Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1747: Doo Xuan Xian

Inside the temple.

Song Chang exhaled a long spit of breath and felt the changes in his body. A smile appeared on the corners of his mouth. After taking a lot of superb elephants like Yuandan, his strength finally reached the middle of Jinxian.

It ’s just a pity that Xiang Yuandan will not help him much in the future. If you want to quickly improve to the late Jinxian period, you have to collect six-pin elixir and seven-pin elixir to make more advanced elixir.

As soon as he thought about it, Song Xun stepped out of the temple and was about to release the girls from the temple, but felt that an overwhelming fairy consciousness suddenly enveloped the entire inn where he lived.

"It's Xuanxian!"

Song Yan's face sank slightly, and he must be Xuanxian with such a huge immortality.


Silhouettes flashed, and two people suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

One is a tall, mighty middle-aged man, and the other has a handsome appearance, but his temperament is slightly feminine, and his eyes are full of resentment.

"The magical power of Jiang Mingsheng was broken!"

As soon as he saw Jiang Mingsheng, Song Ye knew that the magical power he had controlled the opponent was already broken, and the person who broke the magical power was probably the middle-aged man in front of him.

"Uncle is him! It is this **** who has banned my soul!"

Jiang Mingsheng pointed at Song Yan, his voice was full of anger and resentment.

"The aftermath of the Demons?"

Lonely staring at Song Kun, he asked coldly.

"No!" Song Yan shook his head calmly.

"Whether you are or not, but your biggest nephew is your biggest mistake!"

As soon as the voice fell, the lonely backhand slaps Song Ye.

The power contained in this palm is not strong, that is, the level of Jinxian, but the power contains some kind of mysterious law.

If you want to achieve Xuanxian, you need to understand the rules of heaven and earth, and incorporate the sensed rules into the body, condensing into the rule Xuanfu, you can call it Xuanxian.

Human immortals, earth immortals, and even golden immortals fight for strength.

Therefore, Renxian may also defeat Dixian, Dixian may defeat Jinxian, but Jinxian is absolutely impossible to defeat Xuanxian who has mastered the power of the law.

Therefore, in the history of the Langya fairyland, it is rare to be able to use the cultivation of Jinxian to defeat Xuanxian.


Although Song Zheng understood this, he did not fear the other side and fisted against him.

But the moment the two sides met, Song Yong felt a mysterious force full of destruction crashing into his body.


He stepped back a few steps in a row, only to wear away the mysterious law power by virtue of the star **** body and the immortal power that is many times stronger than the ordinary Jinxian mid-term.

However, his heart became extremely heavy. The strength of the opponent's palm was only equivalent to that of ordinary Jinxian, but he still repelled him, and even nearly injured him. You must know that in the middle of ordinary Jinxian, he could completely stab it. Dead, Xuanxian really is extraordinary.

The loneliness was also quite unexpected. The opponent did not get hurt after receiving his palm. He only stepped back a few steps. You must know that his palm contains the law of destruction. Even if Jinxian does not die in the later period, he will be seriously injured, not to mention the other is just a There is no mid-Jinxian period that condenses the fairy body.

"Very well, then take the deity again!"

After drinking lightly, the lonely clamor once again slaps to Song Yi, and the power and the power of the law of destruction have increased a lot.

"Good job!"

Song Yan drank lightly and did not dare to have any reservations. He urged the **** body and Xian Yuanli to throw fists.


The fists of the two slammed together in the void, and Song Kun shuddered, and then flew back, but when he was in midair, he barely stabilized his body, but a little blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

However, his injuries were not serious. He suffered only minor injuries and healed quickly even without using the light of life.

Seeing Song Min who was slightly injured, his loneliness became more and more unexpected: "It's interesting, there is no Jinxian who can take the immortal in the palm of the deity just now, and you only suffered minor injuries afterwards. In this case, let the deity See where your limits are! "

His lonely eyes blinked for a moment, with a cold light flashing, and then he shot another shot at Song Yaoyao.

The power contained in this palm has reached the level of Xuanxian, and the law of destruction contained in it is even more terrifying.


Yan Huang Jian appeared in Song Yi's hands, and then opened up the heavenly sword to welcome him.

For a time, the sword qi swept through the sky, and all the horrible sword qi strangled frantically at the lonely palm.


But at the next moment, Song Xuan smashed back and smashed heavily on the ground. Wow, he spit out blood, his internal organs cracked, especially the law of destruction that hit him was still destroying him. body of.

"Suppress me!"

Song Xuan urged the Ninth Change of the Stars and the Ninth Change. Suddenly, a large amount of energy poured into his body, causing him to grow a whole circle.


Hundreds of times their own power finally defeated the chaotic destruction of power.

The next moment, Song Ye stood up from the ground, staring at the lonely, holding Yan Huang sword on his right, and a light knife on his left.

He felt a huge gap between himself and loneliness, but he didn't want to give up on it. He would like to see how much gap he had with the opponent after he showed his hole cards.

This time, he didn't wait for the other to take the shot, he took the initiative to kill him.

The right hand casts a skybreaking sword against a lonely mad attack, while the left-handed time sword cuts continuously into the gap.

"Good swordsmanship, great magic!"

With lonely waving his palms to resist, Song Yong's swordsmanship was easily broken, but after coming into contact with the magic knife of the years, he felt that his life had actually passed a lot.

Although he has a life span of hundreds of thousands of years, he suddenly has a life of hundreds of thousands of years, but he still feels a little weak for a short time.

The Heavenly Sword Technique is the top-level fairy swordsmanship, but unfortunately, Song Yuan has not yet realized the power of the rules. Therefore, the true power of this swordsmanship cannot be exhibited.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

The energy hits constantly, and with the fight, the power of solitary delusion becomes stronger and stronger, and even the power of the rules he uses is more.

Jiang Mingsheng had hid a long time ago, and looked at Song Yan, who had fought with loneliness. His eyes were shining with uncertain light.


After fighting the eighteen strokes, Song Yong was printed on his chest with a solitary palm and hit by the opponent's palm. Song Yue felt his body almost collapsed.

"Extinction of pupils!"

Just then, his eyes burst into two black lights.


Because they were too close, and the speed of the two black lights was too fast, the loneliness could not be completely avoided, and one of the black lights hit the shoulder.


With a moan, his shoulders were directly pierced by black light.

However, soon the flesh and blood of his wound surged, and the injury was repaired instantly.

"No way!"

Song Kun was quite regretful, and as soon as his figure flickered, he disappeared.

"Uncle, are you okay!"

Jiang Mingsheng greeted him.

"I'm fine. You go back to the city's main house first. Uncle goes after him!"

As soon as the words fell, the loneliness disappeared.

[Author off topic]: One more, thanks [Jin Yiyingsheng] for the great reward

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