Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1662: what about me?

Somewhere in the manor where the dragon clan's contact point is located, a space flew slightly, and a figure flew out.


Liu Long opened a mouthful of black blood, his face looked very frustrated, and the whole person looked even more embarrassed.


Bai Ying flashed, and Song Yong, wearing a white robe, suddenly appeared a few meters away. Seeing Liu Long's appearance, he couldn't help but said, "Isn't it let you pay attention to it? How can you make this look!"

Liu Long smiled bitterly: "It's my intention! I shouldn't listen to your boss' advice. I've been poisoned by konjac and ghost flowers. Without half a month, it's difficult to drive out the toxins in my body. ...! "

Speaking of which, Liu Long could not help showing shame.

After seeing through the magical power, Song Ye found that Liu Long had a very overbearing toxin in his body. This toxin would not cause him fatal damage, but he was engulfing his energy every moment.

"Anyway, just a small problem!"

Song Yong punched a light of life into Liu Long's body. Suddenly, the toxins in his body began to disappear at a visible speed.

But after ten breaths, the toxins in his body completely disappeared, and even the injuries on his waist were healed.

"It's worthy of being the boss, so amazing!"

Liu Long sighed with a sigh, the Dragon Race also has healing magic powers, but there are also healing magic powers. The stronger the injured person is, the less effective the healing magic power is.

Even the dragon people are the most proficient in healing magical powers. It is impossible for them to heal and remove toxins from the body in just ten breaths.

Immediately, Liu Long's face showed an angry expression: "Ji Jia is really brave, and he dare to use outside tricks against me. The day after tomorrow, I will definitely take Ji Feng's life!"

"Don't speak up, surprise the Ji family later!" Song Kun said.

Liu Long's eyes brightened: "Yes, it should surprise them!"

What happened in the Diaolou was not spread because of the suppression of a certain force. Therefore, the assassination of Liu Long was not spread.

That night.

There was a sudden wave in the temple.

Song Xun stepped into it and found that Poems and Poems had completely integrated the two drops of true dragon blood, and her strength had also risen qualitatively, very close to the human fairy.

"the host!"

Poems flew directly into Song Huan's arms, like a docile cat holding his face on his chest.

"Okay, hurry up and hurry up!"

Song Yan patted her gently on her hips.

Shi Shijiao said: "No, people haven't saved enough!"

"I can't help you." Song Yan said helplessly.

"Hee hee!"

Suddenly, Shi Shi got together with Song Yan's ear and bit his earlobe gently: "Master, people haven't done anything shy with you for a long time, don't you want to?"

"Sex girl!"

Song Yan gave her a stern glance, then hugged her and disappeared on the planet.

At noon the day after tomorrow, Emperor Longtai.

A large array around the ring has already begun, and Liu Long and Ji Feng are standing tens of meters away on the ring.

Ji Feng's expression seemed quite calm and full of confidence. In contrast, Liu Long's face was slightly pale, and even his breath seemed to be particularly weak.

"Prince III, what's the matter with you? Are there too many women that are spoiled and over-consumed?"

Suddenly, Ji Feng opened his mouth and slumped.

"Ask me knowingly!"

Liu Long answered coldly.

Ji Feng smiled: "Prince III, the so-called visitor is a guest, or you should do it first!"


Liu Long asked, but there was more drama in the bottom of his eyes.

"Don't talk nonsense, do it!"

Ji Feng is very confident, because he knows that today he will win, poisoned by konjac and ghost flowers, and the opponent can retain 30% of his strength.

"The Prince is welcome!"

As soon as the hand grabbed, Liu Long added two fiery red halberds.


He gave a light drink, and the halberd in his hand suddenly turned into two red dragons, killing Ji Feng like lightning.


Seeing these two dragons, Ji Feng flashed a slight disdain in his eyes, because the strength shown by the opponent was enough to reach the level of a nine-level general, and it was quite easy to defeat him without wearing the defense treasure.

But just then.

The breath of the two dragons that were about to rush in front of him soared tenfold. Under the impact of the energy of the tyrants, Ji Feng's area was distorted.

"not good!"

Ji Feng's face suddenly changed, and the broad sword in his hand waved out.


He only blocked three hits, and then two halberds hit him like a storm.

"Wow! Wow! Wow!"

Ji Feng vomited blood and flew up. People vomited blood one after another in the air, apparently suffering a minor injury.

In a box on the ninth floor, a middle-aged man in a jinyi suddenly stood up, his face became extremely ugly, and his heart shouted: "How is it possible, how can he get rid of the poison of konjac ghost flowers in such a short time, Strength has not fallen! "

Looking at the flying Ji Feng, Liu Long's eyes flashed a puppet: Dare to conspiracy to calculate Lao Tzu, today, Lao Tzu will let your Ji family steal the chicken without losing any rice!


When he stepped out, he caught up with Ji Feng, pouring his energy into the halberd, and split it out.

The raging energy directly sucked away all the power in that space to form a weird vacuum, and then the halberd slammed heavily on Ji Feng's body.

"Do not!"

Ji Feng uttered a desperate roar, and the piece of defensive Zhibao that was on him broke apart. Then, a powerful force smashed into his body, instantly crushing his internal organs, and as a result, Jiucheng was destroyed.


The next moment, Ji Feng's broken body fell heavily to the ground, Qiqiao followed by a large amount of black blood.

But Liu Long did not intend to let go of his meaning, and the halberd in his hand turned into a cold light thorn in his brows.

"Three Princes have mercy!"

Along with this voice, a figure suddenly appeared outside the ring. He raised his hand and pressed it, and the support team shattered. Then, he pointed out from nothing and pointed at the long halberd in Liu Long's hand.


The long halberd of Liu Long stabbing Ji Feng was directly flied.

"court death!"

Liu Long was furious, and another halberd turned into an afterimage, slamming into that figure.

There was a scorn of contempt in the opponent's eyes, and a punch was blown out, which suddenly shocked Liu Long and flew out dozens of meters.

"It's Ji Yan, Ji Bing's father. Before he withdrew from the list of young dragons, he once occupied the first full list of young dragons for ten years!"

Someone recognized Ji Zheng's identity and shouted.

Shocked by a punch, Liu Long did not intend to stop and waved his halberd again to kill Ji Ji.

"Mr. Prince, why are you here? You are not my opponent!" Ji Min shook his head, but the corner of his mouth flashed a disdainful smile.

Seeing this smile, Liu Long was greatly stimulated, and the halberd in his hand was a little heavier.

"He's not your opponent, what about me?"

A sudden voice sounded, and then, a white shadow flashed, a handsome young man suddenly appeared in front of Ji Yi, and then punched out.

"Huh, ignorant junior!"

Ji Yi Lengheng slammed the same punch.


The next moment, two fists hit each other in midair.

[Author off topic]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [Little Ghost] [Hurricane You] [Hidden Waiting] three big reward

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