Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1567: Thirty-two generation ancestors

Seeing Qi Tianhai's easy defeat, the five elders who had just recovered and struggled to climb from the ground were dumbfounded. Even two elders were over-stunned and fell back to the ground again.

And Elder Luo, who has always been disturbed, finally understands why he always feels uneasy. Now it seems that this Chu Fan is too powerful. Qi Zongzhu is a super master in the late phase of the French phase. He can't even stop the other three palms , Is simply a demon.

How strong is the other party?

Most of them are already holy sea martial arts!

In addition, Zong argued that Ming Yu had pinched Yuejian a little nervously. Her strength was not as good as Qi Tianhai's. If the other party continued to do something, she might not be able to stop it.

Thinking of this, she regretted it, knowing that the other party was so powerful, she should persuade her brother to get greedy.

"Are you guys going to do anything with me?"

Song Daiyu ridiculed a group of people who swept across the Yangjian Hall.

Everyone was silent, with an expression of grief or anger, but it is undeniable that this Chufan's strength has exceeded their imagination. It is irresistible and can no longer conflict with him. Otherwise, Tianjian Jianzong has a calamity.

"A group of bullying and scaring things!" Song Yan scolded disdainfully.

But still no one dares to refute.

"It seems that you are really convinced!" Song Yan said again: "Then we come to discuss compensation matters. Before that, I exchanged three" Royal Classics "for your" Sun, Moon and Heaven ", but because you want to If you swallow the exercises, you ca n’t change the way you did before, so you have to give it in “Sun, Moon, and Heavenly Classic”. In addition, you have to surrender all the martial arts, as well as the sun sword and moon sword. If you do, you have to open up your treasure house and let me choose. "

Hearing Song Yan's request, everyone in Tianhai Jianzong's face turned black. This is to make them even more potent.

"Chu Fan, your request is too much, we cannot agree!"

Qi Tianhai said, holding back his anger.

"This can't be done by you!" Song Yan sneered: "Of course, I'm not an unreasonable person. Otherwise, we have done it again. If you win, then the three emperor skills should be sent to you If I win, then I'm sorry, I have to double the conditions just now! "

After hearing the words, Qi Tianhai and Zhang Mingyu met each other, their hearts flashed and hesitated.

"I know that your Tianhai Jianzong still has something to hide. It is better to call that person out and join hands with you, maybe you can defeat me!" Song Yan said with a smile.

"how do you know?"

After listening to Song Yan's words, Qi Tianhai and Zhang Mingyu both showed shock.

"Unexpectedly, Xiaoyou has found the place of aging, really a strong sense of spirit!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and then saw an old man in gray clothes with silver hair and pleated face walked slowly into the Yangjian Hall.

His body was permeated with a rotten atmosphere, very thick, as if crawling out of the coffin.

"I've seen Uncle Shi!"

Qi Tianhai and Zhang Mingyu worshiped together, their faces were full of respect.

"You ... you are the thirty-second generation ancestor!"

Elder Luo looked at the old man in suspicion and asked incredulously. According to his knowledge, did the thirty-second generation ancestor Wu Yuhuaji die 200 years ago because of forcibly cultivating the Moon and the Moon into the devil? Why is there now again.

The old man nodded in response to Elder Luo's eyes: "It is old age, old age is a mortal person, but he can't rest assured that he has not closed his eyes!"

"God! It's the thirty-second generation ancestor!" The elders were confirmed, and the other elders were very excited.

"Patriarch, you have to decide for us, this Chufan little thief is really abominable!" An elder cried.

According to the records of Zongmen's classics, the thirty-second generation ancestor Yu Huaji is an amazing and talented person. Not only is he powerful, suppresses the contemporary, but also has a lot of care for the Zongmen. It is the foundation he laid down that year that made the sky Jian Jian Zong became the second super sect after Jade Emperor Zong in just over 200 years.

And in that year, Yu Huaji's ancestor was only sixty years old.

Later, forcible cultivation failed to pass the moon and the sky.

Qi Tianhai and Zhang Mingyu are the thirty-five generations of ancestors of Tianzong Jianzong, separated from Yuhuaji by a generation.

Because they were the suzerain, they knew what happened that year.

At that time, Yu Huaji did get into trouble because he forcibly cultivated the menstrual cycle, but he did not die. At the same time, one practice stepped into the holy sea. Although the practice reached, it suffered an irreparable injury.

Only by hiding and resting, was it announced that he had gone into the devil and died.

Two hundred years later, Yu Huaji's injury has not been repaired, but has become more serious, but his strength is definitely the first person of Tianhai Jianzong.

Yu Huaji did not pay attention to the elders' crying, but looked at Song Yan, showing a dry smile: "Little friend, this time it is indeed that I too Taihai Jianzong did not do it authentically, and the old man on behalf of Tianhai Jianzong apologized to you how is it?"


Seeing that Yu Huaji's ancestor had to apologize, all the elders could not accept it.

"Did you apologize?" Song Yan scorned.

"Chu Fan, you are presumptuous. My ancestor apologized to you. You are already taking advantage of the sky. What are you unsatisfied with!" An elder yelled angrily.

"He is the ancestor of your family, but it is not my ancestor!" Song Yan pouted again, then stared at Yu Huaji: "Old man, for your age, please follow my previous request, I'll spare I've given you a visit, of course, if you are not convinced, you can fight me again! "

"Why do little friends fight against each other?" Yu Hua's face was bitter, and his eyes seemed cloudy and helpless.

"I force you?" Song Yan sneered: "It's a joke. I came to Tianhai Jianzong with great sincerity to exchange exercises, you want to swallow my exercises, and now I have become a wicked person. What is this? The truth, old man, stop talking nonsense. In the end, are you compromising or fighting? Hurry up and decide, I do n’t have so much time to spend with you here nonsense! "

"Uncle Shi, it's better for me and Shimei to join hands with you!" Qi Tianhai didn't want to compromise, and said unwillingly.

Yu Huaji was silent for a long time, and then said again: "It's nothing, the old man is a **** man. For so many years, he has been attached to the world and refused to leave. Before dying, let's work for the ancestors, Tianhai, Mingyu Lend your sword to the old one! "

"Uncle ancestor!" Qi Tianhai was sad and regretted for no reason.

"Uncle Shi, otherwise we promise him!" Zhang Mingyu said.


As soon as the elders heard Yu Huaji's words, they felt a sad mood in their hearts.

Yu Huaji smiled at them, and then shook his head again, looking for a move, the sun sword and moon sword flew into his hands, and at the moment they fell into his hands, the two royal soldiers actually sent out A trembling sound of joy.

"Old man, I haven't seen each other for many years, and we can finally fight side by side again!" Yu Huaji's face showed a color of memories, and he murmured to the two swords.

For a moment, the more severe the tremor of the two swords seemed to be responding.

[Author off topic]: One more

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