is familiar with it. Is Chu Tianxing born similar?

"Do not dare to be a beast, but enjoy it yourself!" Song Yan shook his head.

"What do you want?" Zhu Minghui sighed softly.

Song Yan slowly swept everyone in the Zhu family and said, "You know how my father died. Today, I am here to collect some interest!"

"Small animals die!"

At this moment, Zhu Minghui's unrecognizable detective grabbed it. Suddenly, a blood-red big hand was formed on the top of Song Yan's head. Under the big hand, the air was frozen.

This blood-red big hand is one of the secret martial arts of the Clan's family.

Seeing that Song Yan was about to be caught by a big hand, Zhu Minghui's face showed a sneer. If the boy was hiding in the dark, he couldn't take him anymore, and now he ran to him to show off his power and could only say that he would die.

But at the next moment, the smile on Zhu Minghui's face was solidified, because Song Yan's body cracked and broke into pieces, disappearing into the stars, and his big hand grabbed the air.


Seeing this, Zhu Minghui could not help but scold Song Kun for being cunning.

At this moment, Song Yan's figure suddenly appeared in the air, and looked down at them, his eyes were cold and ruthless, like a god.

Suddenly, Song had a trick.

Suddenly, everyone in the family felt that the air became sticky, making their movements very difficult.

"Small beast, you really think this broken line will trap the old man, and you will spoil your old man when you break your bad line!" Zhu Minghui drank, his flames rose, his breath soared, and he instantly broke away from the air. , Raising his hand to the void in succession to kill dozens of punches.


Every punch that falls into the void will make a loud noise, just like a giant drum.

However, after dozens of punches passed, the void remained, and it was impossible to shake the array space.

"Don't waste your efforts, you can't break my formation!"

Song Yan shook his head lightly, and moved the method again, the air became more and more viscous. At the same time, a wave of pressure emerged out of thin air and pressed on everyone. Dan could barely resist, but each one turned red and looked very hard.

Only Zhu Minghui had a little spare power, but his strength was also greatly weakened.

At this moment, the dense wind blades suddenly appeared in the surroundings, numbering in the thousands, and the human scalp was numb.

Song Zheng pointed at random, most of the blades were directed towards Zhu Minghui.

A small number flew towards the remainder.



For a while, screams kept coming, but it was the wind blade that pierced all the Dantians of Zhu Jiawu except Zhu Minghui.

Hearing the screams from all around, Zhu Minghui's face was somber that he was about to drip water, but he was unable to rescue them because he had to deal with the thousands of wind blades.

Looking at this scene, Song Yan in the sky looked coldly.

"Boom boom!"

Zhu Minghui constantly bombarded the wind blade, but the wind blade seemed to be endless. When it was broken, there would be more and more new blades appeared.

"No! You can't go on like this, otherwise my power will be exhausted!"

After making a decision, the runes in his dantian suddenly burst into an extremely brilliant light. Then, with a swipe of his hands, he easily tore the void and planned to escape.

"Stupid, Zhu Zhaohui was the same as you, but the result ...!"

Song Yan shook his head in disdain. Sure enough, just after stepping into the void, Zhu Minghui fell out not far away, and his body was tattered and miserable.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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