Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1639: Ming Emperor Residual Soul


It's very nice to see Song Xun's arrival at Chuxue.

The brother and sister spoke for a while, and suddenly took out the secret key of the Ming Emperor's Treasury from the slave ring.


Chu Xue exclaimed, but it was the jade pendant hanging on her chest that suddenly became hot, and she could not help but startle her, and quickly took the jade pendant out.

Seeing Chu Xue's response, Song Yan has basically been certain that Chu Xue is the descendant of Emperor Ming.

Looking at the pale blue jade pendant in Song Yi's palm, Chu Xue couldn't help showing his doubts: "Brother, how can you have it?"

"Let me tell you a story!"

Song Yan smiled, and then the former empire was about to be destroyed. The last emperor Ming Di divided the treasure house key into five and gave it to the whale and four personal guards to take away.

After listening, Chu Xue couldn't help showing a somewhat confused expression: "Brother, do you mean that I may be the descendant of four Ming Emperors' personal guards?"

"Do not!"

Song Zheng shook his head: "You should be the descendant of the whale prince, because the keys of the four guards contain a trace of the essence of the four great beasts. The colors of the jade pendants are light blue, dark blue, gold and fiery red. A jade pendant is as transparent as crystal, and when your jade pendant meets any other jade pendant, it will give a special induction! "

"It seems to be the case, now this jade pendant is still hot."

Chuxue nodded.

"Come and show me the jade pendant."

Wen Yan said that Chu Xue did not hesitate to hand over her jade pendant to Song Yong.


Just as the two jade pendants touched each other, the two jade pendants suddenly burst into a brilliance and quickly entangled together. Then, the two jade pendants also melted quickly. When the radiance dissipated, the two jade pendants were closed. Two for one.

Seeing this, Song Yan could not help revealing a thoughtful look.

According to Flower Slave, only the prince of the whale or his descendants sent troops, the four guards handed over the four keys, but he did not think so. Even if Ming Emperor trusted the four guards, he could not exceed him. The son ’s trust, so the whale must have found a way to find the other four keys, or


Song Xuan returned the fused jade pendant to Chu Xue again.

As soon as Chu Xue's fingers touched the jade pendant, a sudden change occurred.

An imaginary figure suddenly flew out of the jade pendant, and then cast it straight to the heart of Chu Xue.


Song Yan snorted coldly, grabbing his hand and imprisoned the figure in the void.


A huge imperial air emanated from the illusory figure, then, with both hands making an opening tear action, the imprisoned void was torn apart, and then continued to fly towards Chu Xue's eyebrow.

But immediately, the ripped void was imprisoned again, and it became stronger. No matter how the illusory figure tossed, it could not be ripped apart again.

"Bold, who are you? A primitive **** who dares to imprison?"

The figure became firmer, revealing a middle-aged man wearing a dragon robe, but with a shawl, showing the majesty of the Emperor.

"A monarch who annihilated the country also dared to arrogantly in front of the little master!" Song Yong sneered, but he was not an emperor, how could he take the lingering soul of Ming Emperor seriously.


He has determined that this remnant of soul is Ming Emperor.

Sure enough, he did not expect that Emperor Ming really trusted the four guards, but used them to shed the golden cicada and divide his soul into five hidden treasure keys. Once the keys are fused, he can take the opportunity Seize the descent of his bloodline and be born again.

But he didn't expect it.

After the collapse of the previous dynasty, the whale prince did not start a soldier. After so many years, the five keys have no chance of blending.

The reason why Ming Emperor's residual soul can exist for so many years mainly depends on the spirit of the beast in the key, but the time has been too long and the spirit has been exhausted.

This is also why Song Yan did not sense the subtle existence from the jade pendants of Huanu and Chuxue. Of course, this is also the reason for his suspicion.

Because the energy of the spirit is exhausted, if he does not seize the house again, even if there are only two remnants of the soul mingling, Emperor Ming can't wait to seize the first snow of the house, otherwise, his remnant may disappear.

Hearing Song Yan's words, Ming Emperor's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly looked at Chu Xue: "You are the descendant of You, don't you let him let go of you?"


Chu Xue looked at Song Yan.

Song Yan smiled disdainfully: "Don't be fooled by this old ghost. He just had no peace of mind, and wanted to take you away, old emperor Mingdi, am I right?"

Suddenly, Chu Xue's face became full full of shock and surprise, one is because of the identity of this residual soul, and the other is naturally the other party wants to take him away.

"Nonsense, how could I take away my descendants!" Ming Di residual soul said very calmly.

Sure enough, he was the emperor, and when he talked about lying, he didn't blink his eyes, Song Ye sneered, and then pointed out.


A little divine light fell into the body of Ming Emperor's remnant. Suddenly, the other side screamed in horror: "You, what do you want to do fast, quickly collect that energy, otherwise, kill your nine races!"

Song Yan disdain: "Stupid! Do you look like you have the ability to kill the nine grandfathers?"

Seeing that the threat was unsuccessful, Ming Emperor immediately changed his tone and took the temptation: "Do n’t, as long as you let go of the puppet, wait for the puppet to regain the world and seal you as a general!"

"You were wiped out, and now you want to rejuvenate with a ray of remnant soul. It's just a big dream in the sky!"

After saying this, Song Yan was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party, directly erasing his spiritual knowledge and turning into a mass of pure soul power carrying memories.

Chu Xue is a descendant of Emperor Ming and has the same bloodline, so Song Yan directly inserted this group of spirits into Chu Xue's body and urged: "Run the exercises to fuse this group of energy!"


Chu Xue nodded, and sat in the same place, starting to merge the energy transformed by the soul of the Ming Emperor.

Soon, her breath changed

In the blink of an eye, one month passed in the temple. With the help of Song Yan, Chu Xue finally absorbed the energy transformed by the remnant soul of the Emperor Ming, which caused her spirit strength to increase. She even had an illusion. As long as she thought, Can immediately break through the existing realm.

"Brother, this Ming Emperor really wanted to take me away, it was abominable!"

After opening her eyes, Chu Xue exclaimed, after merging this energy, she also absorbed the memory of Ming Emperor's residual soul.

"Anyway, isn't he unsuccessful?" Song Yan smiled.

Chu Xue suddenly offered a treasure: "By my brother, I got an immortal script called" Thunderstorm Heavenly Scripture "from the memory of Ming Emperor. I read it to you?

"it is good!"

Song Zheng nodded, but did not refuse Chu Xue's kindness.

It took more than two hours for Chu Xue to recite this fairy tale, but after listening to it, Song Yi learned a lot.

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