Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1744: Tax office

The Bai family didn't resist, and Song Song planted a restraint on them, then left in a hurry and killed him at Chengcheng.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, both the Bai family and the couple returned with their heads together, and before they killed him, they forced him to interrogate him. Although the assassination was led by Cheng, the other 17 families The dispensers of the pharmacy were involved and provided assassination funds.

"Let's go!"

Song Kun lifted the restraint on the two and signaled that they could leave.

Both the Bai family and the couple couldn't believe it. In fact, they didn't think Song Ye would let them go.

"Thank you Song Gongzi, I'll wait to say goodbye!"

After gratitude, the Bai family left in a hurry.

After the opening of Song Yi ’s elixir shop the next day, the exchange rules were modified. One hundred yuan worth of elixir could be exchanged for one superb elixir, and two hundred yuan worth of elixir could be exchanged A superb elixir.

One hundred and thirty cents of immortal stone can also be exchanged for one of the best immortals.

Four cents of elixir worth one hundred cents can also be exchanged for one of the best immortals.

"It's over! It's over!"

After learning this news, the shopkeepers of the seventeen Dan pharmacies have all shown despair, and Wu Cheng has disappeared since last night. In their opinion, most of them are already fierce.

"what should I do now?"

The shopkeepers of the seventeen pharmacies have once again gathered together.

"Otherwise, let's sell all the Xianyuandans at the price of one hundred and fifty cents to Song Song. Although this will lose a lot, it is better than now!"

Eventually everyone agreed, and sent a representative to look for Song Ye.

"I can buy the best Xianyuandan in your hand for one hundred and sixty!" Song Zheng said, since this group of people have already recognized him, there is no need for him to kill them, let alone, he will not stay in the wild city for too long.

The two shopkeepers who came to the meeting were overjoyed and immediately agreed.

In the evening.

Song Kun came to a restaurant alone, and seventeen shopkeepers stood in front of the restaurant and waited.

"Have seen Song Son!"

"Good Song Man!"


Looking at the enthusiasm and greeting the seventeen shopkeepers, please, Song Ye raised his hand: "You shopkeepers don't have to be polite, let's go in and talk!"

Fine wine filled the table.

Song Ye was also rude, and said after eating and drinking: "Did you all bring Xianyuandan?"

"Brought it!"

The crowd quickly took out the storage ring and presented it. After investigation, Song Xuan gave them the immortal stone.

Everyone was relieved when Xianshi was in their hands. With Xianshi, they could buy new elixir and return.

"You guys, I wonder if you are interested in working together?" Song Yan asked with a smile.

"I don't know how Song Gong wants to cooperate?" Asked the shopkeeper.

Song Yi said: "I can sell you the best Xiandan and the best Yuandan at 80% of the market price!"

Heard that the seventeen shopkeepers were shocked.

Xianjing Dan is used as the elixir of Dixian, while Yuandan is used by Jinxian.

Although there are these two kinds of elixir in their shop, but the quantity is very small, Xianjing Dan barely can get some top quality, like Xiangyuan Dan is the top quality!

Now, Song Yan can provide them with two kinds of best elixir, which is definitely a great thing for their elixir.

As for why Song Yan didn't sell it by himself?

He is an ascending fairy. If he is too arrogant, I am afraid that he will attract the masters of the local fairy. In order to reduce the trouble, he can borrow the seventeen shopkeepers to help him sell elixir.

After some deliberation, all 17 intend to cooperate with Song Yong.

Song Zheng nodded: "Now, let's talk about my request. Half of these elixirs can be paid by immortal stone, and the other half must be paid by more than three products of elixir. I can drop to 50%! "

Hearing the conditions put forward by Song Kun, the shopkeepers present were very moved.

It's a pity that the five grades and six grades of immortals are too precious. For so many years, they have only a few strains.

In the end, these shopkeepers still couldn't resist the temptation of low prices. In the next few days, they sought Song Xun for the only few Wupin immortals and exchanged the best Xianyuandan.

This day.

Song Ye was drinking tea on the lounge chair placed in the elixir store. The exchange of elixir was completely done by the daughters, and he didn't need to intervene.

at this time.

A middle-aged man rushed in with four guards.

And shouted, "Who is the owner of this store, stand up for me!"


Song Zheng turned up and sat up, looking at the other side, he vaguely felt that the person who came was not good.

The middle-aged man smiled, but his eyes were cold: "Very good, I am Wei Zhong, one of the tax officials under the city's government house. We investigated that your shop has not yet paid taxes to the city's government house. Let's pay the tax now! "

"How much to pay?" Song Yan asked.

The tax officer Chi Zhong played with the taste: "You are a rising fairy, and you have not taken the initiative to register with the city's government. You are suspected of tax evasion. How much income we can find! "

"70%, why don't you grab it!"

Upon hearing this, the daughters exploded, and the hot-tempered Tuoba Xianer couldn't help it.

"What? Do you still want to resist taxes?"

Wei Chizhong sneered, and then glanced across the girls, and could not help but have a bit of kinky-evil.

Song Yan's eyes suddenly became cold, but a smile appeared on his face immediately: "Master Yu Chi, I wonder if I can take a step to speak!"

Speaking, Song Yong deliberately played with a storage ring in his hand.

Seeing this, Wei Chizhong's eyes flashed, flashing greed, commanding four commanders, and then following Song Kun to the backyard.

"Little gift, unwilling, please Master Wei Chi don't mind!"

Song Yan stuffed the storage ring into Yu Chizhong's hand.

The other party looked at the storage ring and found that there were a million immortals in it, and the greed in his eyes was stronger, but his face was deliberately sinking, and the words were scolded: "What are you doing? Do you want to bribe my official? "

"No, then I'll get it back!"

During the conversation, Song Ye directly took the storage ring from the other side.

Suddenly, Yu Chizhong's face became extremely ugly, and he said insincerely, "Are you teasing my official?"

"Yes! I'm just teasing you, and I will hit you!"


Raising a slap fan, Yu Chizhong was slaped by Song Ye.

"Asshole, you dare to do something with this official, you are dead!" Wei Chi Zhong growled angrily.


Song Yan sneered, stepping on the other side and stepping on the other side, screaming repeatedly.

After exhaling, he played a magical power to enslave each other.

"Let's talk, what is going on?" Song Yan asked each other.

Wei Chizhong said truthfully: "Return to the owner. In fact, the second day you opened the store, you were followed by our tax office. The reason why I didn't find you right away was that I wanted to take more fairy stones from you!"

"Who is the biggest official in your tax office?"

"Return to the host, it is Jiang Mingsheng! This person is the son of the Lord Lord's worship brother, and won the trust of the Lord Lord!"

Song Yan sneered: "Okay, tonight you invite him to Bayun Restaurant!"

[Off-topic by the author]: One more, thanks for the reward

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