Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1752: Pangu Kaitian

In addition to that.

The girls around him have also stepped into the Dixian level, which is quite comforting for Song Yong.

Another thing is to recruit those servants from the government. The servants are very faithful and responsible. After all, this is a job worth cherishing. If you are fired, you will lose a lot. Therefore, everyone is dedicated and there is no one who cheats. .

The next day.

Song Yan briefly explained to the daughters and entered the temple.

It took him two hours to refine 200 of the best immortal dandelions, and then he threw one into his mouth and began to urge the practice.

One day!

Two days!

Five days!

Ten days!

On the nineteenth day, Song Zheng absorbed 180 of the best immortal king dan, and he was promoted to the late Jinxian period.

Just then, Song Yan suddenly found that he disappeared into the practice room in the temple.

Instead, they are in a state of chaos.

There is no light, no air, no aura, no fairy spirit, no sound, and no soul.

It was as if he was alone in the chaos of invisible margins.

And, now that he was sleeping, no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't open his eyes.

"No, this is not my body!"

Immediately, Song Zheng realized that his body was too big, at least hundreds of thousands of feet tall.

"Don't ...?"

Suddenly, there was a flash of light in Song Yong's mind. I became Pangu. I must have broken through to the late Jinxian period, then triggered the inheritance method in Pangu lineage, and then transformed into Pangu.


Pangu, sleeping in chaos, unconsciously absorbed the air of chaos. As these chaos air entered the body, Pangu's body became stronger and stronger.

day to day.

Year after year.

Even Song Yong didn't know how many years Pangu had slept in the chaos, Pangu finally woke up.

He seemed dissatisfied with his environment, and even very disgusted, and then grabbed a huge axe beside him, slamming into the chaos in front of him.

This split is simple and straightforward, but it contains some inexplicable rhyme.

At this moment, the scene of Pan Gu's chaos was deeply imprinted in Song Yun's mind. Unfortunately, he now has no body and can only try to understand in his heart, otherwise he has to practice it himself.

Pan Gu's axe is so powerful that it instantly splits chaos into upper and lower halves.

But soon, the chaos divided into two halves came together again.

Pan Gu was very dissatisfied with this, and once again waved the giant axe to make a heavy hack. This hack is still simple and straightforward, but it also contains another indescribable Tao Yun.

Then, Pangu chopped dozens of axes in succession. Each time, Song Yuan deeply imprinted Pangu's movements into his mind and continued to practice in the sea of ​​knowledge.

With dozens of axes going down, Chaos was divided into two halves by Pangu, but he was still moving closer to each other. Seeing this, Pangu frowned and his face was thoughtful.

Then, he exhaled into fire, burning the chaos above, making the chaos above lighter and lighter, no longer going down, but floating upwards.

Seeing this scene, Song Xuan was a little puzzled. Didn't he say that Pan Gu opened the sky, and just stepped on top of his head, making it impossible to close the world?

It seems that the myth story is in Miao Chuan, maybe Pangu is not dead!


Song Kun suddenly sounded, but in the myth, there were three thousand demon gods born in the chaos. The three thousand demon gods had not appeared yet. For a time, Song Yi's heart was a little worried.

At this moment, Pan Gu exhaled another black breath.

As the black gas arrived, the chaotic air below began to condense, becoming heavier and heavier and sinking.

Seeing this scene, Song Yan's eyes brightened. If it continues like this, it shouldn't be long before the world is never closed.

But something that worried Song Kun happened. It wasn't the 3,000 Chaos Demon that came, but Pan Gu kept spitting out flames and black gas, which consumed him a lot. Song Kun could obviously feel his weakness.

So it took hundreds of thousands of years.

Pangu has become extremely weak, and the heavens and the earth have completely taken shape. Mountains and rivers have begun to appear, and every being has begun to evolve in this world.

Seeing that Kaitian was about to succeed, three thousand chaos demons appeared.

They carried out a siege insanely against Pangu, but Pangu was not afraid, waved Pangu's axe, and constantly repelled them.

However, the three thousand Chaos Demon God had iron heart to kill Pangu. Although he was repelled again and again, he did not mean to retreat at all.

This angered Pangu.

The Pangu axe in his hand crossed a mysterious trajectory, and under the cut, there were actually three hundred chaos demons killed by him.

Seeing this scene, Song Kun was amazed. Although Pan Gu ’s strength consumed more than 90% in the open sky, he was still much stronger than the three thousand deities. If it was during his heyday, three thousand chaos The devil didn't even match him with his shoes.

The death of the three hundred chaos demons did not make the remaining demons die, but became more and more crazy.

In the end, Pangu fought for tens of thousands of years with three thousand demon gods. Only three dozen demon gods were left, and they all suffered minor injuries.

Although Pangu is scarred, it still has the power to fight again.

Therefore, the remaining dozens of chaos demons fled, and Song Kun paid special attention to it. Among the dozens of demons that escaped, there was Cain, the ancestor of the blood race.

The remaining demons fled.

Pan Gu became extremely exhausted, but Kaitian was still the last step, so his body suddenly disintegrated at this time, and everything became a whole world.

Seeing this scene, Song Yan could not help but be sad and could not help crying.

But at the next moment, Song Kun discovered that he was back in the practice room in the temple, and a set of "Chaos" and a set of "Axe of the Sky" were added to his mind.

But Song Yan, who was still immersed in the sadness of Pangu's body, didn't pay much attention to these two exercises.

Then he went to sleep like that.

I don't know how long I slept, Song Yuyou woke up and her mood returned to normal.

As soon as he thought about it, the cultivation method of "Chaotic Eucharist" appeared in his mind. Chaos is the beginning and end of life. Therefore, chaos can evolve into all forces and laws.

If you push backwards, that is to say, everything in the world can be turned into chaos.


The next moment, a large number of immortal stones were torn apart, and Song Kun was surrounded by a tumult of immortality, and at this moment he also started the cultivation method of "Chaos of the Chaos."

Suddenly, his body turned into a horrible black hole, and the surrounding fairy spirit was completely sucked into the body.

With just a few breaths, the immortal spirit transformed by tens of thousands of immortals was absorbed by him.

"Good perverted throughput!" Song Kun was surprised, and even more surprised that so many immortals could not condense a trace of chaos.

"Come again!"

This time, Song Yuan directly broke off a million immortal stones. The horrible fairy spirit almost filled the practice room, and even became a liquid, which can be said to be extremely rich.


Song Ji subconsciously promoted Chaos Eucharist in accordance with Pangu's breathing rhythm, and his throughput became even more horrible. With just five breaths, he drank the millions of immortals into the immortal breath.

But to his surprise, it was still not enough to condense a trace of chaos.

[Digression by the author]: Three updates have been completed. Thank you [td95362139] [文 星 45] [My sister will not slap] Three big rewards

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