Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1703: Kill the Dragon King

After killing Yinglong Emperor and Shenhuo Tian first, go to other races to capture the gods of God.

Song Huan was not worried about the other party being able to refining and transforming Shenguang in a short period of time, because he tested that the transforming Shenguang is special, and it would be difficult to refining without hundreds of years.

Zhenlong Island is the first spiritual land in the ancient world. The world here is full of vitality and unimaginable.

After several relocations, Song Yan came outside Zhenlong Island.

Zhenlong Island is a large island that is suspended in the sea. To be precise, it is an undersea continent.

There is a large formation outside the island, and outsiders cannot step in without the permission of the true dragons.

With a little observation, Song Zheng can be sure that the formation method that wraps Zhenlong Island is several times more powerful than the ancient super array that covers the central area.

It is more difficult to break through the formation of Song Yan's formation.

But he didn't mean to break through the formation method at all.

Punch out!

The punches blasted out against an invisible barrier, and then bounced off.

This punch is a full blow than a lower-level deity.

Then, Song Yong bombarded and punched again.


The formation barrier was directly blasted out of a cave, but the large array quickly moved, repairing the cave, and as soon as his body shook, Song Yan entered Zhenlong Island through the cave.

"Sure enough, it is indeed the first spiritual land of Manggu!"

Feeling that thick and hardly inseparable vitality of the world, Song Xuan sighed.


Several figures blasted from a distance, fell dozens of meters away, and turned into three strong men.

"Bold man, do you know that it is a capital crime to break into Zhenlong Island!" One of them sneered proudly.

"Know how? Don't know how?"

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly, these few true dragons and strong men are also at the level of demigods, and can be killed with a finger.

"court death!"

The three true dragons are furious: "When you get down, you will cramp your skin!"

As soon as the words came down, one of the strong dragons of the True Dragon tribe banged and punched Song Yong.


Song Yong gave a flick of his finger, and a blue finger banged against the chest of the real dragon clan like a teleportation. Then, the opponent groaned and slammed hundreds of meters away.

The other two strong men of the True Dragons were shocked at first sight, and they took out weapons to kill Song Yong.


Song Yan snorted coldly, waved his hand, and the feelings of the two true dragons and strong men were hit by an invisible force. Then, they followed in the footsteps of their companions and fell hundreds of meters away.

For a moment, they understood that the human who broke into Zhenlong Island was a master.

Song Yan was too lazy to pay attention to these three people. The powerful consciousness spread to Zhenlong Island like lightning. For a few breaths, he covered the entire Zhenlong Island with that huge consciousness.

Although his consciousness has not been completely transformed into immortal consciousness, it is not a problem to cover a true dragon island.

Under the cover of God, everything is invisible.

So, in a short while, Song Yan discovered the location of Ying Longhuang.

In a beautiful valley, there is a pavilion, and in a gazebo, Ying Longhuang is playing chess with an old man. Suddenly, his frown is slightly wrinkled, and he feels that someone is spying on him.

But what made him feel weird was that he clearly felt it, but there was no trace.

"Old man, are you?"

The old man across asked carefully.

Ying Longhuang shook his head gently: "Anyway, keep playing chess!"

Because he thought it was just an illusion. He was one of the only two detached people on this continent. Even if the **** of fire would want to spy on him, he would not be undetected. Therefore, he thought it was only an illusion.

But the next moment, a figure flashed and appeared outside the gazebo.

Suddenly, Ying Longhuang and the old man were surprised at the figure who suddenly appeared.

"It's you!"

A playful smile emerged from the corner of Ying Longhuang's mouth.

"I didn't expect it!"

Song Yan said lightly.

Ying Longhuang nodded: "I didn't expect it. I didn't think of eight years, you have made such a big progress!"

"Are you ready?" Song Yan said again.


"Ready to die!"


The old man patted the palm of his hand on the chessboard, staring at Song Yan with a poor look.

Song Zheng ignored him, but continued to respond to the Dragon Emperor: "In those days, you promised me that I would catch you in three ways and not die. Today, maybe I have three ways in you?"

Hearing that the old man was completely angered, and said toward Yinglonghuang: "Old ancestors, it is better for the younger generation to send him!"


Ying Longhuang nodded.

The next moment, the old man stepped out, moved directly from the gazebo to Song Yan, raised his hand and patted a palm to his chest.


Hundreds of thousands of horrors of force were shot on Song Yan's chest, but he stood still.

"how can that be?"

The old man's expression was stagnant. Although he didn't use all his strength, that palm was enough to seriously injure the senior god. How could the other person be fine? Is he also a detached person?

Thinking of this, he appeared a giant sword of six or seven meters in his hand.


Sen Leng's sword flashed, and the giant fell in front of Song Yan.


With a loud noise, the golden giant knife was right above Song Yong's head, but his body remained motionless, like a rock standing there thousands of years ago.

For a moment, the old man's expression stagnated again, and then there was a look of horror in his eyes.

"If you hit me, cut me and you, I will pay you back. If you don't die, I will spare you!"

While talking, Song Ye raised his hand and patted him.

"not good!"

The old man shouted in his heart, his body flew back, and the golden giant knife in his hand flew down again.


The gold was shattered, and a plain palm was gently printed on the old man's chest.


The blood mist splattered and the old man's body burst directly.

Seeing this scene, Ying Longhuang's eyes suddenly stunned, he suddenly stood up from the stone bench, and looked at Song Yan in shock. This old man is the contemporary dragon emperor of the True Dragon tribe. Although there is no detachment, half of his feet stepped The ranks of detached.

Now, actually, the opponent was blown by the palm of one's hand. Doesn't it mean that the other person has also become a detached person.

Eight years ago, the other party had not become a god. Eight years later, the other party was directly detached. This is really shocking. You must know that he has been a detached from a high-level deity, but he has 50,000 years.

It took 90,000 years after the **** of fire.

"It's your turn!"

Song Yong grinned at Ying Longhuang, stepped out, and patted him.

Ying Longhuang looked dignified and waved his palms against each other. Instantly, the two palms slammed together in the air.


With a light sound, Ying Longhuang trembled, and the whole person flew down like a rocket, passing all the way, all the buildings turned into powder.

"Two more tricks!"

Song Yanfei chased after, and then punched Ying Yinghuang.

"And slow!"

Ying Longhuang shouted, but Song Yan had no intention to stop. In desperation, Ying Longhuang could only fight with his fists.


The next moment, Ying Longhuang's body exploded directly and turned into a mist of blood.

Song Yong is comparable in strength to Jinxian. Yinglonghuang is the peak of immortal. It doesn't take much to kill him.

[Digression by the author]: Second, thank you [Dou 520] [Wen Zi Kai Zi who is not a mosquito] for the great reward.

A small problem in the previous chapter is that there are thirty-eight ways to create divine light.

In fact, you can't blame mosquitoes, because when mosquitoes go to school, they are all part-time math classes for physical education teachers

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