Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1582: Suppress Qiliner

Feeling the suffocation caused by the big hand on the neck, Zhou Yan'er was shocked and angry. She never dreamed that she would lose, and the opponent only used two moves to capture her alive!  

"Tubaozi, you let me go!"

Zhou Yaner shouted.

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   Song Yan raised his hand and took a few shots under her hip:

"My little maid, you are not good!"

   Suddenly, Zhou Yaner's face showed a thick blush, and she shouted:

"Asshole, you dare to hit me, let me go, otherwise, I will kill your family!"


"It seems that the little maid lacks training!"

   Song Yan said, waved her palm again, and shot her hips in a row.

   tingling pains and a tingling sensation came from the hips, making Zhou Yan'er ashamed and angry.

   The indifference and Tianyun that followed were stunned when they saw this scene.

   immediately shouted coldly:

"Chu Fan, hurry up and release Miss Yan'er, otherwise, we will never end with you!"

   Song Yan gave them a white look and said lightly:

"What did I teach my maid to do with you?"





   Attic, Wang Teng who was standing at the window was also shocked, and then whispered:

"It looks like I underestimated him!"

   Seeing that Zhou Yan'er was captured by Song Yan and was spanked by Song Yan, some male members of the Pest Team couldn’t help yelling and shouting for the mighty captain, while the female members spit:

"The captain is really a rascal!"


"Chu Fan let me go? I can redeem myself with treasures!"

Zhou Yan'er was beaten scared, and said in a pleading tone, but she swears that when there is a chance, a person who wants to get rid of this nasty bunny will dare to spank him in front of so many people!  

"You are mine now, including your treasures!"

   Song Yan said with a playful smile.



   When Song Yan refused, Zhou Yaner cursed again.



   Song Yan patted her **** twice again and threatened:

"If you dare to scold me again, I will continue to fight, come, the little maid calls to the master to listen!"


"You dream, even if I die, I won't call you master!"




"Chu Fan, you must die!"




"Asshole, I want to cut you off!"




"Woo, you bastard, don't fight!"




"Wang Teng, save me!"


"Call Master!"

Song Yan smiled wickedly.


"Enough Chu Fan!"

   The figure flashed, and Wang Teng brought three Tianjiao from Qianlong Ranking with him, his face looked rather gloomy.


"Wang Teng, you are here, save me!"

   Zhou Yaner saw hope and couldn't help being overjoyed.


"Chu Fan, you are too much, you actually humiliated a woman in public!"

Wang Teng's eyes were like electricity, watching Song Yan, slowly speaking:

"Let go of Yan'er, I can forget the blame!"


"Who do you think you are?"

Song Yan disdainfully smiled:

"You let me let her go, she is my little maid now!"

While    was talking, Song Yan patted Zhou Yaner's hip twice again.


"Asshole, I didn't scold you, why did I fight again!"

Zhou Yaner was so wronged that she almost cried.


"Sorry, it went well!"

   Song Yan smiled awkwardly.


"Chu Fan, you are digging your own grave, don't challenge my bottom line, let her go!"

   Wang Teng spoke again, with a high spirit.


"Wang Teng, the third place on the Qianlong list!"


"It's so imposing! I'm afraid that Chu Fan will be out of luck now!"


"Yes! Yes! I hope that Chu Fan will not give in, so that I can see Qiliner Wang Teng take action!"

   A group of warriors who watched the noise quickly gathered around and began to talk.


"Wang Teng, right, there is still a lack of a groom by my side, I think you are more suitable, you might as well be my groom!"

Song Yan spoke again, but he was shocked.


"What, Chu Fan actually let Wang Teng be the groom! I really dare to think about it!"


"This is dying!"


"God, it's exciting! I feel like I'm about to pee!"

   and Wang Teng's face turned black:

"Chu Fan, it's useless to take advantage of your tongue. I'll ask you again, why don't you let go?"

   Song Yan seemed to have not heard Wang Teng's words, and continued:

"It's very good to be a groom. How about a month of ten taels of gold? You might as well consider it!"

  Wang Teng was irritated no matter how well he cultivated, his eyes suddenly showed two divine lights, which was amazing:

"Originally, I didn't want to shoot you personally, because you are not worthy of being my opponent, but your mouth is too cheap, so I changed my mind!"

   Song Yan threw Zhou Yan'er, whose cultivation base was sealed, to a female team member, then pointed to Wang Teng and said:

"The people on the Qianlong List are all rubbish, and you are no exception. Originally, I wanted to give you a chance to be a groom and pay homage to my peerless style. Unfortunately, you don't know how to cherish the opportunity!"


"Shut up!"

   Wang Teng coldly shouted, raised his hand and slapped a palm, and immediately, the sun and the moon flashed, like two huge sun-moon roulettes, coming towards Song Yan with powerful strangulation power.


"Let me put your weight on you!"

   Song Yan also raised his hand and slapped it!   Boom!   The colorful light flickered, and then it collided with the wheel of the sun and moon.

   A huge explosion sounded, the sun-moon roulette shattered, but the colorful divine light continued to move towards Wang Teng without any reduction.

   See it.

   Wang Teng narrowed his eyes, a bit more solemn, his sun-moon roulette was enough to roll over the ordinary Dharma phase, but it was easily broken by the opponent.

   The next moment, he raised his hand and pointed out a finger, defeating the colorful divine light, shook his body and came into the air.

  Jieyin made a golden pagoda.

  The golden pagoda is good at facing the wind, and the golden light poured out, instantly turning into a hundred feet high.



   Like Mount Tai, the golden pagoda fell.

   Song Yan did not retreat, but rose up into the sky instead.

   smashed the golden pagoda with a fist, and then appeared directly in front of Wang Teng.


"Boom bang bang!"

   He shot out dozens of palms one after another, and Wang Teng waved his palms to greet him.

   But the result is...  


   Wang Teng was beaten to the ground.

   Tajima, he turned into a golden light and soared into the sky, and at the same time, a ray of light appeared in the sky.

   Then, a unicorn ghost suddenly appeared behind him.


"Roar! Roar!"

   The beast roared, shaking the whole city.

  The warriors watching the battle nearby were all stunned by the roar of the eardrums.

   The next moment, Wang Teng and Qilin's virtual photo merged into one, turning into a afterglow to kill Song Yan.


"Kirin kill!"



   At this moment, Song Yan let out a sneer, and between his hands, a colorful palm appeared in the sky, and then it rose and fell.



  Wang Teng, who turned into an afterglow, was shot flying and fell to a building thousands of meters away.


"Damn it!"

   But he flew up.



   The colorful sky palm suddenly appeared, and Wang Teng fell to the ground again with heavy shots.

   This Wang Teng deserves to be called Qi Lin'er, and his strength has been able to survive the catastrophe, and his defense is extremely abnormal, chasing the latter stage of the catastrophe.

   If it weren't for Song Yan to condense the Yang Shen with the five emperor grades and cultivate to the late Yang Shen stage, otherwise it would be really difficult to suppress him by martial arts cultivation alone.

   This book is from x.html

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