Magic Love Ring

Chapter 1768: Surrender to this seat

The Chu government reopened, and the servants and guards who had left before returned. However, instead of complaining, they were especially grateful to Song Yan.

First, it is too difficult to find such a high-paying job.

In addition, Song Ye gave them a lot of fairy stones before dismissing them. Secondly, after they returned, Song Ye increased their original salary by one hundred cents. The delayed half year also sent them the same. Wages.

Therefore, they are more grateful to Song Yan.

This day.

Song Yong is holding a guitar and singing to a group of women.

The girl suddenly came to report, and there was a man named Sima Zhen coming to see him outside.

"Take them to the living room and wait!"

Song Yan sketched a faint smile. He gave Nangong Mingzhu an idea to make them alliance with other churches. In fact, the main purpose was to force Sima Zhen.

I would like to ask, looking at the large number of people earning immortal stones underneath, there is no input for the partial rudder. Even if he can sit, the other high-level can't sit.

For a long time, I am afraid that the mind of the sub-helm will disperse, but he has ambitions for the next leader of the Holy Alliance. How can it dispel the mind of the sub-helm?

Therefore, in order to guarantee his status and interests, he must come to see Song Yan.

However, it is not so easy for Song Yong to let the other side submit.

After half an hour, Chu House welcomed the living room.

Sima Zhen put down the tea cup in his hand, and his expression was a little uncomfortable. Song Yan actually left him here for half an hour.

"This Song Yan is so arrogant!"

Zhou Yuxian said fiercely.

"To shut up!"

Sima Zhen stared at him coldly. If it wasn't Zhou Yuxian's unfavorable business at first, it would not make him so passive, but when he heard Zhou Yuxian, he still had a resentment in his heart: "Song Ye, this seat let You will be arrogant for a while, and you will have to taste the means of this seat later! "

at this time.

There was a sound of footsteps outside, and then Song Ye entered the welcoming living room with hurried steps.

Sima Zhen didn't stand up and still sat firmly on the chair.

Seeing that none of his rudder masters stood up, Zhou Yuxian and another Xuanxian naturally did not get up.

Song Yan smiled disapprovingly, and came to the theme and fell down: "Sorry, I just encountered some things to deal with, it's too late, I hope the master of Sima Rudden won't blame him!"

Sorry was said in his mouth, but all three of Sima Zhen could see that Song Zheng didn't have any apologies, most of them were intentional.

"Song Son, you may have missed our helm master too!"

Zhou Yuxian said dissatisfied.

Hearing the words, Song Yong's face suddenly became cold: "What? I have apologized to you and explained the reason, what else do you want?"

"If you think I haven't put your eyes on you, you can leave, and I didn't ask you to stay!"

"Furthermore, everyone knows why you came to me. You must have an attitude of begging others. You are so ridiculous toward me. Are you looking for help? Or do you want to show authority?"

Song Yan's words were quite rude, and Zhou Yuxian's cheeks became red at once, and her heart was full of resentment and anger.

"Yu Xian, Song Gongzi said well, begging people to be begging, and quickly apologize to Song Gongzi!" Sima Zhen said, not in a hurry.


Zhou Yuxian's complexion changed again, and finally he lowered his head toward Song Yang: "Song Deng Sorry, I just made a mistake!"

Song Yong's face re-smiled: "Knowing about mistakes can improve Mo Dayi. After elder Zhou, remember that you should not be so anxious and easy to offend people!"

Suddenly, Zhou Yuxian's complexion turned blue, but he nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Song for reminding me!"

Song Yan ignored him, but looked at Sima Zhen: "The master of Sima Rud does not speak secretly. I probably guessed your coming, so let's talk straight!"

Sima Zhen said in Song Yi: "Song son Song, I hope you can directly give us the elixir business!"

"What do you want? Why?"

Song Yan asked with a sneer.

Sima Zhen's eyes flashed with anger, but with a smile on his face: "Just because we have more power and more manpower, if you give us this business, we can Help you capture all markets as fast as possible! "

Song Yan smiled: "This alone can't move me. There are nine sub-rudders under the League of Legends. What the wind sub-rudder can help, other sub-rudders can also do it!"

Hearing that, Sima Zhen's heart was tight, and he squinted his eyes and said, "What is the condition of Song Gongzi, let's speak up!"

"I want the rudder to work for me!"

Song Yong said in a hurry.


Sima Zhen laughed loudly, never covering his inner anger, staring coldly at Song Yan: "Dong Song, are you overestimating yourself, and you, a Jinxian, are also trying to control the wind rudder indirectly?"

"The Master Sumarudian disagrees, there must be someone who agrees!"

Song Yong has a fearless way.

"You don't have that chance!" Sima Zhen said coldly: "Song Gongzi, today, I will teach you a good person, in the fairyland, if you don't have enough strength, it is best not to be too delusional!"

"Why? Isn't Sima Ruoduo going to use me strong?" Song Yan played with taste.

The next moment, Sima Zhen stood up and the breath that belonged to the late Xuanxian burst out, covering the entire living room, making the air sticky.

He looked at Song Yan and said inscrutablely: "This seat puts the words here. If you surrender to this seat, and this seat will become the leader of the Alliance, you can make you an elder of the Holy Alliance. A chance to go to the fairy tale, but if you do n’t know it, then this seat has to take you down and enslave you with the law. Now, this seat gives you ten breaths, whether to surrender to this seat, or to be Block slaves! "

"Sima Rudome is so confident?" Song Yan said lightly, without a little panic on his face.

"There is not much time, so let's make a choice early!"

Sima Zhen urged impatiently.


Song Yi stepped out and disappeared into the welcoming living room.

"Where to go!"

Sima Zhen sighed and disappeared in situ. Zhou Yuxian caught sight of another Xuanxian and quickly followed.

After half a quarter of an hour, over a piece of wasteland, Song Kun was suspended from the ground with his hands in his hands, dancing in a white robe without wind, and flowing black hair.

The next moment, the figure flashed, and Sima Zhen appeared in the sky not far away.


With a cold hum, Sima Zhen's hand grabbed Song Yong. Suddenly, Song Dong formed a large golden fingerprint on his head. At the same time, the void around him was imprisoned.

The opponent did not use the rules, only the use of Xuanxian Yuanli.

"Simatang Lord, do you look down on me like that?"

Song Yan shook his head secretly, raised his hand and blasted upward, the golden fingerprints that were about to fall were smashed by his punch.

[Author off topic]: One more, thank you [kevinh] [more than one year] [none, arrogant] [brother] [little ghost] [believe in tomorrow] [knife scholar] these great rewards

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