Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1750: Lavish song


Two thousand applicants came to Yanwu Square in the mansion.

The interviewer was interviewed by Xiao Bai and Ning Qiangwei.

The interviewer was interviewed by Muse and Winnie.

The interview for the girl-in-law was held by Wei Le and Song Xue.

Although the previous notice has clearly stated the recruitment requirements, there are still candidates who have not met the requirements.

Therefore, after removing 200 people in the first round, more than 1,800 people remained.

Immediately, the six examiners eliminated candidates who did not look pleasing to the eye, so that there were only more than 1,500 people left.

Then, after removing the 600 local immortals, there are only more than 900 people left.

Song Yan's recruitment is to select a group of people to train from among them. Naturally, the local immortal can not be asked. As to whether those people have opinions, it is not his concern!

Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing were more fortunate that they were not eliminated for three consecutive rounds.

In the end, there were two hundred people selected for the escort; eighty people were selected for the next person, and fifty people were selected for the maid.

Among them, only three female security guards, Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing, were selected. At one time, they all had smiles on their faces.

After completing the application, Wei Le gave a training message: "My name is Wei Le, one of the housekeepers of Chu House. In the future, you will be our Chu House people. There is only one requirement for you, that is loyalty, well, now, you Come with me and meet the son! "

Forty-three people, led by Wei Le, came to a garden.

There is a gazebo in the garden. In the gazebo, Song Kun is accompanying the girls talking.

"My son, everyone is picked, a total of 430 people!"

Wei Le stopped everyone outside the garden, and then went into the garden to report.

"Let them all come in!"

Song Zheng nodded.

Soon, all 430 people came in, and Song Ye glanced away, but when he saw Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing standing in the guard group, his expression changed a little, and then he was very surprised. I did n’t expect to meet them in the fairyland.

Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing who were clear about the appearance of Song Yuan were also very surprised, but they thought that it was Chu's house, so they didn't stand out to recognize each other.

After returning to normal, Song Yan gave a simple instruction, and signaled that they could receive it.

Then watching Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing said, "You two stay!"

The named Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing were almost certain that this person was Song Yan.

"Is Xiao Song you?"

When everyone else left, Fang Tianyue finally couldn't help asking.

"I've seen Uncle Fang, and sister Jiang Jing!"

Song Yan walked out of the gazebo with a smile: "I never thought we would have a day to meet in the fairyland!"

There are three thousand fairy realms, and Song Yuan came to the Langxian fairy realm from the main world. Therefore, he is not sure whether those people in the fairy world can rise to the Langxian fairy realm.

"Xiao Song, it's you, it's so good!" Fang Tianyue was overjoyed.

After a few greetings, Song Yan invited the two into the gazebo and introduced them to the girls.

Seeing that Song Yan had so many confidantes, Fang Tianyue subconsciously glanced at Jiang Jing next to her. At first she planned to marry Jiang Jing to Song Yan.

Suddenly, Song Ye looked at him with a sudden expression and asked, "Yes, Master, my master, do they, have they ascended to the fairy realm?"

Fang Tianyue recalled: "Your Master Jun soared 100 years earlier than me nine days ago, and Jinger and I also rose more than 80 years after the sunset rose. However, the three of us, the apprentices, have been trapped in Luyan Town. I waited for Jinger to cultivate to Dixian before looking for them, but I did n’t expect to meet you first. You are indeed a genius of Huangmai. So soon you have cultivated to the late Dixian. It ’s me who is a master and is behind you Too many, even Jinger surpasses me as a master! "

"Uncle has won the prize, but I'm just lucky!" Song Yong smiled modestly: "Is there any way for Master to contact them?"

Fang Tianyue nodded: "Yes, we all carry a fairy charm. If the two parties are not far away, the fairy charm will induce induction, but it is still not easy. After all, the Langxian fairy circle is too big."

"It doesn't matter, I can arrange for people to look for Master them. I wonder if Uncle Shi can lend me that fairy charm?" Song Kun said.

"take it!"

Fang Tianyue took out the immortal symbol. After Song Yuan accepted it, he chatted with Fang Tianyue for a lot of time and learned about what happened to that world after he left the immortal world.

After talking for almost two hours, Song Ye took out two storage rings and gave them to each of them: "Uncle, younger sister, you can use the training resources in this storage ring. After you run out, ask me to ask, Qian Don't be polite with me, by the way, where is Sister Wanxia, ​​I will send someone to take her over! "

Fang Tianyue was not polite to Song Yong's gift. He took it after thanking him, but Jiang Jing hesitated. "Stupid girl, your brother is not an outsider, what kind!" Fang Tianyue glanced at her, Jiang Jing had to accept it, and then thanked Song Yan.

"Wei Le, go and arrange the residence of your uncle and sister, and arrange it in the inner court!" Immediately, Song Yan ordered Wei Le again.

In the end, Wei Le arranged for Fang Tianyue and Jiang Jing to live in a small courtyard with good environment, and then arranged for someone to pick up Wanxia to receive the courtyard.

When Fang Tianyue looked at the storage ring that Song Ye gave her, she couldn't help but quickly said to Jiang Jing: "Jinger, hurry up, look at the storage ring that your brother gave you!"

Seeing the expression of his own master, Jiang Jing realized that there must be a lot of resources in the storage ring Song Ye gave them.

She nodded, and probed the immortal consciousness into the storage ring. When she saw the pile of immortal stones, she couldn't help but hold them down. After counting them, there were a million of them.

In addition, there are dozens of elixir bottles beside the immortal stone. At the same time, a jade slip is suspended beside the elixir bottle, which should record the exercises.

For a moment, she couldn't help it.

"Jinger, is it clear?" Fang Tianyue asked.

Jiang Jing nodded: "Master, my brother gave a million immortal stones, or elixir and practice exercises!"

"This kid is so interesting!" Fang Tianyue said in a frown.

"Master, isn't this too much, or else, let's all give it back to him!" Jiang Jing suggested.

Fang Tianyue laughed and cursed: "Stupid girl, what is it? When he gave us the storage ring, the expression was casual. It seems that the boy has developed well in the fairy world. Let me see what he gave us. What is elixir! "

During the conversation, Fang Tianyue took out two bottles of elixir, one lighter in color and one darker in color, which should be filled with different elixir.

Fang Tianyue first opened the lighter-colored jade bottle and poured out an elixir, and his eyes suddenly stared round: "This ... this is the best fairy Yuandan!"

You know, they were not even willing to buy even the most common Xianyuandan before. Now Song Ye actually sent them dozens of bottles. You should know that each bottle contains a hundred pills.

Immediately, she poured out another bottle of elixir.

For a moment, Fang Tianyue's breathing became extremely rapid: "This is the best fairy essence!"

[Digression by the author]: One more, thank you [more than a year] [Chen Changyuan] [sky blue] [cloud light wind _ heart] [Shaohua dumping] [Wen Xing 45] these great rewards

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