Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1620: Ming Emperor's Treasure

These dozens of black energies all contain terrible toxins. Even at a distance, Song Yong can smell those pungent stench from the energies. ..

His body flickered, and he ducked directly to a distance of 1,000 kilometers, and said to the other side: "I never knew you, but I happened to run into it, why do you have to fight hard?"


The woman in the black dress snorted, flying after her, and once again radiated dozens of black radiance.

"You're endless!"

Song Yan continued to dodge with some anger.

"If you catch yourself, this seat may spare you!" The woman in a black dress sneered.

"You ungrateful animal!"

Song Yan smirked: "I thought you hurt me with this toxin!"

The next moment, Song Yan stepped out, and a golden flame came out,

All the black light that drew near him squeaked and disappeared into the air.

Seeing this, the woman in the black dress couldn't help but be surprised. The toxins contained in the dozens of energies she played could not be easily contaminated even by the demigods, but the other party was able to consume her energy in an instant without being poisoned The most important thing is that the other party is just a fighter of law, which makes her both surprised and unbelievable.


The next moment, a black-black whip was added to the woman in a black dress, and when her wrist was lifted, the black-black whip turned into a blackbird and slaughtered it from Song Yang.


Song Yan coldly hummed, nodded a finger.


Refers to light, such as electricity, hitting Wuxu. Suddenly, the entire Wuxu shattered without resistance, falling into countless fragments and falling down, except that the whip handle was still held by the black skirt woman On hand.

But her expression was dull.

This black whip is a magic soldier she has made by herself. Although it is not as good as the top magic soldier, it is also a very good magic soldier. In addition, she has been trained with many toxins for many years. Therefore, this handle The value of the black whip is no less than those of the top magic soldiers.

The elaborate weapon was so destroyed, and the woman in the black skirt could not help but skyrocket: "Dare to destroy my weapon, I will kill you!"

Too excited, the woman in the black dress even forgot to hide her true voice.


The dark clouds rolled, and the woman in the black skirt actually had a huge forest white skull on top of her head. The hollow eyes seemed to contain some inexplicable force to draw the spirit of others into it.

The next moment, the woman in the black dress merged into the black cloud, the black cloud rolled, and Sen Bai's skull floated in the black cloud, sweeping towards Song Kun.

"Break me!"

Song Kun stood in place and raised his hand to slap a palm. Suddenly, a golden palm print appeared in the void, then fell abruptly, right in the middle of the white skull.


Under the palm of his hand, the skull shattered, and the dark cloud melted like ice and snow, and disappeared completely in his breath.


The woman in the black skirt was photographed and fell to the ground. The black mist surrounding her body also dispersed, and the sound of wow spit out blood, and her complexion followed.

Song Ye descended from the sky, and looked at her with a gaze: "I don't want to care about you, you have to come to death, let's say, how are you going to die?"

It was said that the woman in the black dress did not show the slightest fear, staring fiercely at Song Yan: "Who are you in the end? Did you send Emperor Tang Dilong to kill me?"

"Let you be a ghost!" Song Yong smiled again: "I don't know any Tang Emperor Dragon, nor was it sent by anyone. I really passed by. Unfortunately, you have to believe me, you have to trouble me!"

"Did you really pass by?" The woman in a black skirt staggered,

There was even more regret in my heart.

Song Yan smiled: "You are about to die anyway, I have no need to lie to you!"

This time, the black-skirted woman was completely spartan, and she felt more like crying without tears. She had hid in this ghost place for many years just to complete the "Poison Emperor's Heavenly Sutra", and then went to the Tang Emperor Dragon to take revenge.

But because of his suspicion, he was seriously injured by a passerby.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling sadness from the bottom of my heart, oh my god, what did my flower slave do wrong, why do you treat me like that?

"Well, I've talked to you so much, it's worthy of you, it's time to take you on the road, let's say, how do you want to die?" Song Yan looked at the black skirt woman with a playful look and asked.

The woman in the black dress smiled suddenly: "Can the little girl Chugong ask you something?"

Song Yan's skeptical: "I never knew you, and you wanted to kill me just now. Do you think I would promise you?"

The woman in the black dress pretended to be self-assured: "No, you will promise me, because as long as you promise me, I will tell you a clue about the treasure of Ming Emperor!"

"Who is Emperor Ming?" Song Yan asked in confusion.

"You do not know?"

"Why should I know?"

Woman in black dress: ""

Slightly silent, the woman in the black dress continued: "The Emperor Ming was the last emperor of the central dynasty. When the empire was broken, he hid all the treasures of the previous dynasty in a dimension, in order to let his descendants. Relying on this treasure to restore the country, for many years, some people have been trying to find the treasure left by the Emperor Ming. Unfortunately, it has not been successful for a long time. Everyone has regarded the treasure of the Ming Emperor as a legend. But in fact, the treasure of the Emperor Ming is It really exists! "

"Then how do you know that the treasures of the Emperor Ming really existed?" Song Dai asked skeptically.

The woman in the black dress continued: "Because my ancestor was one of the most trusted personal guards of the Emperor Ming. After the Emperor Ming hid the treasure in the dimension space, he divided the key to open the dimension space into five, and one Taken by the humble whale, the other four were handed over to the four guards he trusted most, and they were sent away from the imperial capital before the imperial city was breached. The emperor Ming explained that if the whale could When the army organized a counterattack, the four of them went to find the whale prince and gave him the other four keys. If the whale did not raise the matter, wait for him or his descendants to get back to them after the incident!

It is a pity that none of the four personal guards saw the whale prince or his descendants at the time of death. In desperation, only this secret was used as the ancestral training and passed down from generation to generation! "

"What do you take to prove that you are not writing a story?" Song Yan asked.

"Of course I can prove it!" Between words, the woman in the black dress took out a golden booklet: "This is the imperial edict of the Emperor Ming uploaded by my ancestors, this can prove my identity!"

Song Zheng took the golden booklet and opened it. After reading it, he found that this was a canonical imperial edict, enclosing a man named Hua Xiaofeng as a product of Tiandaowei.

Although many years have passed, this golden booklet still exudes a strong flavor of the emperor, and the place where the seal is sealed is also covered with the seal of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

"What do you want me to do for you?" Song Yan asked after returning the decree to the other party.

The hatred flashed in the eyes of the woman in black dress: "I want you to help me kill Tang Dilong. As long as you kill him, I will tell you the key of my flower family and tell you the other three people who have the keys. clue!"

[Digression by the author]: Three more completed, thank you for [not mentioning the stowaway failure] [I still love you] [blocking a kick] [Dream Butterfly Dance]

Mosquito ancestor: You said that I threatened the reader. This is ridiculous. The other party greeted my parents. Shouldn't I say a word, and I didn't scold him, just let him scold me, don't scold my parents.

Besides, in the case of Pan Changjiang, I did not insult him, but hacked myself.

The first paragraph: Someone compared me with Pan Changjiang

Really mad at mosquitoes

In addition to his height, he is as good as a mosquito.

Obviously self-hacking.

The second paragraph is the same: it is shorter than Pan Changjiang and it is also self-hacking. Excuse me, where do I insult him?

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