Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1727: You guys are really nice people

But immediately he calmed down again. Although Xian Yuanli was imprisoned, it had little effect on his strength, because he could still use the **** body.

The power of the fivefold peak of the divine body is very perverted. In addition to the nine stars of the divine body, the sword of time, and the extinct pupil, he can also be invincible, not to mention, if he is really unbeatable, he can hide Well in the temple!

"Song Xun will be arrested, your Xian Yuanli is imprisoned, and she has no ability to resist!" Tu Yang said with a smile, it seems that Song Xuan has already been fixed.

"How do you know that I don't have the ability to resist, or else, you try it?" Song Yan looked at the other side with a little fear and fear.

"Hum! Bluff!"

Tu Yang sneered: "Once the Rune of the Forbidden Yuan is activated, the power of all creatures under the Xuanxian will be imprisoned. Your true state is only the late stage of human immortal, and the immortal body has not yet been aggregated. Ben Jun can now poke to death with one finger You, now, kneel and scratch your head for mercy, maybe Ben will spare you! "

"Why do villains like to let people kneel and scratch their heads for mercy?" Song Yan said silently, and deliberately pulled out his ears, his expression very disdainful.

"Unlucky! In this case, Ben Jun will give you some bitter taste first!"

While talking, Tu Yang waved and patted it.

The man in the blue robe shouted quickly: "Er Brother Tu started lightly, don't shoot him dead!"

Looking at the palm of Tu Yang's hand, Song Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he shot it with his backhand!


At the next moment, Tu Yang was photographed and dropped hundreds of meters away.

He struggled to get up, and looked at Song Yang inconceivably: "How is that possible? What is your strength ...?"

"Why is my strength so strong?"

Song Yan smiled: "Of course because ... because I don't tell you! Haha!"

It was said that Tu Yang almost vomited blood, and the faces of the other four Jinxian were a bit ugly, and they seemed to be restrained by cocoons.

"Let's go together, let's take this kid first!"

Kuntian drank lightly and turned into a shadow to kill Song Yan. With the body of Jinxian, even if he was imprisoned by Xianyuanli, he could also exert the strength of the peak of the earth fairy.

Seeing Kun Tian's hands, Tu Yang's four did not dare to neglect, and they all rushed to Song Kun!


Song Yan kicked his fist, kicked and kicked nobody with ease, and laughed, "You guys, I really do n’t know what to say. If your Xianyuanli is not restrained, I may not be your team Enemy, but now, my son is enough to torture you! "

Laughing, Song Yong rushed out.

His fists smashed violently. After a few breaths, all five Jinxian were smashed to the ground by his wounds.


Cut off your limbs first.

Immediately afterwards, Song Xun displayed his heavy hand again, severed the limbs of the five people, stunned them, and took them into the temple.

It doesn't require any immortal power to open the temple, he just needs to move, because the temple exists in his soul.

Directly attract poetry and joy.

When they saw the five miserable Jinxian, their faces were very surprised.

"These five golden immortals are enough for you to evolve!"

Song Yong said to Yueyue.

"Well, thank you master!"

Having said that, Yueyue aimed at one of the golden immortals and forcibly absorbed his essence and then condensed it into a blood dan.

A **** dandelion, Yueyue's breath suddenly changed, and Song Kun instantly understood that Yueyue should be promoted to the sixth generation bloodline immediately.

Sure enough, he didn't expect that Yueyue was successfully promoted. It reached the level of six generations of blood, just like Shishi, but her breath was much stronger than that of Shishi. It seems to be Cain's bloodline. Began to show prestige.

Cain's pedigree is too advanced and Yueyue's strength is insufficient. The pedigree has been lurking deep in her body. Only when her strength reaches a certain level can the pedigree's power be truly revealed.

The Pan Gu lineage on Song Zheng's body was more powerful, but except for the integration, his strength increased a lot, but it was not even a little bit of power.

The main reason is that his strength is still too low. It is estimated that the true power of the Pangu lineage will not open until he reaches Jinxian or Xuanxian.

"Did you divide the remaining four!"

Song Yan glanced at the remaining four golden immortals.

In this regard, the two girls did not refuse to absorb their essence and condense them into Xuedan. After taking them, their strengths have been strengthened a lot, but they are still far behind to advance to the fifth generation blood race. Late Jinxian.

Among them, Yueyue has to be superior.


With a flash of Jianguang, Song Yang cut off Tu Yang's head.

Then, the system sounded a sound, indicating that he had completed the task, and then he had an extra sword in his storage spirit ring.

As soon as he thought, the fairy sword appeared in his hands. The sword is one meter and five meters long and has a simple shape. Even if you don't input Xianyuan force, it still emits a gigantic sword power.

Song Ye is sure, this is a top-level fairy sword.

Fairyware is divided into ordinary fairyware, top-level fairyware and rule fairyware, and there is another type of fairyware called innate fairyware. The so-called innate fairyware is the fairyware bred from heaven and earth. These may not be very powerful, But it has some special function.

Like the weapons held by Yinlangzhai before, they are all the most common ones. Even so, a fairy is very expensive, at least thousands of cents.

As for the top fairy, it is even more expensive, and only the golden fairy is eligible to own it.

Any top-level fairyware must be calculated according to 100 million yuan, and the rule fairyware contains the power of the rule. Even the xuanxian cannot be refined. Only the ancestral fairy can make the rule fairyware, and the ancestral fairy is the fairyland. The top exists, so even the ordinary immortals they make are extremely precious, not to mention the rule immortals.

The birth of any ruler of immortality may cause a **** storm.

In the mortal world, even the most common fairyware has the function of destroying the heavens and the earth, but in the fairyland, because the power of various laws is too strong, the power displayed by the fairyware is stronger than the ordinary magic weapon. some.

Closer to home.

Song Yong decided to give this fairy sword a name, thinking that he came from Yanhuang Kingdom, so he decided to call this fairy sword Yanyan sword.

Immortals have spirits. As soon as Song Yan's words fell, two immortal ancient carcasses suddenly appeared on the hilt of the sword, which was Yanhuang.

After trying the power of Yanhuang Sword, Song Yong was very satisfied and was able to fully use his sword skills.

As for the green sword, even the immortal was not reached, and he could not keep up with his cultivation. Therefore, he could only seal it permanently into the storage ring.

In the end, Song Ye found more than ten storage rings from the five people in Tu Yang.

Adding all the immortal stones together, using the lower grade immortal stones, it has reached more than 100 billion yuan. I have to say that these golden immortals are too rich. Where does he know, the other four are also the city leaders who rule the city on one side.

In addition to immortal stones, their storage spirit ring also contains various elixir, elixir, and practice exercises.

The Song practitioners are too lazy to watch the exercises. After all, there are so many immortal exercises in the Buddhist scripture hall of the temple, even there are many god-level exercises.

It was the elixir of elixir that aroused his interest. If he used it well, he could be promoted to Dixian.

[Author off topic]: Two more

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