Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1574: Nine Generations of Pure Blood

The next afternoon.

Zhuge Jiancheng, Wen Renjunjie, Yan Ru, Chen Xiang, who couldn't bear the loneliness, went to Qiong Song and invited him to hang out in the city. Song Ji was trying to agree and suddenly felt something, so he smiled and said, "I won't Come, you go! "

"Captain, there is no war anyway, you go with us." Chen Xiang advised.

"Yes, Captain, let's go together." Ji Mingyue also persuaded.

Song Yan raised his hand: "I have learned something in practice, and just take this opportunity to meditate on this opportunity. I will not accompany you and have fun."

"The captain is really hard, he is so strong and so hard!" Zhuge Jiancheng laughed.

"Okay, don't make a fart, hurry up!" Song Yan waved his hand and made a drive.

"That line, let's not disturb the captain's retreat, let's go!"

Watching Zhu Ge Jiancheng and others leave, Song Yong disappeared in the place and came to the temple space.

At the beginning.

He handed over the blood of the ancestors of the Yue tribe to Yueyue Fusion, and protected it by poems. Now, more than half a year has passed. Today, he senses a strong blood fluctuating from the temple. If he guesses well , Yueyue should complete the integration.

"Master, you are here."

When Song Yan's body appeared on a planet in the temple, Shi Shi fluttered excitedly, with tears and aggrieved eyes.

The time velocity of the planet is still thousands of times.

Although it has only been more than half a year outside, it has been hundreds of years here. Therefore, Shishi is so excited when he sees him. After all, she hasn't seen Song Yan for hundreds of years. Add this one. The planet has no other creatures, so in these hundreds of years, apart from cultivation, other times can be described as days.

"Shi Shi, hard work for you!"

Song Zheng tightened her, and patted her gently on the back as a comfort.

"Hee hee, people are not hard, it is lonely and boring." Hearing Song Yan's words, poems broke into tears and laughed, and arched in Song Yan's arms.

At this time, a stronger blood gas wave was created, but it was the joy from the blood cocoon of the incarnation.

"Bang, bang!"

The sound of a strong and powerful heartbeat came out, and it fell to Song Minger to make him feel tight.

At the same time, blood cocoons also began to swell outward.

"Master, is Yueyue about to succeed?" Shishi asked carefully.

"It should be almost."

Song Yong's uncertain road, after all, he has not merged the blood ancestor ancestry, but he can feel that Yueyue's breath is growing rapidly, and it has reached the peak of the late period.

There is a Mahayana period after the robbery.

This realm is only a transitional stage, and generally does not stay for too long, as long as the energy in the body is converted into fairy power, you can become a fairy.

In general, the Mahayana practitioners in the late Mahayana period are stronger, but not as good as the true immortals.


The next moment, the surrounding vitality suddenly became crazy and violent, and there were countless tornadoes around, and Yueyue's breath also passed this stage and reached the level of immortals directly.

At the same time, the blood cocoons became transparent, and the situation inside was faintly visible.

At this moment, Yueyue was like a mother's baby curled up in blood cocoons, but the two tusks at the corners of her mouth were turned into gold, and the wings behind her were also turned into gold, and her face was covered with dense mysteries.

At this moment, Yueyue suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes faintly confused, as if she had just woke up, subconsciously, she stretched a lazy waist, and suddenly, the blood cocoon made a crackling sound, this shattered Come on.

"the host!"

The figure fluttered and whispered, Song Ye felt a hot body in Huai, and at the same time, his waist was tightly pinched by two long legs.

"Master, they want to die for you!"

Yueyue took a kiss on Song's lips and said coquettishly.

"Well, it's really embarrassing. With the host forgetting my good sister, people have worked hard for you for hundreds of years!" The poem and poem on the side aroused dissatisfaction.

"Hee hee! Shishi, are you jealous!"

Yueyue said, blinking at Shi Shi.

"Well, don't be naughty, hurry down and put on your clothes!" Song Yong patted on Yueyue's upright buttocks, but felt that he felt unusually good and full of flexibility.


Yueyue shook her head, and then came together fiercely, facing Song Yan fiercely.

"This Nizi!"

Song Kun was speechless, but quickly responded proactively, while both hands walked away with Yueyiao's body.

Seeing this, Shi Shi couldn't help exclaiming:

"Yeah! Hot eyes!"

She didn't close her eyes, but stared at them round, staring at the scene.


With a wave of his hand, Song Kun brought Yue Yue and Shi Shi to the practice room in the temple, and then there was a lot of tossing.

It lasted for more than two hours before the three men's war ended.

"Yueyue, how is your strength now?"

Song Yan, who was holding his right hand, asked.

"Barely counted as the nine generations of pure blood!" Yueyue thought for a while.

"What do you mean?" Song Yan was puzzled.

Yueyue explained: "According to the pedigree information, the first ancestor is the strongest. The second ancestor is the first generation of pure blood, and so on. The nine generations of pure blood are the worst. Bloodlines will sooner or later surpass one generation of pure blood to become the ancestors. By the way, if I compare my strength with that of the immortal, I should be stronger in the immortal period! "

"It's actually improved so much."

Song Kun was very surprised. He had previously guessed that Yueyue's integration of the blood ancestors' ancestry should also reach the level of the early immortals, but she did not expect that she was still strong.

In this way, if he merges Pangu ancestry, maybe he can directly reach the late stage of human immortal, maybe it is possible to immortal, it seems that he must find a suitable opportunity to integrate.

On the other side, Shi Shi heard Yue Yue's strength was so strong that she couldn't help but envy her. She is now in the emperor realm, and it's quite similar to the late stage of the integration.

Of course, in addition to envy, she is also happy for Yueyue.

"By the way, Shishi, if I give you three drops of essence blood, you should be able to break through the realm and reach the realm of blood emperor!"

Between the words, Yueyue's palm spread out, and there were three golden blood floating in her palm.

"Thank you Yueyue!"

Shi Shi was not polite, swallowed three drops of essence blood directly, and immediately took effect, her breath began a dramatic change.

After half an hour.

Shishi successfully broke through the emperor realm and reached the blood emperor realm, which is comparable to the early period of crossing the robbery.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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