Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1516: Twelve Iron Guards

Chapter 1516 Twelve Iron Guards

Chu House, Yanwu Stadium.

Song Xun's behavior of killing the gatherer martial arts fighters in the Zhu family in one shot was astonished even by the Yang Shenwu warriors in the dark. As for the group of magnificent warriors outside the mansion, his eyesight was limited. Fu Wuzhe, guessing in his heart, that man should be a Yuandan Wuzhe.

However, Qin Yingxiong had a bit of insight, and he faintly guessed that the opponent was a martial arts warrior.

Song Yan's voice sounded again: "Zhu Zhenyue, Xiao Ye has already come, why don't you show up? Do you like to be a turtle, or are you a turtle!"

"You are arrogant, little animal!"

With a vigorous voice, Zhu Zhenyue came side by side with an old man, and behind them were twelve amulet warriors wearing armor and carrying heavy epee.

"Who are you scolding by the old beast?" Song Yong said indifferently.

"court death!"

Zhu Zhenyue's eyes were cold, and his eyes were murderous, and Shen said, "The Twelve Iron Guards are obedient to kill this child!"

He didn't want to talk more with "Chu Fan" because he was worried that if the other party knew his true identity, once it was leaked, it would not only make Zhu family a joke, but it would also disgrace the current Jin king.

The Twelve Iron Guards are the killing machines cultivated by the Zhu family. They practice Wang Pingong's "Blood inflammation tactics". Moreover, they all wear divine armor worth millions of gold. It is difficult to break their defense. At the same time, the epee in their hands is a sacred iron soldier worth tens of millions, and the Twelve Iron Guards are more proficient in a special combo formation.

Therefore, the Twelve Iron Guards can join forces to fight against warriors.


The Twelve Iron Guards answered in unison, then each shot out and landed around Song Kun, encircling him, Wu Yuntong, and Wei Leqiqi.

"The two of them have nothing to do with this matter, how about letting them quit?" Song Zheng looked at Zhu Zhenyue Road.

"Master, his subordinates are willing to advance with you!" Wu Yuntong said firmly.

"My son, Le Er is also willing to live and die with you!" Wei Le hesitated slightly, apparently to this point, she can only stand on Song Yan's side.

"No, your cultivation is too weak, and staying with me will only add chaos!" Song Zheng shook his head. He didn't want to start the formation, otherwise he was not sure to leave them all.

He intends to kill Zhu Zhenyue and the Yang Shen old man next to him, and then start a battle against the other four Yang Shen Wu warriors.

"Let them leave!"

Zhu Zhenyue spoke, one Yuandan and one Shenhai had no effect on the overall situation.

"Go out!"

Song Yan said again.

"Master is careful."

"My son, you must survive!" Wei Le also said, but his heart was slightly relieved. The twelve iron guards put a lot of pressure on her, which made her feel out of breath.

Soon, Wu Yuntong and Wei Le came outside the encirclement. Wei Le couldn't help asking: "Mr. Wu, what level of warriors are these twelve?"

Although Wu Yuntong was Song Yan's servant, Wei Le had always maintained the respect he had when he knew that the other party had a cultivation practice in the middle of Yuan Dan.

"Can't see through!" Wu Yuntong shook his head with anxiety in his face: "Should be a Fu Runwu!"

"What? Gathering Runes?"

Wei Le couldn't help but exclaim, with a little more despair on his face. Twelve runes of martial arts, unless Chu Fan is a Yang Shenwu, otherwise he has no chance to survive.

Even though she can't see through Song Xi's practice, she guessed that it would not be more than a charm!

"Do it!"

One of the twelve iron guards gave a light drink, and at first waved the epee in his hand, turning it into a blood-red swordlight, breaking the air, and chopping to Song Yong.

This person is the leader of the Twelve Iron Guards, called Zhu Zhaolong, who has reached the peak of the late period of Jufu and has the possibility of achieving the Yangshenwu.

With Zhu Zhaolong's hands, another eleven iron guards waved their epees, stepping on the mysterious steps, and then chopped Song Song in different directions.

Even if the ordinary twelve polys are combined in one blow, it is impossible to belittle them, not to mention the twelve polys that cooperate with each other, and each uses a magic soldier.

Therefore, even if their energy is absent, the warriors in the appearance of the mansion fear.

However, Song Xun, who was in the center of the attack, looked calm and calm. Until the attack of the twelve people came, he suddenly pulled out his sword.


Between the sun runes in Dantian, a warm but fierce force flowed through his body instantly. For a time, his body was covered with a fiery red mask.

With a series of rapid impacts, the green sword in his hand actually blocked the twelve epee.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhenyue was even more surprised. He never dreamed of it. This evil species actually had such an achievement. He was afraid that his cultivation had reached the peak of Jufu's later period.

"It's a pity! If it wasn't for his identity ... it would be good for the family!" The elder Yang Shen beside Zhu Zhenyue said with some pity, as the senior of the family, he naturally understood what Song Yan was like.

Therefore, even if this Chu Fan's qualifications go against the sky, he cannot be left, otherwise, let the King of Jin know the truth, so I wish the family could not bear the anger of King Jin.


It was another series of collisions. At twelve and a half moments, the Twelve Iron Guards were evenly divided with Song Yong.

Watching the battle, Wei Le could not help but clenched his fists, secretly cheering for Song Ye, because her fate has been linked with Song Ye, his life and death are related to her future.


Zhu Zhaolong drank a little bit angrily. The twelve of them couldn't win each other together. It was too embarrassing. Therefore, he didn't dare to drag it any further and decisively performed the combined attack method.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the twelve iron guards' breath soared, and they linked their hearts together with a special secret method.

Suddenly, the twelve iron guards were in harmony with their intentions, and cooperated more cleverly.

At the same time, after their spiritual breaths are united, their respective strengths have been greatly improved.

"Hey, wait for you to set up!"

Song Yan sneered, prompting Shenfeng Jue, and the avatar phantom walked quickly in the array, causing the opponent's attack to fail many times.


Zhu Zhaolong snorted and sighed softly: "The earth dragon changes!"

Suddenly, the Twelve Iron Guards accelerated to walk, and the pace at their feet became more mysterious. As they walked, the air in the formation became extremely viscous, and at the same time there was invisible pressure and pressure. Xiang Song.

"It's over!"

In this regard, Song Yan did not have the slightest confusion, but showed a hint of smirk. Then, the green sword in his hand turned into a blue lightning, flying out of the spine.


The sword qi penetrated into the void in several directions at once. With the stabbing of the sword qi, the Twelve Iron Guards felt an instability for a while, and the power in his body was instantly drawn away.

At this moment, Song Xuan just felt light, and cut out twelve swords in succession.


The twelve swords were subdued into the eyebrows of the twelve iron guards precisely. The next moment in the incredible eyes of Wu Yuntong and Wei Le, the twelve iron guards fell to the ground.

"Use the matrix method in front of me to deal with me? Zhu Zhenyue, it seems that your intelligence is not collected well?" Song Yan stood up with a sword, staring at Zhu Zhenyue playfully, and slowly spit out a word.

These twelve iron guards are okay to use the formation method. To solve them, he still needs to show some real strength, but now, using the backlash of the formation method to evacuate the strength in their body, it is not easy to kill them!

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