Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1608: Toast

After showing the invitation card to the Vientiane army guarding the palace gate, Song Zheng took Wei Le, Ji Mingyue, and Zhang Chucheng to the Vientiane palace.

Along the way, the maids pointed the direction of the palace where the dinner was located.

The palace that hosts the dinner is called Furan Hall.

The main hall is divided into three areas from top to bottom, and the top area should belong to Princess Vientiane according to the arrangement. At this moment, Princess Vientiane has not yet arrived, only two maids and four Vientiane army are standing there.

The next level should be left to the top of the major forces in Tianyang Domain.

The lowest level should be Tianjiao Tianjiao's position.

Stepping into the Furan Hall, Song Xuan's gaze swept away, and he found his position on the left-hand position on the third floor. Each seat was divided into the main seat and three sub-seats.

Song Zheng occupied the main position, and Wei Le, Ji Mingyue, and Zhang Chucheng sat down there.

In this world, the left is still respected, and Song Yan's seat is arranged at the left, which indicates that Princess Vientiane has identified him as the Tianjiao King of Tianyang Realm.

This makes many Tianjiao feel uncomfortable, because Song Yang is not a pure Tianyang person, at most half of them, but now he has become the head of Tianjiao, which makes his heart very boring, but Song Yan shows it. Their despair makes them suffer, even if they are upset.

The first on the right is Wang Teng, and there are three children of the Wang family beside him.

The second place on the left is occupied by Tian Yang; the second place on the right is occupied by Wang Yao. The original Sima Wuyan, the second in the Qianlong list, can only occupy the third position on the left.

"Brother Chu, the sheep in the next day!"

When Tianyang arrived, he smiled and greeted Song Kun.

He suffered a minor injury against Wang Teng, but he has recovered after more than ten days of cultivation.

As the so-called reach out and not smile at people, Song Yan stood up and arched his hands and said, "Heavenly brother, long heard of the big name, long time long time!"

"Compared to Brother Chu, it's not worth mentioning!" Tian Yang shook his head modestly.

Seeing this scene, Wang Teng across the room couldn't help but feel a little dazzling, and secretly said in his heart, that Chu Fan, knowing that I and Tianyang could not deal with it, even joked with him, he did not put me in his eyes.

Then, after Sima No Smoke arrived, he also greeted him.

As for Wang Teng and Wang Yao, they were ignored by Tianyang and Sima Wuyan.

Obviously, both of them are still worried because they lost to their hands. Of course, there may be intentions that they deliberately solicit Song Yong and their relationship.

As a veteran driver, Song Kun naturally would not take their little tricks into account.

To put it bluntly, all the conspiracies and tricks are clouds in the face of absolute strength.

About a quarter of an hour later, with the exception of Princess Vientiane, all invited high-level leaders and Tianjiao have arrived.

at last.

In a beautiful sound of music, Princess Vientiane arrived under the arch guards of two young girls and four Vientiane masters.

Suddenly, everyone in the hall stood up and bent to salute.

"You don't have to be polite, please sit down!"

The princess of Vientiane raised her hands and pressed, and between the talks, she led the girl and the master of the Vientiane army through the hall and finally boarded the highest floor and sat down in the only position.

Four high-ranking Vientiane army officers stood on both sides, and two girls stood behind Princess Vientiane.

Although the two girls and four masters of the Vientiane Army did not disclose their actions.

But many people have seen their realm, that is the master of the demigod, but the specific strength, you need to know.

At the moment, the representatives of the major forces and Tianjiao were somewhat complicated.

Even the princess Vivian, who is not very old, has reached the demigod state, and which of them has not reached this level for a long time, let alone the Tianjiao of Tianyang Realm. Demigod.

The next moment, the princess of Vientiane raised his glass and said solemnly: "Everyone present here is either the master of Tianyang Domain today or the pillar of the future. Everyone can come to the feast. Vientiane is deeply honored. This cup, Vientiane respects you! "

"Thank you Princess!"

"How dare, how dare you!"

"The princess invited me to look down on us!"

"It should be our respect to the princess!"

As soon as the words fell, the response was like a cloud, Princess Vientiane smiled, raised the glass and swayed the crowd, and put the wine glass to her mouth, and slightly raised her white neck, and drank a glass of fine wine.

Suddenly, the crowd applauded and drank all the drinks.


Representatives of the various forces rose to pay tribute to Princess Vientiane.

In this regard, the princess of Vientiane did not take the shelf, all toasts were drunk, which made the representatives of the major forces feel good, and secretly said that the princess of Vientiane would be a face.

"Princess, kid Wang Teng dare toast you!"

Just after the representatives of the major forces finished toasting, Wang Teng suddenly picked up the glass and stood up, toasting with respect.

Seeing this scene, other Tianjiao's eyes are bright and secretly interesting.

Toasting should not be arrogant, it must be in order.

The representatives of the major forces finished toasting. Naturally, Song Yan, the arrogant one, should first toast, but now he was snatched by Wang Teng first. Doesn't it mean that Wang Teng is not convinced by Song Yan.

Tianyang and Sima Wuyan also looked at Song Yan at this moment.

The faces of Elder Shan and Elder Ming are a bit ugly.

Although the Wang family recruited Song Ye just to use him, he is now fighting for the Noble name for the Wang family, and the Wang family also has a bright face. Otherwise, Song Ye had cleaned up Wang Teng for a while, and they just reprimanded him He wouldn't let it go at once.

Now that Wang Teng is doing this, although he is targeting Song Kun, he has lost the face of the Wang family and made other people look at the joke, not to mention in front of Princess Vientiane.

For a moment, they were a little angry at Wang Teng.

At the same time, they also successively transmitted a message to Song Kun, asking him not to be impulsive, and when the dinner was over, they would teach Wang Teng to make justice for him.

On the other side, Wang Yao flashed a little imperceptible disdain in his eyes. This Wang Teng had lost to Chu Fan twice in a row, and still provoked.

And it's so indifferent to the occasion, it's simply stupid.

How sharp Princess Vientiane's eyes were, the slight changes in the hall couldn't escape her eyes, and there was a touch of playfulness in the corner of her mouth, she nodded to Wang Teng and raised her glass to drink.

Seeing this, Wang Teng was overjoyed, followed by drinking the wine in the glass, and looked at Song Yan provocatively.

In this regard, Song Yan smiled disapprovingly.

His strength is now comparable to the gods in this world. Not to mention Wang Teng and the Wang family, even Princess Vientiane may not be in his eyes. How could he be angry because of respecting the wine of Princess Vientiane?

What's more, he never thought about toasting. Since Wang Teng wanted to be diligent, let him go.

Wang Teng sat down contentedly.

Everyone looked at Song Yan subconsciously, but Song Yan did not stand up to toast at all, which made Tianyang sit on the wax, and could not help but whispered: "Brother Chu, it's time to toast!"

"I don't have to, brother, come on!"

Song Ying responded to the sentence and picked up a spirit fruit on the table and ate it.

[Digression by the author]: One more, thank you [disheartened] [dark battle] [no, delusional] [stars stars] [cosmic wandering] five great rewards.

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