Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1115: Want to see me

Soon Song returned to the temporary residence.

The members of the pest team came to congratulate one after another, but when Zhang Chucheng and Ji Mingyue, who were attending the dinner together, came back, they talked vividly about what happened at the banquet, and they heard them enthusiastically and their eyes glowed.

"Mighty, the captain is too mighty!" Someone shouted.

Their captain was so prestigious, they also felt honored, so everyone met to congratulate Song Yong.

In fact, Song Ye did not feel much proud of it.

In the eyes of others, Princess Vientiane is unattainable. In his eyes, the other person is just a powerful woman.

Regarding the arrival of the pest clan, he had no choice but to accept it and let them roar.

After some trouble, the group did not leave until three or four in the morning. Fortunately, before leaving, the female team members worked together to clean up the messy courtyard.

"My son."

Wei Le stopped talking.

"Say, what is it?"

Song Zheng waved to Wei Le, called her to her side, and sat on his lap with the gesture of his eyes.

Since he got married, it has been a bit ridiculous that Wei Le, a personal girl.

"Son, slavery thinks you should agree to Princess Vientiane." Wei Le said a little shyly.

Wei Le is an ambitious woman. She has never been relaxed even after following Song Ye. Apart from her cultivation, she has been very concerned about the collection of information. Therefore, she understands what a princess Vientiane is. If her son becomes Vientiane, The benefit of the princess's personal guard was absolutely unimaginable. As a close-fitting girl, she could naturally follow the water.

Song Wei is not surprised by Wei Le's persuasion. He also knows what kind of thought she has, but he can't tell her some words. In fact, except her, everyone in the pest team thinks he should Promise Princess Vientiane.

Subordinate, that is not enough strength.

Now that he has the strength and the resources, why should he be the leader of others?

Since he couldn't explain, he didn't bother to explain, but one hand quietly reached into Wei Le's dress, all the way up, and then grasped a plump and greasy place, wantonly kneading and playing with it.

"My son!"

Wei Le gave a low groan, and there was a layer of watery mist in his eyes, and he actively raised his head to kiss.

In this regard, Song Yong naturally was not polite. As soon as his head was lowered, he kissed the attractive little mouth and tasted it carefully.

After some rain and rain, Wei Le was unbearably conquered and fell asleep.

Song Yan entered the temple with a flash.

He had thrown Natsuko Chuxue into the temple for some time and was instructed by Tian Lao to practice.

The next moment, Song Ye came to a wooden house by a lake on a beautiful planet.

In front of the wooden house.

A young girl is practicing sword.

The sword light is like water, sometimes turning thousands of times, sometimes like lightning, this young girl already has her own understanding of swordsmanship.

The time on this planet is controlled by three times.

Therefore, Chu Xue has been practicing here for more than two years.

After half a quarter of an hour, Chu Xue closed her sword and stood, and suddenly saw a figure not far away, and her exquisite little face could not help showing an extremely surprised expression.


Like Ruyan throwing herself into the nest, Chu Xue flew directly into Song Huai's arms, and his small face froze again and again in his chest. After a short while, a whimper came.

"What's wrong, girl?"

Song Yan touched her hair and asked softly.

"No, I just miss my brother." Chu Xue said gently.

After practicing here for two years, early snow has also undergone major changes.

First of all, in the case of no shortage of teachers to instruct and resources, Yuan Ying has been formed.

Secondly, the little girl at the beginning was also very slim.

"Both brothers are bad!"

Song Xuan could feel Chu Xue's attachment to him, and could not help but feel a little bit guilty, and to blame himself for not taking the time to see him.

"Brother don't blame yourself, it's just that they miss their brother too much."

For a while, Song Yan was even more self-blame.

But soon, Song Yan laughed at Chu Xue with his three-inch tongue, and pulled her to sit by the lake. He took off his shoes and socks and put them into the cold lake water.

The two brothers and sisters were talking, and unknowingly, two hours had passed.

Song Xuan decided to leave here with Chu Xue, but was rejected by Chu Xue. The reason for the rejection was simple. She was not strong enough and could not help her brother when she went out. Instead, she became a burden to her.

Hearing that, Song Zheng distressed her into her arms again.

In fact, he wanted to tell her that his strength was already very strong, even if he was not afraid of facing the gods, but after thinking about it, he was worried about hitting Chu Xue's confidence, so he promised her to stay here to practice.

Before leaving, he met with Tian Lao and asked about the practice of Chu Xue.

His body flashed again, and Song Ye came to another planet.

In ten times the time, Shishi has digested a scarlet dragon, and her strength has far surpassed that of the late crossing. If the second scarlet dragon is digested, her strength should reach the level of immortal.

Early the next morning.

Song Huan punched in the courtyard to warm up, Wen Renjunjie hurriedly came.

"Captain, the princess of Vientiane is here."

"What is she doing here?"

Wen Renjunjie is very speechless: "Did you forget, Captain, there is a gamble between you. If she loses, she will be your next to you for three days!"

"Oh, that's it, just look at the arrangement, after three days, let her go!"

Song Daoran nodded, and then said very casually.

He didn't take his gambling contract seriously either. He wanted to humiliate the other person. He didn't really want to take her as a close maid. Although he was not afraid of Princess Vientiane, he didn't want to offend her.

"Isn't this good?" Wen Renjunjie said cautiously.

"What's wrong, go ahead!"

Song Zheng waved his hand.

Wen Renjunjie had no choice but to lead.

When he came to the living room, Wen Renjunjie said politely to the girl: "Girl, Qinger, I have already reported to the captain, and I will take you to your place next!"

On hearing that, the pretty girl was very frowning, and said very dissatisfied: "Chu Fan, why didn't he see me?"

After the banquet last night, Princess Vientiane reprimanded her fiercely, and pointed out how she was fooled by that Chu Fan.

For a while, Jiao Qiao couldn't help but be ashamed of her shame. Naturally, she was so annoyed by Song Yan that she was helpless, but her princess praised Chu Fanduo, she seemed to appreciate it, and wanted to attract him.

In order to restore the image in the princess's heart, the charming girl decided to help the princess to recruit Na Chufan. So, this morning, she hurried to Songliao's house. This abominable guy.

But I did not expect to hit a nail once, and the abominable Chu Fan did not give her a chance to meet.

[Author off topic]: One more.

Let me explain what happened at the end of yesterday's chapter about interruptions and rewards. It was a joke. I am sorry that everyone misunderstood.

But the mosquito still has to say something: you are too humorous.

Thanks [Zou Weisheng] [Perfume fragrance] [Dark battle] [td93180325] [Deng treats one's chess] [Nothing], [Three Kingdoms fans] [Dazzling starlight] [Night star soul] [Bao Yuyang] [Zou Dilong] Reward

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