Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1650: Boss, please accept my brother.

These more than ten warriors in gold armor are the best among the ninth-level warriors, and their respective strengths are extremely powerful. If they are in the human race, any one can become the overlord figure.

But at the moment they are all the guards of the three Princes of the Dragon Race.

It can be seen how powerful the dragon people are.

"Boom boom!"

The breath soared, and God's light shot.

Each of the armor guards looks like a small sun, emitting endless energy, enough to burn a small world.

With the outbreak of their breath, except for the third prince, Liu Long and his maid Xiaobai, the other homeowners were all forced to retreat by their breath, and eventually they all left the hall.

However, Song Kun, who was surrounded by the golden armor fighters, remained motionless, exuding a sense of immobility.

"Boom! Boom!"


More than ten rounds of the little sun killed Song Yong with a rolling force,

Glorious and imposing instantly engulfed his body, the owners faintly saw Song Kun was torn to shatter

But just then.

A sword qi suddenly rose from the Guanghai.

The red sword qi was not dazzling, but at this moment, it suppressed the power of Guanghai.


With a light drink, the red sword qi fluttered.


Blood splattered and heads flew up one by one. In a moment, more than a dozen gold armored soldiers became headless corpses.

After seeing this scene, a group of homeowners fell into a sluggish state. After a while, they began to exclaim:



"That's a nine-level warrior!"

Then comes fear, yes, fear!

One sword killed more than a dozen nine-level nine generals. Is this something a person can do? At this moment, they thought of the gods.

At that moment, Gwanghae disappeared, and Song Yan's figure appeared there.

At this moment, the eyes of all the homeowners changed. They seemed to see the deities, and saw a deity walking in the world, giving them the urge to worship the five bodies.


The owner of the Du family knelt down and said in his mouth: "Master God is atonement, my Du family is willing to give everything to make atonement!"


The owner of the Zhao family also knelt down and hoeed his head: "Master God, my Zhao family is willing to be a servant of the gods, eternal life!"

"噗通! 噗通!"

One by one, the homeowners scrambled to kneel, all expressing their willingness to submit to slavery.

And Liu Long was dumbfounded when he saw this scene, and he had a fear in his heart. Although he is strong, he can fight up to three gold armor guards, and cut off more than ten gold armor guards with one sword. The boundless cheap Father Emperor can't do it.

"His Royal Highness, you go first, Xiaobai will break for you!"

A tinge of terror flashed in the maid's eyes, but immediately turned to firmness.

"Can't go!"

Liu Long shook his head. He was sure that the person who could kill more than a dozen gold armor guards in one stroke had reached the level of the gods. Even if he used the space secrets of the dragon race, his chance of escape would not exceed one percent.

He didn't dare to gamble, so


The next moment, Liu Longfei stepped forward, kneeling in front of Song Yan: "Boss Chu Fan, do you still have a younger brother? What do you think of younger brother?"

"Aren't you shouting to kill me?"

Song Yan looked at him playfully.

Liu Long's eyes flashed with embarrassment: "Isn't that all misunderstanding? Now the younger brother has been completely convinced by you, rest assured, I will be your most faithful younger brother in the future, you will let me go east, I will never go west, You let me chase dogs, I will never kill chickens! "

In order to survive, Liu Long has fully exerted his amusement attributes. He doesn't want to die. He has a distinguished position in this world, has endless riches and honors, and countless beautiful women are vying for his favor. Who knows Will it cross again when it ’s over?

He didn't dare to gamble and didn't want to gamble.

As for dignity, in the original world, when Pan cut off dignity, there was nothing.

If someone now told him dignity, he would definitely spit his face.

Seeing Song Yan seemed unmoved.

Liu Long bit his teeth and took out a shuttle-like apparatus, saying, "Boss, this is the secret treasure of the Dragon Race. Once activated, it can resist 100,000 miles away instantly. Now, the younger brother will dedicate it to you. , I hope you can accept my little brother! "

Hearing that, Song Zheng did not show the slightest movement, and his big move was no worse than this time and space shuttle.

Seeing Song Ji's unwillingness, Liu Long bit his teeth and took off the ring on his hand and presented it: "Boss, this is all the savings of the younger brother, at least billions of Lingjing. The younger brother also dedicated it to you, so Please accept your brother! "

Hearing words, Song Yong finally showed a touch of heart.

Seeing this, Liu Long was overjoyed, and decided to put more effort, so he pointed to the maid in white and said, "Boss, what do you think of Xiaobai, I dedicate her to you too, rest assured, because she practiced a special method You ca n’t break your body before it ’s completed, she ’s still a virgin, and her exercises are about to be completed. The younger brother was going to enjoy it for himself, and now she is dedicated to you! ”

The maid in white heard the words, her face changed drastically, and there was a faint glow in her eyes.

"Get up!"

Song Yan finally spoke, and then added: "You guy is just personal scum!"

"Hey! Thank you, boss!"

Liu Long added his face.

Song Yan was speechless.

Immediately, Liu Long's eyes flashed a killing light, and he aimed at the owner who was kneeling outside: "Boss, the younger brother is instigated by these guys for the trouble, should you kill them together?"

In fact, he also hated these guys very much. If it weren't for them, how would he fall into this.

Hearing Liu Long's suggestion, all the homeowners trembled, but were afraid to stand up and run away.

"Forget it, a group of ants will not care about them!" Song Yan waved his hand.

"Boss is right!"

There was a reluctance in Liu Long's eyes, but he immediately returned to normal and beckoned with a smile to the maid in white: "Xiao Bai, come and see your new master, and you will have to wait for my boss!"


Xiaobai stepped forward without grief and worshiped Song Ye: "Xiao Bai see the master!"

"No need to be polite, get up!"

Song Zheng nodded. This is not Song Yu's covetous beauty, but the other party is also a ninth-level warrior. The people around him are the slaves. If you have Xiao Bai, he does n’t have to Do it yourself.

Judging from his eyesight, this little white strength is even more powerful than those of the armored warriors, which is why he did not refuse.

"Thank you!"

Xiaobai stood up and walked behind Song Ye to stand.

Seeing this, Liu Long felt a little distressed in his heart, but immediately comforted himself: "Isn't it just a maid? Big deal, let Father Emperor help me find one!"

A few days passed by.

The Tang family's industries were rushed to buy at high prices. Today, Song Yong is leaving Tianfeng City and heading directly to the capital of the Central Empire.

[Author off topic]: Three updates are completed, thanks [Eagle in the sky] [Your heart 520000] [Silent] [Less flow] [Lonely boy] [Account e] [Liang Shengyun dye Qin Xinmeng] These big rewards

After reading the unheard of comments, I felt something: love is very mysterious. It is not something that ordinary people can play, and most of them will lose to life and reality.

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