Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1597: Take advantage

Before entering the blood pool, he used the Yangshen thought to probe the blood pool, and found that the blood pool had a peculiar power, which blocked the exploration of the Yangshen thought.

Therefore, even if he is running the Star Deity, he sinks into the blood pool of True Dragon, and he does not worry about being noticed by the Demigod.

With the movement of the star **** body, the energy flowing into him has increased by at least five or six times, making every breath of his physical body undergo a huge transformation.

At the same time, the state of stagnation of the stars is beginning to rise.

At the beginning, he trained the star **** body to the third level in the fairy world, and derived the extremely abnormal metamorphic power of "the nine stars of the stars". At the same time, his defense ability reached the level of the ordinary fairy.

If he could push the star **** body into a small realm again, his physical defense would definitely double.

In addition, the star **** body is a super power method created by the star **** king. The performance is definitely not only in defense. The first three can be said to be building the foundation, and it will not look too divine. The benefits obtained are unimaginable.

the other side.

Wang Teng is suffering great pain, but feels the rapid change of the physical body under the strengthening of the True Dragon Blood Pond, and he feels extra excitement. It can be said that pain and happiness coexist.

Thinking that Chu Fan had completely fallen into the blood pool of the True Dragon, he felt very dissatisfied. On the basis of what he could do, I couldn't do it. Therefore, he bit his teeth and bit the whole person. Submerged into the True Dragon Blood Pond.

More and more pain came, almost fainting him.

But he persisted.

At that moment, a certain kind of trance in his body suddenly broke, as if it was a matter of course, his realm broke through from the peak of the middle phase of the French phase to the latter phase of the phase in an instant.

Feeling the changes in his body, Wang Teng had an impulse to hang on to the sky, and even the pain brought by the True Dragon Blood Pond seemed to have alleviated a lot.


On the shore, when a wave from the blood pool was sensed, a smile appeared on the corner of the elder demigod: "Tenger is indeed my royal family's Liner, but he broke through so quickly!"

Wang Yao, who was also in the blood pool, also felt the wave of Wang Teng's breakthrough, his face changed slightly, and finally he bit his teeth, and the whole person was also lost to the true dragon blood pool.

As for Song Yi, Wang Teng also felt the breakthrough.

However, he didn't care much.

The realm does not mean everything. As long as his star body breaks through, his strength will definitely double on the original basis.

time flies!

After half an hour.

Wang Yao's position also transmitted energy fluctuations, but it was his breakthrough from the initial phase of the French phase to the middle phase of the French phase.

"Well! What's going on?"

There was a hint of doubt in the eyes of the elder demigod. It stands to reason that the Chu Fan among the three had the lowest level, only in the late stage of Yangshen, and he should break through first. How can he still have no movement yet? Does his heritage and potential reach Where is it so perverted?

As far as he knows, the deeper the qualifications and the more terrible people are, the slower they break through in the True Dragon Blood Pond, but each time they break through the realm, their strength will increase exponentially.

In an instant, half an hour passed.

During this period, Wang Yao made another breakthrough, catching up with Wang Teng in one fell swoop, reaching the late phase of the French phase.

On Song Yan's side, although all the absorbed energy has been used to enhance the star **** body, his realm can no longer be suppressed.

"Since you can't suppress it, let's break through!"


A vortex appeared around him, and the body changed rapidly. At the same time, he suspended the ascension of the divine body, and a large amount of energy was used to promote cultivation.

It lasted for half a quarter of an hour, and the encounter between Yangshen and the Fa phase automatically broke, and his cultivation reached the beginning of the Fa phase.

Feeling his breakthrough breath, the demigod elder's eyes narrowed, and it was a pity that he was not in my royal family.

But shortly after Song Yong's breakthrough, a larger wave came from Wang Teng.

And his breath is also rising rapidly, it seems that it is to break through the realm of the Holy Sea.

Because the true dragon's blood pool contains a huge amount of energy, and these energy also have strange effects, it becomes many times easier when breaking through, so this time, in just a quarter of an hour, Wang Teng broke through the Holy Sea. Early.

"The beginning of the Holy Sea!"

Wang Teng's eyes flashed, his eyes seemed to penetrate the blood pool and stared at Song Yan: "Chu Fan, you wait for me, leave here and see how I can control you!"

He practiced the Emperor's Sutra since he was a child, so in the middle of the French phase, he possessed comparable strength to the Holy Sea. In addition, he possessed a special ability that could change into a fire unicorn, and the strength was even more abnormal.

Now that he has reached the early days of the Holy Sea, he judges that if he does his best, even if it is not as good as the demigod, it will not be much different.

And he feels that his potential has not reached the limit, and he should be able to break through a small realm. At that time, he will have absolute demigod strength. From the perspective of his breakthrough time, Na Chufan will at most reach the end of the French phase. Then he has the strength to absolutely suppress him.


After another half an hour, Wang Teng broke into the middle of the Holy Sea with Wang Yuan's wish, and Wang Yao followed the early stage of the Holy Sea. On the other hand, there was no movement since the breakthrough to the beginning of the Fa phase. Wang Teng felt ecstatic.

The elder demigod on the shore frowned at this moment. He was very puzzled. I wonder if the boy had too much potential or passed out?

Inside the Dragon Blood Pond!

Song Zheng sank another two meters, because the previous position could not keep up with his absorption.

After a long time of absorption, he felt that his star **** body had reached the edge of breakthrough.

Sink another two meters!

He gritted his teeth fiercely, sinking another two meters under the tremendous pain, and sure enough, as he sank, the energy in the True Dragon's blood pool doubled into his body.


There was a sound of thunder in his body, like the chaos **** thunder emanating from the ground.

The next moment, a huge star map emerged from his body. Each star flickered continuously during the period. Each star contained horrible energy. If it bursts out, it will definitely be born in the early days of tears.

"So strong! I like it!"

Song Ye was overjoyed. It was true that he didn't lose money when he entered the royal family.

As the Star God's body reached the middle of the triple stage, Song Kun found that his bearing capacity had doubled, and the pain caused by the blood pool seemed to have weakened a lot.

"Will you take the opportunity to break through to the late triple stage?"

After a little hesitation, Song Ye made a decision. Anyway, the Wang family was not good at him, so he might as well make a lot of money. Anyway, this true dragon blood pool is not his, even if the energy is exhausted, it is not painful.

However, before ascending the star **** body, you must first cultivate yourself.

So, after half a quarter of an hour, Song Xun successfully broke through to the middle of the French phase, and felt his breakthrough breath, the elder demigod was slightly relieved.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are complete, thanks to [Classic Perpetual] [Dark Battle] [Eagle in the Sky] Three great rewards

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