Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1599: Time sword

A few days passed by.

During this period, the Wang family and the Wang family always tried to find out the real reason for the failure of the True Dragon Blood Pool, and even at the expense of exposing the True Dragon Blood Pool, they invited a brilliant array mage to find out the reason, and finally brought in a few weird warlocks to trace back to the day.

But the true dragon is comparable to the existence of the gods. The true blood of the true dragon also contains special powers. In addition, with the systematic shelter of Song Kun, several warlocks failed to vomit blood even though they had exhausted their calculations.

When the warlock made his calculations, Song Xuan felt something, but he wasn't worried. Don't say them, even the immortals couldn't calculate something closely related to him.

In this regard, the owner of the Wang family was very reconciled and wanted to kill and vent his anger.

On this day, they finally summoned the three of them.

"Just think about it, what was abnormal in the True Dragon Blood Pond that day?"

"I never felt it!"

Song Yan shook his head.

Both Wang Yao and Wang Teng shook their heads.

"Just let people send you out of their ancestors!" The owner of the Wang family waved his hands helplessly, feeling extremely bad.

After half an hour.

Song Zheng returned home smoothly.

"Fu Jun!"

Seeing Song Ye's return, Wang Ye's face was a little more happy.


Regardless of other people's eyes, Song Yan strode forward and put Wang Ji into his arms, then lowered his head and printed the moist cherry lips.

"no, do not want!"

Wang Yan was so ashamed, struggling to push Song Yan away, because there were still many people watching around him.

But Song Yun didn't mean to let go of her at all. Gradually, she also gave up her struggle and immersed herself in Song Wu's overbearing wolf kiss.

After a long month, I passed by.

After getting along in January, the husband and wife of Song Ji and Wang Qi almost seemed to have wiped honey, but they became more and more harmonious. Wang Qi also changed the coldness of the past, and it became more and more human.

Song Yan is more proud of being able to turn a non-food firework fairy into a little woman.

However, during this time, he has always been vigilant because, since he returned, a demigod has been watching him secretly. The other party did not know that the moment he watched him, he had already Be aware of him.

"Are there any differences between the three of them?"

In the hall, the Wang family and the Shen family asked the three demigods who went to monitor the three men, Song Teng, Wang Teng, and Wang Yao. Although he returned the three men, he still did not give up, but sent someone to closely monitor them. Because after everyone's speculation, the True Dragon Blood Pond failed, the three suspected the most.

On hearing that, the three demigod elders sighed and shook their heads.


The armrests of the chair shattered in response, and the face of the Wang family became gloomy again.

"Or else, search the three of them with mystery?"

After a while, a demigod elder proposed.


As soon as his voice fell, he was opposed by another elder demigod: "Now the Blood Dragon Pool of the Dragon is invalid. These three are our last hope for the royal family to enter the Central Territory. Once the soul is searched, it will greatly affect their spirit And, without the True Dragon Blood Pond, although there are several candidates in the family, without the baptism of the True Dragon Blood Pond, it is impossible to bear God's fall! "

"Yes, as long as we can enter the Central Realm, we can rise quickly even if we lose the True Dragon Blood Pond!" Said another demigod elder, who was deeply convinced.

"It's all gone!"

The Wang family waved their hands, saying exhausted.

"What about soul hunting?" The elder asked impatiently.

The Wang family said: "There is no need to mention this matter. Pick a day to let Na Chufan come to accept the inheritance of the Emperor's Scriptures. In the following days, fully train three people and strive to have all three of them complete the ritual of descending! "

"Fuck off finally!"

Inside the manor, Song Ye breathed a sigh of relief.

He glanced at Wang Shu who was sleeping in his arms. He gently brushed her finger over her black sweet hole, letting him fall into a deeper sleep, then summoned the emperor and asked him to practice next door to pretend to be him, and he entered The temple.

This month, because of the surveillance of the elder demi, he has not entered the temple.

When the other party left, he just entered the temple and devoured the nine **** dragons.

The next moment, Song Kun appeared in the practice room in the temple.

Nine blood-red dragons were banned here. He waved a move and one dragon fell into his hands. Without hesitation, he swallowed the blood-red dragon into his belly.


A majestic surge of energy exploded in his body. If he hadn't turned on the star **** body in advance, he would probably have fried it directly into meat sauce.

"Get me absorbed!"

Song Yan's face turned red, his eyes slightly protruded, and a huge set of stars rose directly from his body, suspended above his head, and the countless stars in it all rotated at extremely high frequencies, alternating light and dark.

Every time you alternate, you can take away the energy that the **** dragon has turned into, then devour it, and then transform it into pure star power.

And his astral body is rising rapidly, along with his spirit.


Just when the energy of a **** dragon was about to be exhausted, the star **** finally broke the barrier of the realm and entered the triple stage in one fell swoop.

"it is good!"

Song Yong squeezed it gently, and there was a crackling noise in his hands. The powerful force made him feel that he could tear everything.

Song Ye was sure.

With his physical level now, he can completely punch the early stage of Renxian, and the middle period of Renxian is not his opponent at all.

And at this moment, in this world, he finally has the capital to settle down. Even if the gods come into the world, he is so afraid, and he can even kill them.

He glanced hotly at the other eight Scarlet Dragons.

Then he grabbed a hand and grabbed two dragons to swallow it.



Soon, the energy of the two dragons was completely digested, and the realm of the star **** body was very close to the fourth level.

Once entering the fourth level, it will generate an extremely overbearing supernatural magical sword!

For a thousand years, it is urged to the extreme, and it can cut for thousands of years.

He only needs to urge the Age of the Sword at will to chop a demigod into dry bones or dust.


He caught three little dragons and swallowed them again.

"not enough!"

After the three dragons were digested, he felt that he was only one step away from the fourth.

"Come again!"

He caught another small dragon and swallowed it. The powerful energy was transformed into star power. Then, the star chart above him exploded, but quickly reorganized, and finally turned into a brighter galaxy. At the same time, it was born in the middle of the galaxy A dark star.

That's his main star.

The fourth star body is reborn, the main star appears, and the age of the sword is born.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Yong added a transparent knife with a thick flavor of time in his hands.

It is a pity that without the object of the experiment, Song Ye could only disperse the magic sword of time.

Looking at the remaining two scarlet dragons, Song Yan decided to send them to Shishi for absorption.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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