Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1716: Digging

"Be quiet, so as not to be discovered by the Iron Armor!"

Cui Yinger stared at the vocal hunting member dissatisfied, and reprimanded in a low voice.

There was a look of shame on his face, then he closed his mouth.

"Brother Song, what do you do next?"

The child king whispered to Song Kun.

"You guys wait here first. I'll set up the magic arrays and trap them!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yong suddenly shot into the air, and his figure fell into the air. Dozens of disks flew out of his hand. Suddenly, the entire void of the wilderness was briefly distorted, but immediately returned to normal.

"Well, you can come over!"

The King Song of the Song Dynasty who fell on the wilderness beckoned.

There were two black armored cows beside Song Kun, but the two black armored cows did not seem to see Song Qian hear his voice, and still bowed their heads to graze there.

"Is the formation so quick?"

The child king Cui Yinger and others were very surprised. Now, the child king understands that Song Ye said that he understands the formation method slightly, but it is only a modest statement. It can be arranged in the breath. Only masters can do it.

Then, Tong Wang led a team of hunters carefully to Song Yan's side, but the iron armor cattle around them regarded them as nothing, still bowing their heads and eating the grass with ease.

King Tong asked again, "Brother Song, what shall we ...?"

Song Yi said: "The direct kill is that these black armored cows have already fallen into the magic circle and will not resist!"

It is said that the King of Tong and others all showed an extremely shocking color. Although the black armored cattle are low in intelligence, it is definitely not a simple matter to use a magic array to affect more than 10,000 iron armored cattle.

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Blood splattered, and an iron armored cattle was easily chopped under the sword by the hunters, but the surrounding iron armored cattle did not seem to be found.

"It's too bullshit!"

"This magical array is simply out of the sky!"

At this moment, most of the hunting team members had extreme worship of Song Yong.

Because the iron armored cows will not resist at all, the hunting speed of hunting team members is getting faster and faster. Less than half an hour, all the iron armored cattle in the wilderness are beheaded, and everyone in the storage ring Corpses of iron armored cattle are piled up like mountains.

According to statistics, a total of 12,235 black armored cattle were obtained. If calculated based on one piece of thirty immortal stones, it would be more than three hundred thousand decent immortal stones.

More than 300,000 immortal stones, even if their hunting team can't make so much a year, now, they can get it in just one hunt.

For a moment, the King of Tongs once again felt wise about the decision to invite Song Yong to join the hunting team.

"Brother Song, shall we go back now?"

"Why, Brother Tong is satisfied! There are 20,000 fairy beasts not far away. I wonder if Brother Tong is interested?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"Are you sure?" Tong Wang asked.

Song Zheng nodded.

"That line, let's continue hunting!"

Everyone carefully turned over a mountain, and then saw a valley. The valley was green and covered with all kinds of fairy grass, but there were several kinds of fairy beasts in the valley.

"That's 35 cents worth of blue horn sheep!"

"That's the Fire Rabbit, worth sixty cents!"

"There are more than a thousand fire phoenixes, but precious precious birds worth 200 cents!"

Seeing several kinds of fairy beasts in the valley, all the hunting members whispered excitedly.

"Old rules, I'll go through the formation first, then you will go into the valley!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Yan suddenly entered the valley, his body walked quickly, and he punched each array into an unknown in the valley. After a few breaths, the magic burst was formed, and Song Yan once again waited for the child king. People beckon.

As a result, more than two hundred hunting players rushed in, because the total value of the fairy animals in this valley has exceeded one million fairy stones.

After more than a few hours of hunting, more than 20,000 fairy beasts in the valley were hunted and killed, and the king of the children roughly calculated that this batch of fairy beasts was worth more than 1.2 million, plus the previous 300,000. This harvest has reached more than 1.6 million.

Such a huge gain was something he could not even dream of, so his face turned red.

The individual players are also full of excitement, and my heart is calculating. How many cents can be divided this time. If there is enough cents, they will decentralize the fairy pool to consolidate the immortals, and their future will be rewritten accordingly.

However, they all know that it is Song Song's credit to make such a big gain this time. Therefore, everyone looked at him with a little more worship and respect.

"Let's go out!"

Song Song said.

"it is good!"

The King of the Tong nodded, and now he can say that he obeys Song Yiyan.

On the way back, every hunter had a smile on his face, and he seemed to have seen a good life beckoning to them.

The crowd just returned to Juye Village, and a young man with only the early days of Renxian greeted him: "Well, captain, why did you come back so soon? Did the hunt fail? By the way, Captain Zhou Mo returned with her team. It is said that they have learned a lot and hunted down more than five hundred fairy beasts! "

Zhou Mo, a female fairy, is also the captain of a hunting team in Juye Village. She is the strongest of all hunting teams. Under her, there are fifteen masters in the later period of Renxian, plus Zhou Mo himself is even more It has reached sixteen, which is twice as much as the team of Tong Wang.

If in the past, you heard Zhou Mo's hunting team hunting more than 500 fairy beasts, everyone would definitely show envy.

But now, they have killed more than 30,000 fairy beasts, and five hundred fairy beasts are farts.

Coincidentally, there was a hot red-haired woman wearing leather armor walking towards this side with a group of men and horses. The young man who had been talking before hurriedly trot up to the woman. Nodded and greeted.

The woman Ao Jiao nodded, and Ao Jiao came up, her eyes fell on the King of Tong: "I heard that you went out to hunt, why did you come back so soon, wouldn't you return empty-handed?"

If Zhou Mo was so ridiculed as usual, the child king would definitely be angry, but this time, he said with a facial expression: "It has nothing to do with you!"

"Cut, the dead duck has a hard mouth!"

Zhou Mo smiled coldly, and then looked at Song Yan, with a charming smile on the corner of his mouth: "You are Song Yan, I heard that you have good strength, it is better to join my hunting team, follow the King of the Tong, there is no future! "

Upon hearing this, Tong Wang's expression suddenly sank, and his eyes turned to Zhou Mo's eyes.

Seeing Tong Wang's expression, Zhou Mo dismissed her smile: "What? Am I wrong?" Then she continued to Song Ye: "Sister Song Ye can assure you, as long as you join my team, one month With an income of at least 80 cents, if you spend a few years with your sister, you can gather fairy bodies in Huanchi! "

When she returned from hunting, she heard Song Ye ’s killing of the masked thief. She was suddenly surprised and knew Song Ye had joined the team of the Child King. She could n’t help but regret it, and finally decided to spend a lot of money to dig the other party into her team Coming.

[Author's off-topic]: Three updates have been completed, thank you [Flame of Heart] [Lan Xiaofeng] for a big reward

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