Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1511: Wei Le's determination

Mengyuan City, Chu family, in the courtyard of Chu family mansion.

Chu Wucai, the head of the Chu family, was having a good talk with a middle-aged man.

Chu Wucai said, "Brother, you and I haven't seen you for years. My younger brother has ordered people to prepare food and drinks, and I must drink it today!"

"You, you have become the head of the Chu family and are so greedy!" The middle-aged man responded with a smile.

"I usually don't drink much, but when my brother comes, he must drink, and he must be drunk, so that he can enjoy himself!"

"I think you want to get me drunk?"


For a moment, the two couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, a guard came hurriedly and shouted in a panic: "The homeowner is not good, young master ... the young master is in trouble!"

Upon hearing this, Chu Wucai's face suddenly sank: "Come on, what's going on?"

Under Chu Wucai's gaze, the guard told the story of the whole thing. When he heard Wu Yuntong betrayed the Chu family, but also slapped Chu Bawang a hundred slaps. There is a deep cold killing: "Well you Wu Yun copper, my Chu family treats you not thin, but dare to betray, really is a white-eyed wolf that can not feed!"

"Sister, don't worry!" The middle-aged man asked with concern.

Chu Wucai apologized and said, "Brother, please be rude, I can't drink with you for the time being, you have to deal with your nephew first."

The middle-aged man waved his hand: "Anyway, just because I haven't seen my nephew, since I met him, I can't stand idly as an uncle, it's not like going!"

"Of course it couldn't be better!"

Chu Wucai rejoiced. Brother Wan Laishan was a master of Yuan Dan in the later period. He was even more important than his cultivation. It was better to go with him.

Inside the restaurant.

Wu Yuntong has solemnly incorporated the exercises in his arms, then looked at Chu Bawang and others, and sought Song Ye's advice on how to deal with them.

"If you hit a small one, the old one will jump out naturally, don't worry!"

Song Yan smiled, and then picked up the wine glass on the table, but found that the glass was empty, Wei Le, who was sitting opposite him, quickly picked up the wine bottle and gave Song Yan Man.

"Dedicate yourself to diligence without committing trespassing or stealing, wouldn't you have any plans against me?"

Song Yan joked with a smile.

"Huh, people just thank you for saving me." Wei Le pretended to be displeased.

Song Yan smiled, and didn't say any more. He took the wine glass and drank it. The changes in Wei Le's expression hadn't escaped his eyes before, and she mostly wanted to fight his idea of ​​Wang Pingong.

At this moment, the shopkeeper brought Xiao Er to the table with a set of exquisite dishes, and retired after speaking slowly.


Song Yong greeted Wei Le, and picked up a chopstick and put a piece of meat into his mouth to chew slowly.

at this time.

Chu Wucai walked into the restaurant side by side with Wan Mingshan, and behind them a large group of guards.

When seeing Chu Bawang who was beaten into a pig's head, Chu Wucai couldn't help getting angry.

"Dad, you are here at last, you have to decide for the baby!"

Chu Bawang cried.

"Baby, rest assured, this bad breath will definitely help you out for your father. Come here, this is your uncle Wan, salute quickly." Chu Wucai pointed at Wanyu Mountain Road.

"My nephew met Uncle Wan." This time, Chu Bawang did not commit any turmoil, and paid a respectful gift to Wanyu Mountain.

"My nephew doesn't have to be polite."

After a brief greeting of the three, Chu Wucai's eyes quickly swept across the three Song Yan, and finally stopped on Song Yan's face: "Why is your Excellency the enemy of my Chu family, and beat my child like this, it is too much. Right? "

"Sure enough, the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked!" Song Yan picked up the glass and sipped, then shook his head and opened his mouth.


Chu Wucai is angry, but the other person is so young that he has Yuandan's early cultivation behavior, and he should not be underestimated. Therefore, he resisted the anger in his heart and said, "Who is your Excellency, might you please report your name?"

"Why? Want to explore my bottom?" Song Yan glanced at him with a smile and said with a smile: "But it doesn't matter to tell you, I have no clue, no child of a powerful family!"

"Is this true?" Chu Wucai still had some doubts.

"believe it or not."

Chu Wucai smiled angrily: "Okay! Very good, you are not a big gatekeeper, nor a disciple of a big family dare to come to my dream city, and today, I will teach you something! "

"The host is careful, the other party has Yuandan's mid-term practice!" Wu Yuntong reminded.

"You traitor, wait for this guy to clean up this boy and slowly concoct you!" Chu Wucai stared coldly at Wu Yuntong, and then punched Song Yao away.

The fist screamed, and Wu Jin's punches swept through, as if to swallow Song Kun.


"Master beware!"

Wei Le and Wu Yuntong, who felt the power of the punch, could not help but exclaim.

"It's just nothing!"

Song Yan glanced lightly, suddenly picked up a chopstick and sprang out.

The fragile chopsticks stabbed directly into the boxing power, and then heard the sound of crickets, the powerful boxing power burst out, and there was no threat to people.

Seeing that Song Yi easily broke his tentative blow, Chu Wucai sank a little, and was a little more vigilant. The next moment, he stepped out and his strength soared, making the whole restaurant tremble.

"Take the overlord's exclusive fist!"

In the burst of drinking, Chu Wucai's fists burst out one after another, forming a thick black golden wave, but the momentum was even more terrifying. Only Wei Le, who was in the state of divine power, had not waited for the fist wave to approach, and was forced by the powerful breath Have to stand up and back again and again.


Song Yan sighed, then stood up, stepped out, and disappeared.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Along with a series of impact sounds, then everyone saw Chu Wucai's body flying backwards.

At this moment, when the figure flickered, it was Wan Laishan that moved, and shot several palms towards Chu Wucai, breaking his palm strength.

Without that energy, Chu Wucai landed safely and thanked Wan Manshan and said, "Thank you, Brother."

"This child is extraordinary, let me and you shoot together!"

Wan Laoshan nodded, and said in a deep voice.

"Well, I haven't joined hands with my brother for many years, and today I will take this little thief!"

Chu Wucai sighed softly, and once again killed Song Kun, and performed the overlord domination.

There was a pair of silver spunlace on Wan Laoshan's hand.

When I saw him step out, he transformed into five figures, and then Qi Qi stepped on the mysterious pace, killing Song Yan at a fast speed.

"Native chicken tile dog!"

Regarding the joint work of the two, Song Yan dismissed a smile, rolled his arms, and came out with pure force.


One punch directly shattered Chu Wucai's punches, and then bombarded his chest.

At the same time, several punches simultaneously bombarded Wan Laishan's figure, five of which split instantly, and the other flew back like Chu Wucai.


The two fell to the ground almost indifferently, and the wolves were abnormal.

"So powerful!"

Seeing this, all the guards of the Chu family took a breath of air.

Wu Yuntong was very fortunate. As for Wei Le, the strangeness in his eyes was stronger.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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