Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1732: Change Dan

The combination of the divine body and Pangu ancestry, Song Kun felt absolutely invincible in the territory of Jinxian, not to mention the twelve Jinxian, even the twenty-four were not his opponents.

The battle is over and the loot is searched.

Among them, there are the most immortal stones in Lingyufan's storage ring, and most of them are middle-grade immortal stones, and even some top-quality immortal stones, which together add up to an amazing 50 billion yuan.

In addition, there are all kinds of precious immortals, as well as dozens of immortals and various special amulets.

For a while, Song Zheng realized that this Ling Yufan's identity should be extraordinary.

But he killed everything, and he had nothing to regret.

The storage ring of the seven golden immortals from the other three cities was taken away by Song Yong before, so this time there was no oil or water scavenged from them, but all the assets of the other four were added together. It should be Worth more than 20 billion.


Song Zheng broke into the treasure house of the city ’s main government and emptied the contents. Then he found the medicine garden and moved it to the temple. Then, he ordered the people of the city ’s main government to go to Yaoshan to dig down the immortals. Because he left a ban on them.

A few days later, Song Yan was ready to return to Baidi City.

These trips have yielded a lot of income, and all the nations have calculated at least hundreds of billions of yuan by using Pinxian stone.

As soon as Song Yong returned to the White Emperor City, the rice steward hurried to meet.

"Sir, all the immortals have been replaced with the elixir you need!"

The opponent presented several storage spirits.

Song Yong nodded with satisfaction, put away the storage spirit ring, and asked, "How many superb celestial bodies in the market?"

The steward Mi answered with a bowed back: "Master, the master of elixir can be very large, but the master of elixir can be very rare. Therefore, the best elixir in the market is very scarce. Even top-quality Xianyuandan is uncommon. "

"That's it!"

Song Zheng nodded thoughtfully, then said, "If I exchange the best elixir for the equivalent elixir, will anyone change it?"

Mi Steward suddenly said, "Don't say the equivalent exchange, even if double exchange, there are many people rushing to exchange, after all, the best Xianyuandan is too rare!"

Song Yong thought for a while and thought: "No need to double! Just exchange for the equivalent, I will give you 10,000 pieces of best elixir, you try to exchange some precious elixir back, the more precious the better!"

During the conversation, with a wave of Song Ye, hundreds of jade bottles filled with the elixir flew to the rice steward.

The rice steward took out a jade bottle and opened it. When he saw that there were all the best immortals, his face couldn't help flashing in shock. He secretly said that the strength of an adult was such a powerful master.

Don't look at Xianyuan Dan is just the most common elixir in the fairy world, but those who can produce the best elixir of elixir are all master alchemists, but because the level of elixir is too low, those masters rarely open the alchemy.

This is also the reason why the best xianyuandan in the market is extremely scarce.

The price of the best xianyuandan is two hundred pieces of substandard xianshi, but the cost of refining one xianyuandan is only two pieces of xianshi.

So, instead of exchanging elixir equivalent, he did not lose, but made a lot of money.

The rice steward is a very capable and intelligent person, otherwise he would not be the steward of the city's main government.

After receiving Song's order, he let people let out the wind, telling the immortals in the city that in the Dange of the city's main capital tomorrow, they will carry out the activity of exchanging the equivalent elixir for the best elixir.

The more precious elixir, the more excellent elixir in exchange.

As soon as the news came out, many immortals were impressed.

The same for Xianyuandan, what is the best?

First, the medicine contained in Need Xianyuan Dan is more pure and powerful. Second, Need Xianyuan Dan is absorbed by practitioners, which greatly reduces the cultivation time.

Therefore, practicing with the best Xianyuandan will do more with less.

In Baidi City, the city's main government is the absolute ruler, but there are still many immortal cultivation forces under the city's main government.

Hear the news.

Those forces are a little skeptical. Who would disapprove of their own best elixir? The city's main government actually took out the best elixir to exchange elixir, which made many people not understand.

Although they couldn't understand, they decided to try it, anyway, they didn't lack low-level elixir.

The next day.

Before Dange opened, there were thousands of immortals who brought immortal medicine in exchange for the best xianyuandan.

Finally, a quarter of an hour later, Tange opened.

"Everyone who comes in exchange for the best Xianyuandan line up, come one by one!"

The rice steward stood out, releasing the coercion that belonged to the late Dixian. Suddenly, the crowds became quiet, and then under the command of the guys, they became three teams.

"Go in three of you!"

A guy pointed at the three people in front of the road.

The three immortals entered a little bit, and then saw the wooden sign erected on the counter, which said a lot of words:

Use one pin of elixir for an equivalent exchange, and you can exchange up to one pin of elixir.

Equivalent exchange of second-grade immortal medicine, you can get up to three best-quality elixir.

Equivalent exchange of Sanpinxian medicine can be exchanged for ten superimmortals.


Nine-pin fairy medicines are exchanged equivalently, which can be exchanged for the best xianyuandan.

Yes, there are grades of immortals, one is the weakest and nine is the highest.

But Jiu Pin Xian Yao is so precious that no one should exchange it for Xian Yuan Dan.

"Have you read the information above, how do you plan to change it?"

The shopkeeper at the counter looked at the three celebrities and asked.

The first person said: "I want to change four!"

While talking, he took out the storage ring.

Only one strain is a second-grade elixir, and the rest are all one-pin elixir.

The shopkeeper glanced at these immortals, and said lightly, "Your second-class immortal is worth 800 cents, but the second-class immortal is exchanged for up to three best elixir, so for the extra two hundred, we will use immortal. Refunded to you, haven't you repaid? As for these one-pin elixir barely worth two hundred cents, you can also exchange for one of the best xianyuandan, so you can exchange a total of four excellent xanthan and two hundred cents, you agree , Exchange if you agree? "

"Change, I change!" The other side hurriedly said that he was now at the key point of the mid-term immortal.

"Get it. Here are four cents and two hundred cents!"

The shopkeeper gave the other four immortal immortals and two hundred immortal stones to the other party, and the other party left with joy.

When the second and third immortals saw this, they quickly took out their respective elixir and exchanged them for the best elixir.

As more and more immortals exchanged from Tange for the best xianyuandan, those forces who have always been concerned about this event are excited.

Unfortunately, there are restrictions on the exchange. Otherwise, they can replace the first- and second-grade elixir in the treasury with the best elixir.

But even so, they can arrange people to exchange.

Therefore, after only half a day, all the 10,000 exquisite elixir was completely exchanged, but most of these exchanged elixir were one product and two products, and three products were too rare.

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [not Song Yan] [565056488] [more than a year] [Zhang Honghai] these great rewards

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