Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1660: The curtain opens

Good fortune stele is coming.

It is inevitable that Tianjiao of all races will compete. With the battle of Bai Han and Jifeng of the Tianling race, the curtain will slowly open!

Emperor Dragon.

Bai Han's attack was very rapid. Each punch seemed to be able to smash a mountain. Ji Feng was in defense. The wide sword in his hand was extremely heavy, but he was lighter than a feather in his hand.

He is retreating and looking for opportunities to fight back.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of strokes passed, and hundreds of strokes were furious. Bai Han's offensive did not slow down, but became more and more fierce, and there was a continuous trend. For a moment, many people ’s spectators were worried for Ji Feng Get up, because Kushou will lose.


Suddenly, the purple spirit patterns on Bai Han's body lit up, blooming clusters of mysterious purple radiances. These purple radiances quickly gathered, and then a purple nine-petal lotus flower was formed on his head.

Bai Han's attack method also changed.

I saw him receding, his hands emblazoned on his face, and a sacred smile on his face. At this moment, he looked like an old Buddhist monk with profound dharma.

next moment!

Bai Han pinched into fists and hit Ji Feng.

This attack looks like a purple lotus, and it looks like a fist print, like a lotus but a lotus, and a boxer!

"This is the magic skill of the Tianling tribe!"

Someone who exclaimed exclaimed.

On the contrary, Ji Feng, after Bai Han hit this blow, his look became extremely dignified. At the same time, he held up his wide sword in his right hand, and quickly moved his sword with his left hand. Suddenly, a black thunder pool appeared above his head. The voice kept coming from it.

"This is Ji's immortal swordsmanship" Nine Thunders! "

Another exclaimed.

But in the box on the ninth floor, when he saw Ji Feng calling out of Thunder Pool, his eyes flashed with surprise, because he sensed the breath of the "Thunder Jade Elephant Sutra" from Thunder Pool, although it was not pure However, he can be sure that Ji Feng's "Thunder Nine Slashes" and "Thunder Jade Scripture" are very related.

It is said that the Ji family was the founding heroes of the Central Empire. Before the collapse of the former dynasty, the comprehensive strength was not weak, but it collapsed so quickly. Most of them have internal abilities, and their status should not be low.

Most of the Ji family is this inner response.

The purple lotus fist prints exploded in the void and turned into purple lotuses of the size of a fist. Then these purple lotuses formed a mysterious array and shrouded Ji Feng.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" At this moment, the thunder pool above Ji Feng's head broke out, and nine Jiushen Lei bombarded Ji Feng in succession, but he was unscathed, but his sword was covered with a layer of Thunder. Light.


He rushed up with his sword and took the initiative to meet the purple lotus.

"Boom boom!"

A series of energy collisions, the purple lotus burst torn apart, Ji Feng rushed out of it to kill Bai Han, at the same time, the thunder pool above his head rolled and split the thunder again, and each thunder would make him powerful. rise.


In this regard, Bai Han was also not afraid, pinching and killing, the two collided together in the void, making a loud noise, it seems that the large array of Emperor Longtai could not withstand the energy waves emitted by the two, shaking violently Rising, Emperor Longtai had to shoot several ninth-level battles to play a solid energy formation.

Hastened the confrontation for a long while.

Ji Feng was hit.

However, he was not injured, and his top magical weapon of comparable fairies resolved most of his attack power.

So he killed again with a sword.

It was another series of fights, but after half a quarter of an hour, he was hit again, but this time, Bai Han had an additional sword injury on his arm.

The light flashed, the sword wound healed, but his eyes flashed the light of anger, and he took the initiative to kill.

After half an hour.

Ji Feng was hit for the ninth time, and even though his body had a strong magic weapon defense, there was a bit of blood on the corner of his mouth.

In contrast, Bo Han has a lot of sword injuries on his body, and his momentum has also weakened. After all, this intensity of attack is very expensive. If Ji Feng did not have that top-level defensive clothes, he would have long been He defeated.

at last.

At the eleventh time when Ji Feng was struck, the wide sword in his hand also bloomed a bright light to split Bai Han.

It's time to fight back.

He stiffly withstood a small part of the power that could not be dissipated, and killed Bai Han with a sword, and the thunder pond above his head continued to roar.

"Kill kill!"

In the face of Ji Feng's stormy and undefensive onslaught, Bai Han finally couldn't bear it and was split again, leaving a huge wound on his chest.

"Bo Han!"

In a box, several Tianjiao Tianjiao stood up and looked at this scene in anxiety.

"It's not fair. If Ji Feng doesn't have a top-level defensive treasure, it's not Bai Han's opponent at all!" A Tianling tribe Tianjiao exclaimed angrily.

"There is nothing fair or unfair, because on the battlefield, no one will talk to you about fairness!"

Another Tianling tribe is faint and indifferent. He is the leader of the Tianling tribe and is the strongest among the Tianjiao. His name is "Ling", which is the most outstanding genius in the thousand years .


Although Bai Han tried his best to fight again, he was severely injured due to the excessive consumption and was again split by Ji Feng.

"Ji Feng! Ji Feng!"

"You are the pride of the human race!"

The shouts came and went like waves.

"Go and bring Bo Han!"

Ling Shen said.

"The boss is really smart!"

Liu Long gave thumbs up to Song Yan.

In this regard, Song Yan has nothing to be proud of, because the people here and he are not at the same level.

As for his so-called speculation, he will not delve into it. After all, he even destroyed the remnants of the Ming Emperor. As for the Ji family, should it be the internal empire of the Central Empire, and what is the relationship with him?

Accepting cheers from everyone, Ji Feng didn't show any glory, but raised his eyes to the ninth floor, and then said in a deep voice: "Chu Fan, I know you are on top, and after three days, dare you come here to meet me war!"

"It's just you who don't deserve to fight my boss!"

Liu Long's voice sounded, with contempt and disdain.

This Ji Feng's strength is at least equal to his previous guards, and his guards were spiked in front of his boss. If the opponent did not have that defensive treasure, he could definitely defeat him within ten moves.

Even if he wears a defensive treasure, as long as he uses a secret weapon, he can easily defeat him.

It was just that he didn't want to reveal his hole cards prematurely, so as not to be vigilantly prevented when he later competed for the heavenly stele.

Hearing that, Ji Feng was sinking and continued to shout, "Chu Fan, do you want to be a turtle?"

"Boy, you **** die, or your uncle Dragon will come to fight with you!"

Liu Long stepped out of the box and looked at Ji Feng condescendingly, saying coldly.

Along the way, Liu Long has a lot of fame, but no one knows his specific strength.

Ji Feng rose up into the air, staring at Liu Long: "Okay, the third prince of the Dragon family, right? Three days later, I will fight with you here!"

As soon as this word came out, the audience was uproar.

[Author off topic]: One more

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