Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1570: Terran crisis

After a long while.

Song Yue and Xia Qian were seated in the courtyard, and Wei Le acted as a corner for tea and water delivery. She put herself in a right position. Even though she had already had a relationship with Song Yue, she still didn't consider herself a woman.

"What a great thing!"

Xia Qian spoke the first sentence, saying surprisingly.

Song Yan looked at him, waiting for her explanation.

Xia Qiandao said: "A month ago, the Goblin Pigs sent an army to attack Tianyang Realm, and the momentum was very fierce. On the third day of the war of the Goblins, the army of the Black Barbarians also launched an attack on Juyang Realm. Within the next ten days, Shenyang Realm, Fengyang Realm, Shenyang Realm, and Wanxing Realm have all been attacked by other ethnic groups in succession, and the situation is quite bad! "

It was no coincidence that six of the ten realms of the human race had been attacked. This was mostly a premeditated attack.

"How is the battle?" Song Yan asked.

With Song Ye's help, Xia Qian has established a foothold in Da Xia Commercial Bank, so he also got a lot of news from other domains.

"The situation is not very good." Xia Qian shook his head: "Although the human race is one of the top ten races, there are too many forces and they are too scattered, and those who attack us are not as good as the human race, but they are in a unified state. Therefore, as soon as the war began, the Terran side was always in a disadvantage. The situation in Xuanyang Realm was the worst, and one tenth of the territory had fallen into the hands of the Zerg. "

Song Kun frowned, and Shen Sheng asked, "Did your Daxia firm understand why these races attacked the race?"

"The reason is unknown!" Xia Qian shook his head: "However, there should be hands and feet of the other ten races behind them. Without their support, these races would not dare to attack human races easily!"

"Is there a way to deal with that tribe?" Song Yan asked again.

Xia Qiandao said: "All forces feel the crisis and should fight against the enemy with the alliance, but this is too much involved, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to form an effective alliance at one and a half!"

Xia Qian did not stay long before leaving, and now she has become one of the principals of Daxia Commercial Bank in Xuanyang Real Estate. Due to the attack of the Zerg, the industries under Daxia Commercial Bank must be evacuated. This workload is very heavy and needs her. To worry about.

It is abnormal that all six territories of the human race have been attacked by other races. Song Zheng guessed that there was some kind of reason or conspiracy, but the information was too little, even if he was as intelligent as the sea, he could not determine what the reason was.

Although he is only an outsider, he is unwilling to watch the human race become extinct. Anyhow, he is all human.

Later, Xia Qian sent someone to send more detailed information about the Zerg.

This is what he asked for.

The system issued him the task of exterminating the Zerg, so he could not let go of the Zerg attack.

Today, one tenth of the territory of Xuanyang has fallen into the hands of the Zerg, and a large number of human races have become their rations, which has also made the three-way Zerg army grow stronger.

According to his understanding, a mother emperor can control a billion zerg.

Today, the number of Zerg troops exceeds 120 billion, indicating that in the three-way battlefield, there are more than 120 mother emperors.

The best way to defeat the Zerg army is to kill the empresses.

Therefore, Song Yong planned to go to the front to kill the mother emperors.

The news of Song Yong's return quickly passed to his group of friends, and they came to visit one after another, and offered to follow him to continue to the front line to kill the Zerg.

But this time, Song Yan refused.

This time the number of Zerg is too large, their cultivation is too low, and there is not much effect to go.

In consideration of the next crisis of the human race, Song Ye took out some Han Ling Dan to gift this group of friends, hoping that they could reach the realm of Yangshen as soon as possible.

After meeting with Wang Bo, Yan Ru, Ji Mingyue, Zhuge Jiancheng, and others on the same day, Song Ye left Longya City again.

The Zerg army came from the south, and their attack directions were east, left west, and north right.

Song Yan came directly to the front of the Orient.

The battlefield in the East has now gathered more than two million ethnic armies. These armies are mainly soldiers of the Patriotic and Chou Kingdoms, about 1.2 million, and the remaining 800,000 are from major countries in the two countries. An army of warriors from the clan and the Zongmen.

It is related to the extermination, and the forces of all parties dare not be sloppy. After all, the Zerg regards them as rations. If the Zerg army completely occupied the Xuanyang domain, they would definitely have no chance of survival, and it may not be peaceful to escape to other domains. After all, Tianyang and Juyang, adjacent to Xuanyang, are fighting.

The two million army seems a lot, but it is too small to deal with more than 40 billion zerg.

After coming to the battlefield, Song Xuan's mind flashed over Zhao Zicheng's figure.

From the information brought by Xia Qian, he knew that Zhao Zicheng had already died in battle, but he did not know if his cousin Chu Lei was still alive.

East Emperor City.

One of the top ten famous cities in Xuanyangyu, the East Emperor City is no longer bustling. The crowds in the street are walking in a hurry and panic. At the same time, the troops of the brigade continue to escape from the Dongcheng gate.

Because at this moment, the East Emperor City has been reduced to the front line against the Zerg army.

Song Yan's arrival is rushing into a battle.

The flying beetles gathered into a cloud of black clouds were approaching the city wall. A large number of cloud burst arrows were shot and exploded in the clouds.

With a stunned figure, Song Kun appeared behind the Zerg, and then opened the perspective magic power to investigate the whereabouts of the Zerg mother emperor.

"Good guy!"

During this investigation, he discovered the existence of nearly five hundred Zerg mother emperors, perhaps with a sneak attack. These mother emperors were very vigilant and constantly changed their positions in the void.

"Hum, don't you think you can escape the assassination?"

Song Ye coldly hummed, and with a wave of his hand, nearly a thousand fit body monsters were released from the temple, and there were more than a dozen robberies.

Through the reflection of divine thoughts, Song Ying reflected the approximate positions of the mother emperors on their gods.

If they search on their own, it may be very laborious, but if they search in a small area, it is easy to lock the figures of the Zerg mother emperors.

"Do it!"

With an order, these demon Xiu cast a teleportation and came near the mother emperors, then quickly broke the void, broke into the space mezzanine, and bombarded the mother emperor.


The screams of the mother of empress came one after another.

Except for dozens of people who escaped the assassination, more than 90% of the mother emperors were killed instantly.

Then Song Min moved, shuttled into the void again and again, and within half a quarter of an hour, all the dozen empresses who escaped were killed by him.

Later, he gave the group of demon repair orders to hunt down the zerg army lurkers.

Within a quarter of an hour, hundreds of zombies who had reached the level of the sun **** were all killed, and only a few zombies who had gathered in the runescape fled.

However, the Zerg army disintegrated and began to flee.

"The mother emperor of the Zerg has been beheaded by me, you can hunt down these zerg!"

Song Yan threw down a sentence, put the demons into the temple, and rushed to another battlefield. He plans to kill all the mother emperors today, lest they escape when they learn the news here.

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