Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1652: Huangdu

Since learning that he can return to the main world, Liu Long has become a bit unwilling and smirked from time to time. Song Song knew what he was thinking. Wu Zheng said that Yi Jin does not return to his hometown, just like Jin Yi travels at night. If he returns to the main world with an uphill cultivation practice, who would dare to say that he is a poor Pan Jun. At that time, power, money, and beauty are not readily available. Of course, this is an obvious mentality, maybe he can feel a great sense of accomplishment in a short time, but after that time, he will feel lonely and bored. In this regard, Song Yan did not go and wear him. Although Liu Long was a bit lascivious, it was still good to use and it was of great help to him. At the same time, Ning Qiangwei, Wei Suo, Gao Hongying, Wu Yuntong, and Zhou Yan'er were fully cultivated in Song Yan. Therefore, in this month, they have all improved greatly, especially Zhou Yaner, who has reached the late phase of the French phase.

Ning Qiangwei, Wei Suo, Gao Hongying, and Wu Yuntong also successively reached the Yangshen. As for Wei Le, they broke through to the beginning of the French phase three days ago. Although they are improving quickly, they are still a little weak for Song Yun. In the end, he decided to throw them into the temple and open up a hundred times of cultivation. As for whether the temple will be leaked, he believes that even if they are leaked, no one can take away from him. I talked about the newly received maid Xiaobai. He has always respected the master of Song Ye, except that he rarely talks and hardly communicates with others. Later Liu Long informed that Xiaobai was such a temperament since he was young. After another half-month flight. The dragon car finally reached the imperial capital of the Central Empire, and looking from a distance, a huge city was immersed in the rays of light, and looked very magnificent. There are twelve huge arch bridges in front of Wucheng Gate. To enter the imperial capital, you must take the arch bridge. Because there is a dark bottomless abyss under the arch bridge. And there is a forbidden air attribute above the abyss, even if ordinary demigods fly over the abyss, they will be pulled by the horror suction from the abyss. Therefore, relying on the abyss surrounding the entire imperial capital, it is enough to resist the inability of millions of elite troops to enter. At the same time, the arch bridge in front of the city gate is shrinkable, and it should be a large spiritual artifact refined by the cultivator. Each arch bridge is 3,600 meters long and 100 meters wide. The emperors of the Central Empire are holy places among the holy places of human race. Not everyone can enter. People who hold temporary identity tokens cannot stay more than one day after entering the capital. Otherwise, they will be punished with huge fines. Fortunately, Song Ye had already handled the identity token of the local residents in Tianfeng City. As for Liu Long, he was granted a special pass token as early as entering the central domain. After Xun took out his identity token and paid a certain amount of taxes, Song Xun and his party entered the city very smoothly. The only people who stayed beside Song Yan now were Huanu and Chuxue. The others were thrown into the temple for spiritual practice. After entering the city, Song Yan asked Liu Long to collect the dragon car, and the three-headed dragon became three Qingyi braves. "What a prosperous city!" Chuxue was very excited, looking at the beautiful buildings in the imperial capital, his eyes flooded. To be honest, the imperial capital of the Central Empire is very beautiful. Even the major international cities in the main world can not be compared. It should be said that it is too far behind. "Boss, our dragon tribe has built-in contact points, or should we go there?" Liu Long suggested. "Okay!" Song Song nodded.

Flight is prohibited inside the imperial capital, and both Chuxue and Huanu are very interested in the sights of the imperial capital. Therefore, they stopped at the contact point of the Dragon people for half an hour. This is a very large estate, and there are also four Dragon Warriors standing in the Holy Sea at the gate. "Who are you waiting for?" Seeing Song Yan and his party coming, the four dragon race warriors sang in unison. Liu Long stepped forward and stepped forward to drink: "Blind your dog's eyes, even the Prince Prince didn't recognize it, and didn't ask Yin Xiu to come out to meet the Prince!" Knelt to the ground, saying that he had seen the third prince. Soon, a middle-aged man ran out and worshiped Liu Long for a while. This person was Yin Xiu in Liu Long's mouth. The official in charge of the contact point affairs. When Liu Long set off from the Dragon clan, he received it. When the third prince is about to come to the capital. He was just a little strange, how did the third prince come so fast.哪里 Where does he know that after becoming Song Yi's younger brother, Liu Long did not seek flowers and ask Liu all the way along, otherwise, according to his previous style, it would be difficult to reach here even for three months. "Yinxiu is the prince ’s worship brother Chu Fan. When he sees him in the future, he must be as respectful as seeing me. No, it should be more respectful than me, remember?" Liu Long pointed. Song Yan introduced. Xun Yinxiu was startled, and quickly bent over to salute: "Xiaguan Yinxiu has met Master Chu!" Xi "No need to be courteous." Xuan Songxian nodded. Xi Yinxiu was very human, and soon arranged a house for Song Ye's party and let the people in the estate arrange bathing tools. After washing, Yin Xiu came again to invite them to dinner. I have eaten a sumptuous dinner, removed the leftovers, and put on dessert tea. Liu Long asked his teeth while asking: "Can anyone from other races come during this time?" Wu Yinxiu replied: "Back to the third prince, among the ten major races, the elves, blood demon, heavenly spirit, and sea people Tianjiao all resisted the Imperial City within a month. At the same time, there were 32 ethnic Tianjiao coming out of the top ten races! ”Liu Long nodded thoughtfully, and then asked,“ Is there any news about Ao Tian and Feng Jiu? ” "Never!" Xi Yinxiu shook his head. "Well, once they have their news, report to me and the boss immediately, you go down!" Liu Long waved. Yin Xiu bowed and saluted and departed: "Yes, Xiaguan retired!" The next moment, Liu Long looked at Song Yan and asked: "Boss, since the Elves, Blood Demon and Tianling and Hairen have arrived, you When are you going to abuse them? "" How do you compare with them? "Song 砚 asked. "No comparison! But there should be little difference!" Liu Long thought for a while. "Then don't worry, wait for Ao Tian and Feng Jiu to come!" Song Zheng said: "Yes, you let Yin Xiu send someone to explore and see if Princess Vientiane has returned to the royal capital!" "What, boss Interested in princess Vientiane this sao girl? "Liu Long began to commit cheapness again:" I have heard this sao girl in the dragon race! "" Don't measure me with your 龌 蹉 thoughts! "Song 砚Glancing at him angrily. "Hey, let me just say, how can the boss taste so much!" Princess Vientiane. The princess of Vientiane lay lazily on a soft couch, wearing only a tulle-like skirt, exposing a pair of slender and white thighs, and her hot body was also looming and hooking. At this moment, the pretty girl Qinger came hurriedly and said with some excitement: "Princess, as expected, the one that has arrived in the capital today!" _ru 香 汗滴 利 大 _footer_degree double **** are fast overflowing_the big _ bold video online watch, please pay attention to WeChat public account ei female mei222 (long press and copy for three seconds)! !!

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