Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1622: Zerg's Nest


A golden flame emerged out of thin air, dragging the disgusting mother emperor into it. After a while, the mother emperor was burned into slag

"Son, shall we move on?"

Hua Nu asked with some worries. In her opinion, the strength of her son is indeed strong, but it is not enough to compete with the entire Zerg.

"Of course we have to move forward. Didn't I tell you that I came here to exterminate the Zerg." Song Yan said with certainty.

"You kidding me, boy?"

Hua Nu stared at Song Ye in shock. Although she was not the first to hear Song Ye's mention of extermination of the Zerg, she never took it seriously. After all, even the gods could not do anything about the extinction of the Zerg.

"If I didn't come here to exterminate the Zerg, then I still need to toss in this ghost place!" Song Yan was very speechless, and urged: "Hurry up the way, solve the Zerg earlier, leave the ghost place earlier!"


Flower slave wants to say more,

But was interrupted by Song Yong forcibly: "You don't need to care about the others, just lead the way!"


Hua Nu replied helplessly, stubbornly guiding Song Yan forward.

This time, the two men flew forward hundreds of miles, and there were dense army of Zerg in front of them, no less than 10 billion.

The perspective power was turned on, and quickly swept, Song Ye captured the eleven mother emperors in the dimension space.


Qing Yan Sword appeared in Song Yan's hands, then waved out.

Eleven Daojian swords spurted out from the air, submerged into the surrounding void like lightning, and the bodies of the eleven empresses hidden in the dimension space burst directly.

As soon as the eleven mother emperors died, the orderly Zerg army immediately chaotic, and Song Kun was too lazy to kill these zerg. After all, most of their life spans were only months. As long as the mother emperor was killed, these zerg would sooner or later Will die.

move on.

This time, after only traveling for more than a hundred miles, I encountered a group of Zerg army, the number is even greater, reaching more than 20 billion, under the joint control of 20 mother emperors, at the same time, there are five comparable Fa phase, one hundred The Zerg of Yuzun Koyang is hidden in the army.


There is nothing polite, Song Yi directly wields the green sword, and directly kills the twenty emperors and the hundreds of worms.

In the next two hours, Song Yan and the two encountered more than a dozen Zerg army.

But these Zerg army could not stop his footsteps, but let him kill him happily. Before and after, the queen who died in his hands has reached thousands, and the Zombie who died under his sword has reached five. More than a thousand.

Among them are more than ten holy sea-level worms.

The Zerg race has never won by quality. The magic weapon for their victory depends on quantity, so there are not many masters.

"My son, over there!"

Flower slave pointed at a direction.

Today the sky has become extremely dim. Even in the daytime, it seems to be dark. At the same time, the various toxins in the air are even more intense. Even if the Holy Sea Warrior comes here, I am afraid that he cannot stay for too long.

Soon, a day passed.

During this period, Song Ye and Nian did not encounter any Zerg army. It should be because they knew that sending troops could not stop Song Yi's footsteps. Instead, it was better to shrink their strength.

At the same time, in the process of moving forward, Song Zheng also found a lot of insect nests, but those insect nests no longer exist in the zerg.

"Rest first!"

Song Yan threw out a team,

Isolate a small space of two hundred meters, and then squeeze out all the poisonous gas inside.

"Take it!"

Song Yan threw another Hanling Dan to Huanu.

"Thank you, son!"

There was a hint of joy in Huanu's eyes, and he took his Han Lingdan suit and adjusted his breath in place.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Huanu ended her breath adjustment, and her looks looked much better, because the toxins in her soul had been dispelled by her a lot, and at the same time, her soul had been elevated.

If she can take a few more Han Ling Dan, she is sure to dispel all the toxins in the soul.

Taking a short break, Song Zheng put away the set, and the two continued on the road.

Unconsciously, the three days passed, and the two saw more and more worm nests, but they were all empty. It seemed that the Zerg was preparing for a big move, waiting for his arrival.

In this regard, Song Xun did not feel afraid, but was very pleased. If the Zerg dispersed, he would not be able to solve it. If they all gathered together, it would give him a chance.

at last.

Two days later, under the sweep of the consciousness, there were worm nests in front of which could not see the end. Each worm nest contained a large number of various zerg species, the number reached at least 500 billion.

In addition, there are countless mother emperors hidden in the surrounding void. Due to the limitations of supernatural powers, Song Ye could not find out how many mother emperors at the moment. At the same time, in the Zerg army, there were also demigod-level zergs. Figure.


The dull voices sounded, but countless flying zerg came from all directions, densely packed and overwhelming, and looked very terrifying. According to preliminary estimates, the number of these flying zerg was no less than 100 billion.

At the same time, Song Yan also found out.

The spiritual powers of those empresses were united, blocking the void around them, mostly to prevent him from escaping.

"This is going to pile me up!"

Song Kun whispered to himself, and when he was talking, he glanced at Huanu, and found that the other person's face was faintly pale.

In this case, don't say a demigod, even if there are dozens of demigods, most of them have to hate drinking places.

"My son, what should we do?" Huanu asked with a trembling voice, even though she was not afraid of death, but surrounded by so many zerg, she still gave birth to fear.

"Don't worry, you can't hurt me with these scum!" Song Yan smiled disdainfully. During the conversation, he threw out more than a hundred arrays. The arrays disappeared when they fell into the void. Then came the huge array.

"go with!"

Song Yong shook his wrist, and another five-parcel flag fell into the surrounding void, but it was a five-element array flag.


The flag fell, and the power of the large array rose tens of times instantly.


Then, Song Yan threw dozens of **** irons from the fantasy world. The power of the one-time matrix method was stronger. Then, the air shrouded in a circle of hundreds of miles was quickly purified, but dozens of breaths. This piece The toxins in the space are almost gone.

"Come out!"

As soon as Song Yong waved his hand, a huge gate of time and space appeared, and then the hordes of demons flew out of it.

The demons like to devour blood food. The more blood devours they consume, the faster they can rise. So many zerg races are an opportunity. Therefore, Song Kun released more than two million demons in the temple.

"this is?"

Seeing a large number of demon repairs coming out of the gate of time and space, Hua slave opened his mouth wide, because he found that among these demon repairs, there is actually a lot of breath that is not weaker than her.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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