Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1645: Need evidence?

Soon, Flower Slave came to the small village as stated in the letter.

The spiritual sense swept, this village has more than 300 people. Thanks to the rich heaven and earth vitality of the Central Region, most of the villagers who only have rough exercises have the cultivation of the Shenhai Realm, and several of them Dan Wuzhe.

The "Fishes of the Net" in the flower family sealed their own cultivation as hidden among the villagers, and all showed only the cultivation of Shenhai Realm.

As soon as her figure flickered, Huanu appeared in a courtyard piled with earth walls.

An elderly woman in a coarse cloth shirt was looking down to sieve the soil in the beans, but did not find the arrival of flower slaves.

Seeing this old woman, Huanu's face appeared excited, and she called softly, "Chen."

On hearing that, the old woman suddenly raised her head, and her turbid eyes were full of excitement, crackling, the dustpan in her hand fell, and the beans spilled to the ground.

"Miss, is it really you?"

"Chen Yun!"

Flower slave eyes are moist,

Quickly stepped forward and helped Chen Yan.

Just then, three men and women walked out of the room.

A middle-aged man, a young man, and a young woman of ordinary appearance.

The middle-aged man is Chen Ye's eldest son, the young man is her son, and the woman is her second daughter-in-law.

"See Miss!"

When the three saw Huanu, their faces also showed excitement, and then they all fell to their knees and began to salute.

"You don't have to be polite, please hurry up!"

Huanu personally stepped forward to support the three. Thousands of people in the Huajia family were slaughtered by the Tang family in the past. Today, although these people are not considered to be the family relationship of the Huajia family, not even the sidelines, The slave felt extra gracious.

But the moment Hua Han lifted up the young woman, a sudden change occurred.

The young woman had a dark dagger in her hand, which suddenly stabbed at Huanu's abdomen.

The other party's speed is very fast, even at the moment of her hands, no one except Flower Slave reacted.

But when the dagger was about to pierce Huanu's body, she suddenly disappeared in place, and then flashed a few meters away. She stared coldly at the young woman and asked, "Who the **** are you?"

Chen Zhen's second daughter-in-law was just an ordinary person. When the flower family was destroyed, her cultivation reached the sea of ​​God, but the cultivation she showed had surpassed the ordinary demigods.

Therefore, for the first time, Huanu suspected that the other party was no longer Chen Ye's daughter-in-law.

"Well! Since it was taken by you, but it doesn't matter. Since you are here, you don't want to leave!"

The second daughter-in-law gave a faint smile, and then her shape was twisted, turning her into a middle-aged man.

"You are not spring flower, who are you? And, where did you get spring flower?"

Chen Zhen's second son shouted in shock.

"Rest assured, this village woman like me, I don't bother to kill her!"

The middle-aged man smiled coldly, and then the figure flashed, and continued to fight away from the flower slave, but when he just left, his body was shaking, and then he fell to the ground in a terrified expression. .

"Who are you? Why are you assassinating me?"

Flower slave stepped forward and stared down at the middle-aged man.

At this moment, a layer of black gas had appeared on the face of the middle-aged man, and his body began to tremble violently because of too much pain.

In fact, the strength of this middle-aged man is not weak, and has reached the level of a four-level general.

But the flower slaves can be poisoned even in the seventh level,

Without protection, how can we escape the slavery's poison.

"Don't kill me, as long as you release the poison from me, I'll tell you who directed me!"

The middle-aged man was suffering from the pain in his body, and gritted his teeth.

Huanu disdain: "Are you qualified to bargain with me? Hurry up and explain it, don't blame me for not reminding you, more than half a quarter of an hour, I can't solve the poison on your body!"

I heard that the middle-aged man had a panic in his eyes: "Did I say it, and you should detoxify me?"

He tried to urge the energy in the body to expel the toxins in the body, but those toxins were extremely overbearing, and they could swallow his energy to grow, and he could not be expelled at all.

"It depends on my mood!"

"Okay, I said!"

The middle-aged man flashed humiliation and indignation, and continued to say, "It's Du Zeshan. Du Zeshan wants me to capture you and give you to him!"

"It's him?"

Flower slave was a little surprised. She gave him the antidote. Why did he come to kidnap her? Is it for the sake of his son, or is it?

After half a quarter of an hour, the Tang Family House.

Song Yi pointed out and hit a magical power into the middle-aged man's eyebrows. Soon, the other party was completely enslaved. Then he explained that it was Du Zeshan who instructed him to kidnap the slaves.

When he heard that someone wanted to abduct Huanu, Song Ye was very angry. Fortunately, the other party miscalculated Huanu's strength and only sent a fourth-level war to ambush him in the future. Otherwise, they might be successful.

"My son, this Du family is nothing but a face-to-face set, dare to send someone to kidnap Huanu sister!" Wei Le said.

"That's it, destroy them!"

Zhou Yan'er fought Xiuquan hard and made a look of enemies.

"What do you think, flower slave?"

Song Yan asked flower slaves.

Hua Nu hesitated, "Master, after all, this incident was only instructed by Du Zeshan. Even if we go to the door, the Du family may not confess it, and there is no evidence on this person that he is the one instructed by Du Zeshan!"

After listening to Hua Nu's words, other women nodded in agreement.

"You guys!"

Seeing this, Song Zheng shook his head silently: "First of all, your father-in-law didn't need evidence to fight, as long as I believe that the Du family did it, and secondly, as long as someone dares to move my people, even if there is no evidence, I also Destroy him! "

Speaking of this, there is a bit of cold light in Song Yan's eyes. It seems that the collapse of the Tang family did not let the families of Tianfeng City recognize the reality, but he dared to break the ground in Taisui.

Listening to Song Yan's words, the girls showed a sense of complete realization, but Huanu's eyes toward Song Yan became more and more affectionate.

"Let's go to trouble with the Du family!"

With a big wave of Song Yong, he got up and walked outside, and everyone quickly followed.

Du family.

"The general manager is not good. Someone called us Du family!"

A guard hurried to report.

Hearing that, Du Zeshan could not help but hesitated, and asked subconsciously: "Who is coming?"

"It is a handsome young man, and he is followed by two men and five women!" The guard hurriedly.

"Is it him?"

Du Zeshan was suddenly shocked, and quickly released his sense of consciousness. Sure enough, it was found that the person was Song Yan. Immediately, he had a bad feeling in his heart, knowing that the kidnapping of flower slaves had mostly been revealed.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help feeling a little more afraid, and even couldn't even account for the guard. As soon as he was in shape, he came to the courtyard where the Du family's owner was, and shouted in panic: "Owner, it's bad, Then Chu Fan came to the door! "

[Author off topic]: One more

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