Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1691: Full calculation of Feng Jiu

A boxing flying brawny.

Song Yan didn't stop there, chased after the air, and blasted a punch again. This punch didn't have any fancy, but he resonated in the void.

"Too much bullying!"

The strong man was furious, stopped the retreating figure, and launched a strong counterattack.


The bodies of the two kept colliding together in the void, and the void shattered and turned into a black hole. This huge momentum attracted the peep of many beings around.

Just after the two played ten moves.

The brawny man burst out drinking, and there was a mad surge of divine light on the body surface. A huge dimension space was added to the top of the body, and the power surged, which instantly made his breath tenfold.


In his eyes, there was a cruel and fierce light, and he fisted to Song Yong again.


Song Yan fought against his fists. His fists were simple and unobtrusive, but they were extremely heavy. Each punch could smash the strong man back and forth.

After he threw thirty-nine punches, the strong man couldn't resist anymore, his body was directly torn apart, and golden blood splashed out.

The sky and the blood rain, the world and the same sorrow!

"So cruel!"

"Intermediate gods, it's just blown up!"

"He is almost a demon king, where is a human!"

The spies who spied secretly shook their heads secretly, and even decided in their hearts that if it was not necessary, they should not provoke the devil.

On this day, the name of the demon king Song Song has never been mentioned for a long time was again mentioned.

"Damn it!"

In the valley, Ao Tian, ​​the son of the Zhenlong tribe, became furious and his face became extremely ugly.

"Holy Son, should we kill him!"

There are still nine strong men standing behind Ao Tian. The breath emanating from them is better than the strong man killed by Song Ye.

"Not use it for now, wait for the good fortune to enter the monument, and then slowly liquidate with him!"

Ao Tian slowly calmed down the anger on his face.

Above the small mountain peak, Feng Jiu took a peek at the valley where Ao Tian was, and secretly said in his heart, that he couldn't even hold it. It seems that his mentality has improved a lot, and I have to work harder. "Code" practiced to the full, I am afraid he is not his opponent!

A few months passed by.

No one has ever harassed the strong man of the True Dragon tribe since Song Kun broke it.

Therefore, after a few months, everyone has gained a lot.

Song Ye successfully promoted the stars to the fourth stage, but the fruits he picked were also exhausted. Secondly, flower slaves also broke through to the level of gods, and Wang Ye, Wei Le, Ning Qiangwei and others also reached the semi-god At the peak, you can become a **** in half a step.

It is a pity that their **** fruit has also been exhausted. If they want to become gods, they have to go out and pick the **** fruit.

As for King Xin and Princess Vientiane, several people have become gods.

Cato's tribe, as well as those of the two tribal elders, also became gods, bringing the number of gods in their team to more than fifty.

Besides other creatures, in the past few months, they have become more gods, making the gods in the forest at least 1,500.

at this time.

Feng Jiu once again came out of the formation to meet.

"I don't want to see you!"

Song Yan refused very simply.

"You dare not see me?" Feng Jiudao said.

"come in!"

Song Yan put her in, looked at her and said, "You're dead, don't worry, I won't help you!"

At this moment, Feng Jiu's figure squirmed for a while, and the light shone, Feng Jiu disappeared and was replaced by the masked girl Ouyang Weiwei.

"Put away your little trick!"

Song Yan showed his disgust.

"Chu Fan?"

Feng Jiu's face was full of surprises, staring at Song Yan indignantly: "Is it really you?"

"Ha ha!"

Song Yan sneered.

Feng Jiu continued to play, with a flash of confusion on his face: "Where is this? Am I not retreating in Wanhua Valley? How could it suddenly appear here?"


Song Yan chilled: "You go on acting, believe it or not I kill you!"

During the conversation, Song Yan grabbed his hand, held Feng Jiu's neck, and said coldly, "Do you know if you do this? It's disgusting!"

Feng Jiu's face flashed, and then he looked at Song Yan aggrieved: "Why? Chu Fan, why do you treat me so, do you hate me so much? In this case, you kill me!"

"I thought I was afraid to kill you!"

Song Yan's eyes were cold and her hands couldn't help increasing, but Feng Jiu didn't resist, a flash of pain flashed in her eyes, and then she closed her eyes, but the moment she closed her eyes, there were crystal tears Sliding down from her eyes ...

Seeing her tears, Song Yan's heart was tight.

Subconsciously regained some strength and said:

"Fujiu Jiu, change back to your original look, otherwise I will kill you!"

"You kill me! You hate me so much anyway!"

Feng Jiu didn't open her eyes, her tone was full of loneliness.

Seeing this, Song Kun frowned, feeling faintly wrong, and with a heart movement, she infiltrated an energy into Feng Jiu's sea of ​​knowledge, but found that her soul was indeed Ouyang Weiwei, but in Ouyang Weiwei There was a sealed light and shadow inside.

"How is this going?"

Song Kun was a little confused, but quickly reacted. This was Feng Jiu's reunification of Ouyang Weiwei's soul and let her dominate her body.

"Why does she do this?"

Suddenly, what he thought, the chill in his eyes became more prosperous, and understood why Feng Jiu did so.

He wanted to use his own hand to kill Ouyang Weiwei, and only by killing Ouyang Weiwei with his own hands would she make her desperate and her obsession disappear, so that her "Dream of Dreams" could be cultivated to Great complete.

Of course, she may have another layer of intention, that is, to have an adult relationship with Ouyang Weiwei. In this way, the obsession of Ouyang Weiwei will fade away, so she can cultivate the "Dream of Dreams" to great consummation. .

The woman's calculations are truly terrible.

Thinking of this, Song Yan retracted his hand holding Ouyang Weiwei.

"Why don't you kill me, don't you think I'm sick?"

Feeling a loose neck, Ouyang Weiwei opened her eyes and looked at Song Yan coldly.

Song Xun did not explain, but reached out and ripped off the veil from her face.

"... you ... oh!"

After waiting for Ouyang Weiwei to finish speaking, Song Ye lowered her head and caught her cherry lips, and her lips touched. Ouyang Weiwei couldn't help but sullen and softly fell into Song Ye's arms: "He, how can he do this!"

Stupidly, Ouyang Weiwei's teeth were pried open by the old driver Song Yan, and the fragrant tongue also successfully fell into Song Yan's hands.

Some tongues tangled, and she kissed Ouyang Weiwei without any strength, and Song Ye let go of her.

After a long while, Ouyang Weiwei recovered a little strength, and then she fisted against Song Yan: "Chu Fan you ... how can you do this to me!"

[Author's off-topic]: Two more, thanks for the reward of [yun light wind light _ heart]

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