Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1529: Go to the front

"Son Chu please sit down."

Zhu Hongyi restored her smile and said in a soft tone.

Song Ye was not polite, and she sat directly opposite her, as if she strolled with all her heart: "The princesses are summoned, what do you tell me?"

"Not in a hurry, son Chu will have a cup of tea first."

Zhu Hongxun personally poured a cup of hot tea and handed it to Song Xuan.

Song Yan glanced at her before taking the tea cup, and then drank it: "Drinking tea, right?"

In the face of Song Xuan's urging, Zhu Hongxie smiled: "I saw Chu Gongzi today, but I thought of an old man. Coincidentally, that old man is also surnamed Chu."

"It's called Chu Tianxing." Song Yan sneered.

"How do you know?" Zhu Hongzheng looked for a moment, seeming a little surprised.

"Because he is my father." Song Yong said coldly.

Suddenly, Zhu Hongxiong's expression was dull, showing the excitement, and tears swirled in the eyes: "You ... you are a fan, you are really my fan!"

In a gesture, Zhu Hongxi was about to pounce on Song Ji, but Song Qi flew away, and then looked at her with a sarcastic look: "The princess also please take care of yourself!"

When I heard Song Yan's words, I wished Hong Hong's face to be staggered, with a bit of sadness and innocence on her face, if she cried, "Fan, I'm your mother!"

"Aren't you afraid of being known by the King Jin?" Song Yan sarcastically.

"Fan, listen to your mother, back then ...!"

"Okay, stop acting!" Song Yan raised his hand: "Presumably you know what happened to the family, before I killed Zhu Zhenyue, I already knew everything from his mouth, so you are What kind of person I know! "

Zhu Hongying's eyes flashed: "Faner seems to have misunderstood me so much."

There was a smirk in the corner of Song's mouth: "Did I misunderstand you and I knew it, and I didn't intend to recognize you, and King Jin invited me in his name not to let our mother and son meet, let's say What the **** are you doing? "

"Ah!" Zhu Hongyi sighed deeply: "Well, just as Ivan's, the Lord asked me to show him, mainly to buy Xiluandan from you."

"I have Xidandan, but why should I sell it to him?" Song Yan said lightly.

Zhu Hongyi heard the words, and could not help but his eyes lightened slightly, and then she begged: "Fan, don't you take it for your mother's sake ..."

Song Ye looked suddenly cold: "Prince, I affirm again that although you gave birth to me, but you did not take me as a son, and I did not recognize you, so please do not mention that you are mine in the future Mother, do n’t call me Fan Er, you can call me Chu Gongzi, or you can call me Chu Fan! "

Zhu Hongxian's face changed slightly: "What do you want, Chu?

"I lack an imperial skill!" Song Yan said, staring at each other.

At the request of Song Ye, Zhu Hongye was very annoyed. How precious is the emperor's skill, thanks to this wicked man daring to speak and not afraid to flash his tongue.

So she said, "Master Chu, I'm afraid your request will be difficult for you."

"Anyway, since it can't be done, it's okay, it's too late, I should leave."

Song Yong waved his hands in disapproval, then got up and walked out of the gazebo.

"Master Chu, please stay away."

"What else is for the princess?" Song Yan looked at her and asked.

"Jin Wangfu can be purchased for 200,000 pieces of gold, how do you think?" Zhu Hongxiong said.

"No bargains!"

Leaving a word, Song Ye went straight away, seeing the back of his departure, Zhu Hongyan's face was cold: "This little evil animal is simply terrible!"

A few days passed by.

Xi Sui Dan's name in Longya City is even louder, even the surrounding martial arts clan began to send people to contact Xia Qian, hoping to buy some Xi Sui Dan from her.

At the same time, in Huaiyang City, one of the top ten famous cities in Xuanyang Domain, the auction house owned by Da Xia Commercial Bank sold ten Xiu Dan Dan at a single price of 200,000.

Subsequently, the auction houses in several famous cities have successively appeared.

The price has continued to rise, and even one of them has reached a staggering 500,000 yuan.

Tianyang, in a large city, in the premises of a building firm.

Xia Xue, the fifteenth lady of Xia Family, the real principal of the building firm in Tianyang Realm, received a message from Xuanyang Realm, and the whole person was not good, and her face looked a little dark.

She did not expect that Xia Qian's low-priced goods actually opened the situation in Xuanyang Realm with a kind of elixir.

Although Da Xia Commercial Bank has huge power, it always follows a principle and focuses on interests.

Therefore, even if Xia Qian's status is low, as long as she has made outstanding achievements, she is also eligible to compete for the position of homeowner. There is only one year left from the homeowner candidate. Currently, only the boss, the sixth, Old fifteen and old twenty two, and twenty-five.

If Xia Qian were allowed to open the situation in Xuanyang Realm, I am afraid that there would be one more competitor, which she did not want to see. Therefore, she must be killed before Xia Qian's rise.

Now Xia Qiang can be said to be hot in Xuanyang Realm with Xishui Dan. Numerous great forces have to pay her well and nod her.

But all this is based on the fact that she can continue to provide medicinal essence, so as long as the source of medicinal essence is eliminated, will those great forces treat her differently?

"Come here!"

With a light drink, the two women appeared in front of Xia Xue.

These two women are her personal maids, and she has won her trust. One is Bai Yuer and the other is Bai Meier.

And they're twins, not only look good, but also very hot.

"The two of you sisters went to Longya City to find the person who provided Xia Qian to wash the pulp. If you can, try to do it if you can't ...!" Speaking here, Xia Xue's eyes flashed a thick touch Homicide: "Just kill it!"


The sisters answered in unison.

Xia Xue thought about it: "You can bring four Xuanweis over!"


This day.

A message spread inside Longya City and caused a huge sensation.

However, the Zerg army broke through the border city. In just one month, it even broke through nine cities, and the inverted population of nearly 100 million people became the ration of the Zerg.

Although the Zerg Army is now tens of thousands of miles away from Longya City, and it does not threaten Longya City, it is still worrying and angry.

Xialou, in a box on the top floor.

Wang Bo took a sip of wine and said, "Zerg is a terrible human race. Tomorrow, I plan to go to the front to support the frontier. Will you go with me?"

The zerg are huge in number and variety, and no one knows what weird abilities they have. Therefore, even the warriors of the sun are not afraid to set foot on the zerg territory.

In addition, the Zerg are not afraid of life and death. When they appear, there are thousands of them. They will not pay attention to the so-called single fight. Therefore, it is extremely dangerous to fight against the Zerg.

Even the younger generation, Junjie, had scruples.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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