Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1580: Never give in

There are more than a hundred people in the Pest Clan, and everyone is wearing a glacial ice armor. That defense can completely ignore the sun-level attacks. ()

The numbers dominate. The defense is invincible.

Therefore, less than half a quarter of an hour, Yingyang Chen Yu and others were all captured. Because of the tragic situation of six people including Wen Renjunjie, they had no mercy in their shots. Therefore, the captured Tianyang Yuzhong Tianjiao were all seriously injured. It ’s not a broken hand or a broken foot. It looks miserable.

During this period, Cheng Hao, like Xiaoqiang who couldn't be beaten, snarled and rushed to Song Yong repeatedly, but was slaped back to the ruins every time.

Back and forth, I was afraid that I could eat more than a hundred slaps, and the cheeks on both sides were very swollen, and I could not see the original appearance.

But at this time, he also calmed down.

Standing in the ruins, staring at Song Yan bitterly: "Chu Fan, you dare to insult me ​​and wait, the Tianjiao of Tianyang Realm will never let you go. At that time, we will definitely be miserable in your end!"

"Tianyang Yu's Tianjiao is a fart, how much I hit, how much I hit!" Song Yan said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, the spectators around were in an uproar. This Chu Fan was really crazy, and actually regarded the Tianjiao of Tianyang as nothing.

"I heard that Wang Teng, who ranks third in the Qianlong list, is also in Longshou City. If he hears this Chu Fan, how will he react?"

"By the way, who is this Chufan and how can he be so strong?"

A well-informed person said: "This Chu Fan heard that he came from Xuanyang Realm and ranked one hundred in the rising list of Xuanyang Realm!"

"It's impossible, isn't Tianjiao of Shenglong list far worse than Qianlong list? How can this Chufan who ranks 100th to be ranked 46th has no backhand!"

at this moment.

Song Yan lifted his feet and walked towards Cheng Hao.

Seeing Song Yan coming, Cheng Hao was subconsciously afraid: "What do you want?"

"Blood debt and blood compensation, you blinded Zhuge and smelled their eyes, I naturally dig out your eyes to avenge them!" Song Yan said coldly.

Hearing that, Cheng Hao could not help but chill: "Dare you!"

"What dare you?"

escape! !!

The next moment, Cheng Hao suddenly rose into the sky, intending to flee the place, as for the face ... Losing face always loses his eyesight.

But as soon as he rushed to the sky, his head suddenly became dark.


However, a large hand appeared out of thin air, and Cheng Hao, who ran to the sky, was photographed. With a loud boom, a huge pothole appeared on the ground.

The next moment, Cheng Hao, who was embarrassed, rushed out of the pothole and shouted at Song Yan: "Chu Fan, you can't dig into my eyes, or the Cheng family won't let you go!"


When the figure flashed, Song Yong suddenly appeared beside Cheng Hao, turning his palm into a knife and cutting it on his neck, and the other side fainted at the scene.

Then he brought out the fainted Cheng Hao to the crowd of the pest team: "Take them back!"

"Yes! Captain!"

The crowd was unveiled at the moment, it was too deflated at this moment, but thinking of Wenren Junjie and others who blinded their eyes, they felt sad again.

At this time, a sound of neat steps came.

Then he saw a thousand soldiers appear, blocking the path of Song Kun and others.

A young general wearing a fiery red unicorn armor stepped out, glanced over Song Kun and others, and then chuckled, "Chu Fan, let go of them, that's all for now!"

"Who are you?"

Song Yan raised his eyes and asked.

General Nian said: "Ben will be Wu Qi, commanded by the commander, responsible for public security in the city!"

"Are you going to take the lead for this group?" Song Yan said again.

"It's not the early days, but the duty of this general!" Wu Qi said very seriously.

"What if I don't agree?"

"That would have had to offend!"

During the talk, the thousands of soldiers he brought up spread out, and he also had a broken crossbow. The so-called broken crossbow is only a weapon specifically targeted at the martial arts suffocation. Hard to resist breaking the crossbow.

Wu Qi replied: "Chu Fan, Ben will not want to tear your face with you, and I hope you can give Ben a face and give them to Ben!"


Zhang Bicheng yelled suddenly, "Why didn't our people see you when our people were killed? Now your military has suddenly emerged. Is it because we are warriors in Xuanyang Realm, are you all warriors in Tianyang Realm?"

Another Pest Squad humane said: "It's really chilling! We came here from Xuanyang Realm to help you fight against Goblin in Tianyang Realm, but did not expect that Tianyang Realm was waiting for me! "

Wu Qi heard the words, his face changed slightly, but he couldn't shrink back. After all, this time it was something that Wang Gongzi specifically explained. He didn't dare to neglect.

"How? Have you nothing to say?" Zhang Bicheng asked with a sneer.

Wu Qi's face changed, and he stubbornly said, "Everything comes down to one size, you put Cheng Hao and others first. The previous things would have been told to the commander, I believe the commander will give you an account! "

Song Yong's voice sounded: "No need! Blood for blood and teeth for teeth, how do they hurt our people, we pay back ten times!"

Hearing that Wu Qi's face became more ugly, and his heart was a little annoyed: "Chu Gongzi, I hope you think about it carefully, this is Tianyang Realm after all!"

"So what?" Song Yan said lightly, without fear.

"Chu Fan, are you trying to force Ben to do this?" Wu Qi looked cold and asked coldly.

"A bunch of native chickens and dogs haven't been put in my eyes!" Song Yan said.

"Okay! What a terrier!"

Wu Qi was very angry and laughed, thinking that Chu Fan was too ignorant to lift. With a wave of his hand, the broken crossbow of thousands of soldiers' hands lifted up and aimed at Song Kun and the pest team.

"Chu Fan, ask you again, can you let it go?"

"Let it go!" Song Yan said without hesitation.

"Do it!"

Wu Qi was completely furious, and with a wave of his hands, thousands of soldiers turned on the mechanism of breaking the crossbow. Suddenly, the sound of gurgling sounded.

"Kill, not one!"

Song Yan's voice was cold.

As a result, the people of the Pest Clan rushed out, without paying any attention to the broken crossbow.

"Ding Ding Ding Ding!"

The broken crossbow continuously shoots the pest team, but the so-called broken crossbow cannot shoot through the Yanbing battle armor, even leaving a trace on the armor.

Then, the end of the group of soldiers came. At this moment, the hearts of the members of the pest clan were suffocated, so when they heard Song Xun's order to kill without pardon, they turned into cannibalized wolves.


Blood splattered and the screams were unstoppable. In a short time, hundreds of soldiers were beheaded.

"Dare you!"

Seeing this scene, Wu Qi's eyes were all red, and he stared at Song Yan: "Chu Fan let them stop!"

But Song Yan ignored him at all.

After a few breaths, the people of the pest squad closed up, all the thousands of soldiers were beheaded and killed, and suddenly a pungent blood smell followed the radiation.

At the same time, they all stared at Wu Qi. It seemed that as long as Song Zheng ordered it, they would kill him.

Feeling so many unscrupulous eyes, Wu Qi was stunned and couldn't help regretting it. He had known this and shouldn't be involved in this matter.

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